AMLO wins

A chingar a su madre pejefóbicos

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Que disfrutes tu torta y tu frutsi

al contrario chayotero, no necesito ni una ni otra que para eso trabajo. ahora si podré ver a tus jefes con proceso judicial y huyendo del pais.

Disfruta a tu nuevo presidente, que se te quede bien grabado.

Absolutely nothing will change and you know it.

As if Mexico wasn't a big enough shit hole already. Best of luck becoming Venezuela 2.0

M-Maybe... O is... going to kill the cartels...

This can't be happening. I'm in charge here.

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Y'all's about to let AMLO's alligator mouth override Mexico's hummingbird ass. Your shit's going get pushed in, Paco. You'd best get to building that wall. Don't even wait for us to ask. Get to laying brick.

I can't wait until we push every one of you dirty brown monkeys into the sea somewhere in southern Chile. Then there will be no more and no single other race on the planet will weep for you.

Go ahead, we are demanding the wall to. That way you can kill each other, isolate from the world and starve to death without blaming us. Good luck ameriturd.


Your hubris and your ignorance are the results of decades of socialist education pushed by the likes of Lázaro Cárdenas. Every candidate was shit, but I know you are too stupid to understand why this is bad so I'll explain as simply as I can: the hard left just took every seat and every town hall. Even if Andres Manuel works well with the private sector, you just put an awful lot of Marxists in charge of everything, you gargantuan piece of asslard. We are fucked.

>kill the cartels
Nope, or at least not "kill" in the literal form.

You can leave México you know?. We don't need smartasses like you. The door is open. As for me i'm goint to work really hard in order to make a change in my life so is in compliance to this national change.

enjoy your gibs indio.

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>implying hes a shill

Mfw you just became what you most hated. A chairo.

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is this crashing the country to reset it or genuine commification?

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wtf that's not my pic

I will, but not as much as I enjoy your salt.


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>A R E N O S O

go back to Facebook

Se te ardió el culito?

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Take this song, brother. I will pray that you will survive the communism. I pray, brother.

how socialist is he? does he talk about solidarity, neoliberalism, gender theories, late stage capitalism and shit like that?

quiere al PRIAN fuera del poder
asi que vota por toda la gente que se salio o corrieron del PRIAN para formar un partido nuevo

Mexican correction the record buthurt, only the ones loosing their free gibs are criying and shouting doom and gloom, wherent you guys going to leave the country if glorious peje won?

a socialist gov like Venezuela and Nicaragua
what could go wrong?

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Please go on neochairos, im having a great laugh here

Lmaoing at your life, mate

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Hire them more like. I expect a rush to the border next year

For those who were saying that you were going to leave the country if Peje win, don't let the door open. A chingar a su madre!

>mexico turns shittier
>more migration to the us
Prepárense, ese!

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Madre mia. Mexico se va por el sumidero.

Tranquilo Manolo, la alternancia de partidos es muy saludable para un sistema democratico. Deberías intentarlo en tu pais.

Me too chayotero

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how deluded and mentally deranged you have to be to support a literal retard sided with extremely corrupt cronies in his cabinet?

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The US decides to let the CIA of the leash and do their thing and turn them into Venezuela and and Nicaragua.

>No lo sabe.
Yo que tu iraia acomulando latas de atún, papel higienico y criptomonedas. Tambien puedes ir ahorrando para pagar a los coyotes.

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>this reading comprehension

Im with amlo you dummie

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So honestly, what the fuck is this guy's platform? All I keep hearing is this dude's a massive leftist and is supposedly cracking down on corruption. Can some white mexican fill a clueless american in?

Not deranged, just mexican
Remember, our country's average IQ is around 80, that alone should tell you enough

Estos son indios prietos porculeros que no se bañan, no estudian, no trabajan y sobreviven gracias al asistencialismo. Son huevones, derrotistas, sumisos y cabeza agachadas. Son la escoria de la nación y merecen ser los primeros en ser ejecutados cuando el verdadero cambio llegue a México.

Well not as retarded as you if you still support PRIANistas despite been exposed their dirty business by the Auditoría Superior de la Federación. Or should i recall you los Duartes, Estafa maestra, Odebrecht, reformas estructurales that only sold mexico to foreigners, allows them to do fracking and taught to children to be fags, casa blanca, thousands of deads made by crime, etc.?

deberías callarte la puta boca, en cuanto se acabe la hucha de las pensiones España estará en quiebra, si a día de hoy no se ve igual que méxico es porque esconden su miseria moral y social mejor, y porque la gente es tan vaga y cobarde que se dejan pisotear por el gobierno al que le chupan la polla con gusto y tragándose toda la lefa.

