One thing i dislike about you altright virgins is your argument sucks...

One thing i dislike about you altright virgins is your argument sucks. You shouldn’t be concerned with saving ALL of the white race. Some white people are dumb as FUUUUUUCK. Are they worth saving?

No. Eugenics is a much better argument. Adults with desirable traits should be paired with someone who also has desirable traits. Everyone else should be sterilized and then as a result of their sterilization they should receive some kind of compensation in the form of tax exemption and access to social services like healthcare an ebt.

You don’t need to be starilized but for the people who choose not to; a male can not impregnate a female with desriable qualitys. You an you’re children also cannot get access or any socail services.

While i will agree that the average white nigger is not nearly as dumb or violent as the actual nigger. They are still not worth saving simply because they are white. Not in my book.

I mean even hitler thought Russians and polish people where one the lowest forms of life. And they look pretty white.

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>I mean even hitler thought Russians and polish people where one the lowest forms of life.
And just look at those countries today. Fucking entire countries of white trash.

as a genetics fangirl I sort of agree with you but also know this is a terrible idea. one doesnt have to look very far in human genetic engineering of dogs cats nobles and horses to understand selecting for traits on our way results in terrible shit for the offspring. if technology allowed us to simply forgo problems like cicle cell anemia, bad hips, and other genetic cancer that can plague a subspecies if poorly chosen.

Furthermore, with epigenetics, and male supremacy, it makes the most sense to only allow the top men to breed and select against the bottom. the women don't matter so much since while you can and should select from us to some extent, the men can do this sort of shit way faster due to reproduction not being bottlenecked.

The issue of course is this is all very well and good in theory but in practice it falls apart because this level of genetic engineering either causes unfixable sickness or rapid degeneration of society due to infighting between men and the severe competition that results from it.

People have a tendancy to think more is better but the IQ gap in communication, the level of IQ necissary to appeal to the broad public, and the behavior of people with high IQ, or stronger muscles, or other traits are all subject to a wide veriety of complexes that make it impossible to say for certain weather or not this will lead to a more healthy population.

I fully agree though that eugencis should be applied to ANYONE seeking free gibs such as health care. these gibs artificially inflate reproduction among all groups and their poverty causes more poverty which increases the strain on these institutions causing a self defeating cycle. without sterilization for these benefits, you are basically setting a fire without a chimney.

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So what you’re saying is...

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Yeah and i say we should sterilize you considering you cannot even understand your own language and use You're instead of your children

trolling is a art.

>one doesnt have to look very far in human genetic engineering of dogs cats nobles and horses to understand selecting for traits on our way results in terrible shit for the offspring
That's because these groups are NOT selected for optimal health and form. They're selected for deformities intentionally or because of capitalism.

Eugenics is the most scariest thing a government could do. Closing the borders and not giving welfare to people solves the bad gene pool problem.

I just want to see you trying to forcefully snip off balls from even 5% of the population. What will happen to your government will be brutally hilarious.
Positive selective breeding may work, but any attempt to revoke reproductive right from someone except those with outright damaged genes & inherent diseases will make people fight harder than if you just threaten their lives.
>I mean even hitler thought Russians and polish people where one the lowest forms of life.
Where is Hitler now? Wanna try pull of same shit as him? Just warn your mommy to not resist when I decide to pay you visit in return, this way she will live after boys finish having fun with her.

no. eugenics used by a central planner has failed in the past. eugenics that works with enhanced selection works better. for example iceland has eliminated more than 90% of its down syndrome babies because mothers opted to do so voluntarily. this form of eugenics works better as nobody can say it should be illegal because her body her choice type of arguments

As a genetic fangirl you should probably know that all those problems with dogs is a result of bad breeding practices that will be eliminated with proper breeding.

Although you bring up a good point and i guess you’re right that the bar for women to be considered good breeding stock should be set lower then the men. Its also why a good man should be alowed to impregnate any women but a female should only be alowed to breed with a good man.

I also know that Jow Forums loves crime statistics so do you know what a even better indicator of criminality is? Even better then race? IQ!!!! People of low intelligence make up a VAST majority of crimanals.

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>Mass sterilization won't come back to bite us
Sounds like you'd be one of those to be sterilized, downy.

You don’t revoke reproductive rights. You insensitvise the weak to snip there balls themselves. An as automation goes on and we aproceh 100% unemployment. People become more reliant on the government and access to social services in exchange for sterilization becomes more attractive.

What is important is a societal change of Pace back to the 30s. Where eugenics is accepted again.

>take away individual choice.
A war of extermination would be much more honorable.

>sterilization they should receive some kind of compensation in the form of tax exemption and access to social services like healthcare an ebt.
>sterilize 90% of the population
>exempt them from taxes
>Give them "free healthcare"
>Economy Collapses


We’ve already solved it. Women will be alowed to reproduse a larger number then men. Thus will pay taxes. You’re also not taking into account the fact that the population will drop considerably in two generations. So there will be less people to support, while having that added benefit of helping the environment overall.

Also what if you’re secretary and the dude who draws your blood are all unpaid computers?

I feel like I'm losing brain cells reading your post.
This isn't normal retardation, this is advanced retardation.

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but they are our dumbfucks you knit whit

>implying this will change


>first sentence in OP's posts has altright and virgin in it

sage it niggers

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>hurr durr let's create an authoritarian super state that breeds super humans, let's not give the people the freedom to have children or fall in love with whoever they want but instead let's forbid women with desirable qualities to have sex with what the state sees as men not worth to have babies.
Are you retarded? Are you delusionally living in some fantasy world or something?
Go find yourself a women of your own, are you so desperate and hateful that you want some big authority figure to decide for you who to fuck? Are you not aware of the double helix and how certain traits are recessive and others dominant, thus pairing up two 'ubermenschen' doesn't mean that their children will be uber as well. Do you want the state to have some kind of database of every citizen and their DNA? Do you perhaps even want Genetically Modified babies and cloning to create some kind of perfection? Is that what your autistic mind wants, some perfect being?

While reading your post all i herd was angles singing an only could see ranbows and world peace... this guy gets it.

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Sounds to me like you want to buttfucked and dominated. Sort yourself out.
Is your neighborhood really so bad? Do you hate people so much and unable and resentful that they can find happiness and you can't?

Fool even if i told you i was fairly happy you wouldn’t believe it. Its convenient to think that every misanthrope must be solely motivated by unhappyness. Rather than a pragmatic sense of compassion. Would you even believe such a thing possible?

Your approaching this eugenics with some kind of pseudoscientific/mystical world view, do you think we can breed away all the problems?

please castrate us all i dont give a fuck