Rwandan Genocide

What are Jow Forums's thoughts on the Rwandan Genocide? Was it inevitable? Was there any way the Hutus and Tutsis could get along?

Attached: rwandan genocide skulls.jpg (1024x683, 116K)

Population control is a great thing.

Attached: hello.jpg (500x450, 32K)

And the scary thing about this genocide is that not a single human being was hurt......

>niggers killing niggers
Not enough, they should all be dead.

>niggers kill slightly superior niggers
hutu and tutsi are not real ethnicities, they're just groups created by racial scientists.

I scarcely see how this is different than what goes on in Africa every day. Merely a difference between niggers killing each other randomly and niggers getting organized in their routine massacres.
They’re not humans yet anyway. Just let them duke it out for a few thousand years.

I think they do this to pretend niggers somehow have the genetic diversity of Europeans.
Whereas Italians and Swedes have many cultural/historical/genetic differences, there really is no need to classify different “races” of niggers living in mud huts as different than the nuggets living in mud huts on the opposite side of the forest,

wtf are you talking about retard ? africa has way more genetic diversity than europe
>but muh red and blonds hair
is present in all european populations at differing percentages

nice meme country

>no arguement
compare west african type