After the U.S placed tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum the Canadian government has responded with a "dollar to dollar" response on more than 140 American goods.
We also used the NDP (left socialists) plan to fight in the Trade War. Motion passed unanimously, nothing from conservatives as everyone is for supply management.
>Will leafs get raked or will burgers get grilled? 60% or so of our exports go to the US. 2% of the US' exports go to Canada. Europe is already saturated with Germany's exports. There's only so much of value we can still export to CHYYNA. They're mostly interested in buying Canadian assets now, not our products. AND Trump is renegotiating trade deals with other nations as well and will demand that they increase imports from the US, which will probably be at the expense of Canada's exports. So yeah, if we keep this up, we get raked. Trudeau's team are hoping that Trump will back off to avoid a relatively minuscule hit to the US' economy. But he could collapse Canada's economy if he wanted. Canada can't do shit.
Andrew Myers
I'm saying once shit gets too far, if it even gets that far but generally speaking smaller economies get fucked if they try to trade war with a bigger economy
Julian Nguyen
we have lots of wood to chop down and lakes to fish
Angel Roberts
It seems like initiating a trade war when you rely on them to buy your products is like shooting your customer before they walk in the door. Hell, even China backed down to Trump in the trade war for real free trade without tariffs.
Aaron Baker
please canada... have mercy
Samuel Clark
there is still lots of demand for lumber in america and they seem to have accepted higher prices for the lumber due to the tariffs. Hopefully this happens with Steel and Aluminum as well.
>Trump could just tell navy to blockade your ports lol never going to happen in a million years you memer
Jaxon Clark
Problem is that once the US crank up production, imports from Canada will go down, and will probably stay down even after the tariffs are removed.
Nathan Diaz
Not necessarily, you have China.
Christian Price
I live in 33
Cameron Wood
This trade war will officially end Canada as we know it. Our economy has been shit since the 2008 crash and we never fully recovered. Despite constant good news about how great our economy is doing, I can't help but look around and see that everyone is struggling. Everything here is so expensive, especially the necessities, from food to cell phone bill to car insurance. Rental vacancies are near 0% in every city and housing prices are shooting to astronomical levels.
Yet, corporations and banks have flourished, reporting record profits, while laying people off en masse. The Liberals are working in collusion with the corporations and banks, while saying publicly they are working for the working class Canadians. It's all a fucking lie.
They are constantly importing hundreds of thousands of immigrants, tens of thousands of refugees, and allowing more and more Temporary Foreign Workers to take skilled jobs at a fraction of the price. Meanwhile, the worlds rich, mostly Chinks, are allowed to just buy up housing and entire industries as they please. This country is quickly becoming a clear slave welfare state, comprised of third world shitholers and the Canadian middle class, with an extremely rich upper class filled with the Liberal corporate banking elite and their Chink masters.
Canada is dead, and it's never coming back.
Mason Morris
Our biggest allies here are the American (Jew) Chief Executives who want to keep buying cheap shit
Leo Walker
>Canada Is dead and its never coming back Give it time, we can rebuild.
Thomas Kelly
This, I worked as a grocery teller and more and more people said they had to buy less and less because of the price. Meanwhile the banks give people 1% interest rates on their savings or charge them money if they dont have enough in their bank account. No one is saving for a better life anymore, just trying to get by or going into more and more debt.