Literally who design firm, who started in August of 2017, helps create one of the most effective campaign designs...

>literally who design firm, who started in August of 2017, helps create one of the most effective campaign designs, in the history of US politics
>all within her campaign spending budget of "150k"
>muh purple revolution

Why are people ignoring how incredibly suspicious this all is? She already lied about her history, so, what else is she hiding from the public?

Attached: marketing.jpg (1410x795, 250K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This was carefully orchestrated, and is standard Democrat practice.
>find nobody candidate
>rocket them to fame at the very last minute

We all thought Bill Clinton was a fucking joke and DONE FOR when he said, "I smoked, but I didn't inhale." Then boom. He won the nomination. And then the presidency. Eight long years of his bullshit. Al Gore lost. Everybody knew who he was. No secrets there. Then, suddenly, out from nowhere, Obama. A literal who. The Dems rocket him to super star status and he wins the presidency. Then we endure eight long years of that bullshit.

Do rtd schmucks even realize that their stupid conspiracy theories are just senseless and only make her look better?
And it's not like the progressives have many options, DSA is the only answer to corporate/law-and-order Dems and GOP fascists...

Her organization is funded by one of George Soros' foundation. So of course her design firm did great; it was probably founded by SJWs marketing gurus to do this job and bank on that for future work. I'd be interested to learn more about them, after reading OP.

Nice proxy.

I dunno

The dsa has a lot of legitimate support from cucks nationwide. But realistically she won because Puerto Ricans just pulled the lever for the first Hispanic name they saw with a d next to it. Like 5% of the district voted.

Attached: 36465235_925449377651062_2551594793008365568_n.jpg (768x960, 78K)

They know their target audience. Pic related.

Attached: sign w rainbow version.jpg (728x482, 74K)

Lock her up.
Fucking literally saying she's going to steal our money.
Hang the ho.

>Scott Starrett
>Shaun Gillen
>Tandem Design NYC,
>also co-founded Justice Democrats and the Brand New Congress
>Maria Arenas
>Tandem designer Maria Arenas joined Starrett to work on the campaign. Arenas, a 24-year-old woman of color, had never designed for a political campaign, so she said she came into the project with no preconceptions of what Ocasio-Cortez’s should look like, aside from knowing it had to be true to the candidate.
>“Alexandria is a candidate with a revolutionary spirit,” Arenas says. “Voters heard it when she spoke. The branding is a reflection of her, which made it successful.”

Attached: Scott Starrett Shaun Gillen Maria Arenas.jpg (774x383, 72K)

Sanpaku eyes.

Obama was the most blatant example of this. I remember when he spoke at the DNC in 2004, and every commentator on TV used the same talking points to describe him ("inspirational," "up-and-comer," etc.). It was glaringly obvious that he had already been chosen to be the Dem's candidate in '08.

I will say that the DSA do have good marketing and exposure. They are making a huge gain in Montana, especially the cities. Gianforte will lose to a progressive and it's gonna suck

Also, any other design nerds see anything familiar in her marketing?

Attached: rodchenko_0001.jpg (1793x1267, 2.22M)

Justice Democrats Wikipedia page says it was started by Young Turks' Cenk guy.

Attached: justice democrats wiki screenshot.jpg (1139x512, 115K)

Justice Democrats board member was Ocasio-Cortez.

Attached: justice democrats pac ocasio-cortez board member.jpg (1115x100, 37K)

Yes, it's definitely made in similar vain of those classic socialist posters.

Weird, I just attempted to archive the page, and it had been done 6 months ago, and had "The current board of Justice Democrats is Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Saikat Chakrabarti."

This. My nigga knows

Attached: 5DE27CFF-7811-429D-B4DC-76867C802A75.png (1604x1388, 1.74M)

When you really want love, you'll find it waiting.

Attached: 1526891081148.png (250x240, 13K)

The only thing more obvious than this is "G-d" posting.

Attached: 19958930_10211942660496206_6456918504170243159_n.jpg (604x604, 62K)

Stop calling her a Democrat she is a communist.

She's a member of the Democratic Socialists of America. Look up DSA they are full "seize the means" commies. Call for an end to capitalism, one world government ect.

Just fuck my country up senpai

Literally nothing wrong with this you libertarian fascist.

It's just standard rich Jew funding

Did you guys see all the retro graphics that the WOW (Wobblies) had been using since they made a reappearance? Same stuff.

Literary everything wrong with this commie filth.

>Obama. A literal who. The Dems rocket him to super star status
Literally this. Obama was a community organizer. They used the same damn script with this thot.

Attached: 00E0E_iT0QEdkuicc_600x450.jpg (403x403, 28K)

Same difference.

This. Name the communist. Don't let them get away with hiding behind "safe labels". Call a commie a commie! Mcarthy was right all along.