No necesito Manolo, onions ingeniero de software y puedo trabajar home office para una empresa estadounidence o española. Quien sabe en una de esas hasta te quito el trabajo.

ok srry

Now try without crying, amigo ;^)

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Al parecer no sabes lo suficiente de software para saber que "soý" es una palabra filtrada en Jow Forums.

Jajajaja chan cambia el S 0 Y por onions

No lo sabía, pero gracias por hacérmelo notar. Por cierto postear eun un foro no es programar lo sabías?

How bad will be this be for Mexico?

Venezuela 2.0

We dont know exactly what would happen but they won a big part of the congress too

You gullible piece of shit believe everything they put in front of you. Those claiming to leave were clearly bots used by the same AMLO people to provoque the same reaction you have right now.

This is fucked up... I saw DACAS and mojarras voting in Califnornia for MORENA.... I guess they are never planning to ever come back.

Finally we are gonna have the president we deserve.... AND THAT'S NOT A GOOD THING.

What did you say asshole? she's unfortunately a public figure.

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Well, good luck to you m8s. We are also not exactly known to be represented by smart politicians.

We are fucked no matter what.

Assume AMLO is the real deal and will be the best fucking president ever... but then you look at the big clusterfuck of oportunistic fucks and corrupt politicians under his banner. One president is not enough to unfuck Mexico.

Just to let you know that Mexico has developed regardless of you liking these parties in the last 20 years what it had never done in the other 70

Lies if he goes to much you can bet your ass trump will send CIA niggers to bring /our/guy the murderous right wing death squad general.

>If AMLO wins, it shows a country full of ignorant people
>AMLO wins

based Galilea

Please say it, you know you want it.

Say amlo is la mafia del poder and just finish your transformation into a chairo

english, motherfuckers

At least she has the money and influence to get out legally. Good for her.

I am willing to accept criticism from fucking anywhere but not from fucking Spain, your main party now is also socialist and your unemployment level is so high it is a disgrace.

that's ignorant. Mexico has been sold to foreigners since Porfirio Díaz ruled, then Ordaz, luego Lopez Portillo, Salinas, Zedillo, Peña and guess what those come from PRI!

so what does this mean Mexicanons ?

They may not get to the point of sending a death squad, but it is obvious that it is not in the U.S. interest for Mexico to become a socialist country and that they will try to do everything they can to prevent it.

>A chingar a su madre pejefóbicos

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And thanks to them you can wipe your ass and brush your teeth, literal brainlet
Oh, but you probably weren't there when there were toothpaste shortages with the same retad policies amlo wants

>Mexican Intellectual

>Porfirio Diaz
>creates nationwide railway infrastructure
>peso is worth more than U.S Dollar
>Indio that spoke Mixtec, Spanish and French
>18 years on campaign
>has never worked
>indio that can barely speak spanish

oh fuck, you guys are truly brainwashed

I fucking knew AMLO's victory jinxed our match against Brazil.

thank the chairos

Wost day of you neet life


That's what PRI does.

Imagine AMLO praising Peña and calling him the most democratic president in Mexico. Screen cap this, its going to happen.

Losing your national team and your government in 24 hours, fucking kek!!

This is truly Mexico's darkest hour.

Who cares about a third world country such as Mexico, I hope we nuke them off the map.

Diaz was a dictator who was squashed by american intervention. Cardenas failed cause you fags failed to diversify. Neo liberalism failed cause you sold any industry you had left cause you failed to. Diversify thus killing you national socialist nation.

>Porfirio Diaz a dictator

You are probably stupid mojarra . Mr. Juan Perez, When you take the bus to work or back to your home after selling oranges in the street, please do some reading, sonething that isn't facebook and helps your brain.

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>ahora si podré ver a tus jefes con proceso judicial y huyendo del pais.
implicando que TU jefe no loj perdone antej!!
No tienes que buscar a los corruptos fuera cuando los tienes en casa, con Bejarano, Bartlett y Ebrarrd, que ya es parte del equipo de transicion!
man, we dont know. Our bets are that our new pres promised all kind of shit to its supporters that he will not deliver and many of them will have a reality check.
He, as an experienced politician, promised shit to one group only to promise the opposite thing on other speeches. And its all on video.
TL;DR: the promised so much shit to groups so diverse that he is digging his own hole, only his current supporters believes otherwise.

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Hah kaiserreich is coming closer to reality with syndicalists taking power in mexico, coincidentally this means that america will annex mexico withing the next 10 years and genocide all mexicans. What a great day.

Your tears are sabrosas

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At least they are doing "something" about their corrupt politicians.
Us? AMLO is willing to put every trace of the current pres misdeeds under the rug.
Yeah he will deal with our corruption by looking elsewhere! La maJia del peJe!

I look forward to the Apache gunship kill vids once Mexico collapses and the military is forced to intervene

>Hah kaiserreich is coming closer to reality with syndicalists taking power in mexico,
Merkel for Kaiserin when?

>M*xican intellectual

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