As a European-American I am curious, why should we send black back to Africa...

As a European-American I am curious, why should we send black back to Africa, Mexicans back to Mexico and not Europeans back to Europe? Why should they have to leave despite our own outside immigration?

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Because white people did nothing wrong except bring light and casinos to the savages.

I've no intention not to offer replies as long as it's a valid argument and not an accusation that I'm a shill or something else of that nature.

We are settlers, They are immigrants.

Because they make it a far worse place to live for us.

shill spotted
pic related

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I believe all all of us must be responsible for the good and evil we've created in our own lives and culture.

Does settlement not come from immigration?

who is built this country again? by your own logic we should deport all natives to siberia

The US exclude nonwhite immigrants, and whites constituted a supermajority of the population from the ratification of the consitution, until the 2000s. Why should we leave a country that we created effectively by ourselves, for ourselves?

That's why I have no culture, so people can't blame me for shit other people do :D

It seems that we built this country with the help of slaves and our own hard work. I'm not disagreeing that it's likely the natives here roamed over the arctic bridge that once existed.

Well, I suppose you could say I posed a contrarian question. What I'm really trying to say is: Why not coexist peacefully? I believe that Republicans often disregard the needs of the people for their own sake of power, but that Democrats also import immigrants merely to increase their own power and influence.

And what about yourself?

>Does settlement not come from immigration?
I think you should learn a little more about a topic before trying to argue your point.

I believe you're mistaken for thinking traveling from one place to another to live doesn't constitute immigration.

Because Europeans built these countries and everyone else just leeches. They were European nations built for European people.

And what of the native inuits in your lands and the native americans of the southwest that were co-opted in ours?

you mean American

Like many of the white-nationalists on this board, I've come to understand that simply calling our people American while everyone else gets a designated class is demeaning. I am a European-American and proud to be one.

My family came over when Jamestown was still James Fort, fuck you nigger this is my fatherland. Everyone whose families entered this country after the civil war + niggers shouldn’t even be citizens.

The plains niggers of the Southwest did nothing but murder people thank god we killed those savages

there is no such thing as a non-white American, user. They are just temporary visitors.

Coexisting peacefully would imply allowing whatever thirld-world peasant who stumbled into here the past few decades citizenship and the ability to pool their resources with the established native population. Why should we allow the creation of a latin american population, which now grown to a population larger than that of Spain? How are we to have communal programs when an unlimited source of the poor coming from the south? It’s insane.

>Why should I prefer my people to our enemies?
You don't get to pick teams in RAHOWA.

White people built this country. White people built the cities, the industry, the farmland

>It seems that we built this country with the help of slaves
How much of this country is made out of cotton?


White people made America one of the greatest empires mankind has ever seen.
Niggers bring crime. See the difference?

All the spics are in Mexico and all the niggers are in Africa?

Then, I'll have a coke.

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When we do savage things, do we deserve to die?

Unfortunately, I don't believe there is a turning point for my people as many of them are complacent and some even cheer the destruction of White Americans.

I do, but White's also commit crimes and give rise to things like neo-feminism and communism which cause divison and oppression in the name of equality.

You aren't going to be sending anyone anywhere.
You've fucked the unity of this nation, and that's it. It's as simple as that. There is no hope for the US to function as a nation in 60-80 years.

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I won't give up so easily

It isn't up to you.
The mass collective consciousness of millions of people is a hivemind and it is angry. It will tear itself apart.

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I'm part of that mass collective consciousness just as you are. To disregard my own ability is to disregard yours.

Yes. It's being pragmatic.

It works like this.

White people took America by force and built it with hard work and ingenuity. Those white Americans built homes, industries, and wealth so they could pass it on to their descendants. None of them would have ever condoned giving a single cent or inch of land away to former slaves and mestizos.

This is our land. Anyone who tries to argue otherwise is an enemy.

Northern industrial tariffs built this nations economic superiority, cotton was short lived and would've been ecilipsed by indian production eventually

Moralfags gonna moralfag.