Is physical augmentation morally sound?
Is physical augmentation morally sound?
If the person is an amputee already then i have no issue with this technology.
It's when you enter Deus Ex style transhumanist body mutilation territory it gets iffy.
People have been wearing glasses for hundreds of years
>Is physical augmentation morally sound?
Depends on the augmentation.
It's cool, so I don't care
how about a robotic eye instead, is that too far?
fuck off clank
Bite my shiny metal ass, fleshy
The part in human revolution where you can choose to get the firmware update shows the most valid reason to oppose tranahumanism. When you physically (literally) give up some of your autonomy and become dependent on machines that someone else made, you no longer are truly in control of your own body. The way copyright and shit works, google's augment division would own all the code that would make your shit work and they'd probably reserve the right to fuck with it as they pleased. Get one shitty update and your body is at the mercy of some coder working for some megacorp.
transhumanism will be the doom for humanity
because the tech will be controlled by a tiny elite.