but it is important to not get bogged down into the anger etc. I have been bogged down too. Think about the issues that face us practically but never let that change your desire for care and love of other humans.
Remember what we are wanting to achieve.. If you remember this all started as a reaction to an attack on us as white people, but that does not mean we have to become the thing we hate.
>Current problems Ensuring the third world humans don't starve?
Cameron Lee
We need to protect ourselves as a priority, but we must also still care about other races. Harm needs to be minimized, this could all go very badly, and that is good for nobody.
Zachary Murphy
> but we must also still care about other races
Yeah but with a massive caveat..... Protecting the starving in Africa is a fucking stupid idea. They just become dependent on us or worse try to move here.
Andrew Myers
we cant become the thing we hate because there was never any "we"
this is the core thing that people don't understand about this place. it's full of all kinds of people that think all kinds of things.
"racist neo nazi hitler lovers" but let me ask you this, where else in the world have you seen so many cock and balls and interracial porn and vore and...well you get the picture.
Kevin Jackson
Yeah we have to be practical. Everyone would actually be better off if we just kept to ourselves and were an example to other, creating new technologies etc. This leaves it up the Africans to elevate themselves. We can maybe provide some protection and gentle nudge but outright getting all in their business and throwing food at them will not actually empower them.
Think about what Kanye is saying, he truly wants to empower black people, from the ground up. The current orthodoxy is to foster resentment and failure in them whilst throwing money at them. This is not empowering.
Aiden Robinson
You need to examine your thoughts a bit more closely.
Ryder Powell
i think you need to stop examining things you see here so closely and judging people you don't even know based on things you read here.
Caleb Nelson
You are caught up in it, just from the other side.