Congress belongs to progressives

This girl so bad. She would dominate congress.

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kek you liberals didn’t even gain a seat and you’re gloating like the impeachment started already

she will be put in her place

She’s intimidating man

I just want to eat her out so bad ughh bet she tastes so sweet


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It's because she looked like a goblin that crawled out of the sewer and got veneers on her teeth and a Manhattan makeover.
kinda like how maxine waters looks like the female grimlin.

>ZERO experience as a legislator
>policies outside the mainstream of her own party
>her own party’s leadership has downplayed her victory
Oh yeah she’ll be really effective. Her district just fucked themselves

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I would love to ask Ocasio-Cortez, in her bartending days, a couple months back, if she would split her tips evenly between all the barbacks, bouncers, cooks, doorguys, and cocktail waitresses, or did she keep the majority of the tips for herself and tip these people out what she felt they deserved.

Knowing that she didn’t split tips equally amongst the staff in her bartender days a few months ago, how come she didn’t practice the socialism that she believes she should force upon others when she had the opportunity to practice it at her job?

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Funny thing is she won't fulfill a single campaign promise in one of the most left leaning states and she'll be voted in again and again

why is Jow Forums so obsessed with some random congressional candidate?

No matter what pic I see featuring this slut her eyes always look so deranged. Like she's ready to snap any second and murder someone.

> She would dominate congress.
> a millennial woman
> implying she won't be bought
> by a mere corporate position after her service for demorats' donors' deed is done
Lmao, the absolute state of American socialists

She would

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She looks tough. Men won’t know how to handle her.

I might as well put this here since this thread is clearly a joke.
My neighbor broke their arm. What should I write on the cast?

>She looks diseased. Men won’t know how to handle her.
Fixed that for you whitey.

Why she looks like the broad that changed my sheets at the hotel this weekend?

>virtue signaling has never been tried
>free medicare
your move, smarty pants.


Because she beat the next in line (if they ever got majority again) for speaker in the house who in some polls had a 35% lead. It's a major shift in the Dem party as they push further and further left while importing shitskins who vote as a bloc. We're going to commander more and more of their white base in purple states every day, it's a great thing for us as long as we can keep up the momentum and overton window shift.

nigger jew.

She was unironically cute until about 2 years ago, now hitting the wall hard

She shows why immigration is bad - let those non-whites into this nation of laws and they always set to trying to destroy the very things that made our country great.

She is now being supported by that fat pajeeta Mindy Kaling. Her parents chose to live in a white country and flee india- it has no rule of law and is majority non-white. So their daughter now wants to abolish Ice and make America a country of no rule of law and majority non-white

It's in their nature, we should deport them all

It is good for us in the coming decade - if the left goes full retard and tries to abolish ice

but the problem is the demographic changes - most non-whites will vote tribally, always have, always will

Try going to South Africa as a white man and running on a platform of the rule of law economic freedom, basic civilisation 1010 - they will vote for their tribal black candidate instead

the same will happen here unless we manage to stop women voting and get deporting all post-1965 immigrants

Lol is this guy serious?

> implying

She's another stupid attention whore, like all politicians. Politics is advanced attention whoring for people who enjoyed social studies in grade school.

Oh yes, how did Ian Smith do in the 1980 Rhodesia election?

Replace the whites with non-whites and you will find they vote for more third world policies

They are celebrating their shift further to the left.
Haha no more Globalist Democrats, now we have a full blown communist spic! Yippee!

>uhhh she's a democratic socialist
This has been a front for the communist party for decades.
There is no such thing as a Democratic Socialist in the USA. They are all full blown commies, and their DSoA conventions reflect that.

Where are her tax returns and bank records? Why is nobody asking for these?