Jordan Peterson on Joe Rogan LIVE

Get in here

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because he is /ourguy/ duh


booo this man

based carpet merchant

both have jewish wives though..

LOL no

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Thanks Jared!

Ted was a little too based, it drove him mad. But so many things in his manifesto are spot on.

Juden "2000 dollar rug" peterstein is my hero

Nice how both ted and peterson nail the corruption of academia by leftists

Ted is describing Peterson

what makes you think we care?

>zionist boomer who hates Whites
Pick only one.

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Juden Peterstein glows in the dark desu.

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>implying I want to watch Joe Rogan or Jordan Peterson for hours or however long his fucking shows are

Even Alex Jewnes disavowed this globalist, sage.

Stop watching that faggot cuck joe Rogan

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>where EXACTLY is the line between boxer and suit?
>And that's CHAOS
>This is why WHITES must stop seeing themselves as WHITE

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Best edit yet lmao

Fuck joe rogan and fuck people that listen to his tired middle of the road fuckery.

So a shill can disavow a shill and it somehow makes that shill less credible then the first?

SHILL detected get out faggot go post this shit on reddit
>our guy
He's a libshit retard fuck off

You have to use the ben merchant face
Remove the extras & maybe put one red eyes in the upper window watching.

OP is a faggot and so is Peterstein and Rogain.

No collectivism for you, goy. Only individualism for you.

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Good thread

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muh greed.

Sounds like a bunch of leftist faggotry.

>muh greed.
>Sounds like a bunch of leftist faggotry.
The absolute state of you morons.

Someone post the Peterson pasta with Bane and CIA please, I just love it and want to read it again.

Post the original please I don't know the actual faces and my guessing game isn't that strong.

>uniting towards a common goal, the greatest potential of humanity, is faggotry
You have my disdain.

Leftists are weak men that shirk their duties, and leech of others. His point remains perfect, and it is only in a setting of ethnic shared bonds and within a common heritage that such a culture of cooperation and sense of duty can exist.

You would understand that sense of duty had you lived in a place where everyone looked like you and shared in the same culture and values as you.

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Nope. Didn't click your thread or link. In fact, go fuck yourself.

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America is founded upon revolt against european tradition, for stated materialistic ends no less. Is it any surprise?

Peterson hates the universities for exactly the reasons described

America is founded upon revolt against European Monarchism, don't be a fag.

>Peterson hates the universities
>Jordan Bernt Peterson (born June 12, 1962) is...a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto
Yeah, it shows.

>America is founded upon revolt against European Monarchism
This is why we can't be friends.

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I'm aware he's critical of them, it doesn't change my assessment that he's a confused depressive full of shit.

If things hadn't degraded so far in recent decades we'd be readily attacking him for being the liberal ninny he is.

why should someone be born into leadership?
what happens if that person inbreeds or marries an inferior race?

not if you're a real libertarian


I don't know, what happens if you elect an Obama?

even if demoralization had never occurred in the university's, Peterson has never made a real political stance, all he talks about is self-ownership
why is that a bad thing?

He's a Hillary voting faggot

>what happens if that person inbreeds or marries an inferior race?
The same thing that should happen to anyone who marries an inferior race.

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Then the diversity hire serves 4-8 years and you elect someone new

>He's a Hillary voting faggot
Incorrect, Peterson has stated on interview that were he standing in an Ameriburger voting booth, he would have pulled the Trump lever to truly indulge his lust for Chaos.

Literally who?

I'm not interested in discussing it with you. It's a complete and utter waste of time because you are of a people who have rejected the essence of the european tradition, as I said, and even if you weren't there's no stopping what's begun. It also requires far more effort on my part than on yours and even then requires that you're at least willing to consider a completely alternative paradigm of thought.


ok thats fair, then point me in a direction so I can learn about it further

Stationary bandit

I think I might actually try this no carb thing /sig/

Because self ownership is masturbation without a cause to back it up.

>Jordan "I haven't slept for 25 days" Peterson

the "flow" of this flow chart is fucking trash and shows nothing.

>I didnt sleep for 25days
>yea really

>i can't explain why it works! Your points are valid, but they don't jive with my beliefs! That's too hard! You're an idiot!

Apple cider produced an "overwhelming sense of impending doom"

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I found Evola excellent at breaking through the conditioning of modernity and opening one's mind to that which merely lay dormant within.

Good luck, I suppose. It might be enjoyable to consider an alternative aside from the distracting binaries you're presented with on a daily basis.


ok thanks, I will take a look at some of his work.

every time

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this guy was on anti-depressants for many, many years. HE IS OFF HIS MEDS!
this is huge

>I didn't do well in the debate because I had a sip of apple cider
>I didn't sleep for 25 days
lol this guy is so fucking full of shit

It's not a flow chart retard, it's an association graph, and it clearly depicts Peterstein's ties to globalist think tanks and the UN.


this sounds like something Jow Forums could approve though

Jordan "My favorite food is peanut butter and chocolate milk" Peterson

What a fag

They aren't valid, they portray a completely flawed metric of value but the process of overcoming that takes much more than a few pithy statements. As much as you might wish all questions could be answered so simply they can't.

Jordan "I hadn't slept in 25 days because my favorite food was peanut butter and chocolate milk" Peterson is off his meds!

i woudlnt be surprised if this nigger has scurvy

I want to try this diet. is it all meat or does it only works with beef?

Tell us some more about your kosher zionist anti-White boomer eDaddy.

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Jordan "my wife is like....~58?!.. years old?!" Peterson

What's the over/under on his total mental breakdown. I give him 2 months before he goes full shia lebuff.

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>I dont remember

This cunt is well researched in his wheelhouse, but a fucking lunatic otherwise, Jesus Christ. Hes only not eaten anything but meat for a month, he'll have changed his mind and be on some other lunatic phase in a few months. Hes clearly out of his gourd.

just spike his water with (((cider))) and he'll fall apart

He is just making all this shit up.

the dude likes Dostoevsky so much he ended as one of the tragic characters himself

>Drinks cider, doesn't sleep for 25 days

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Wait he's on what diet? I came in a bit late.
Only meat?

All you need is a healthy gut biome. Start drinking Kefir.

>only beef

He was talking about chicken, though? Can't tell for sure, I'm going to rewatch this bit. It's interesting, first time i'm interesting in diets

Jesus JP threads attract more shills than Human Trafficking generals, they must be terrified of him

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Meat and veggies only, no carbs. Apparently this diet has solved many of his health problems, as well as his daughter's.

The (((Intellectual Dark Web))), created by George Soros INET thinktank expert (((Eric Weinstein))). The same think tank that was co-founded by Jim Balsillie, the man Peterstein worked for at the UN for 3 years.

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>Savior of Western Civilization
>Tweeking out on cider for a month straight
Absolute state of the West.

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He later got off veggies and went full meat

I'll be there after I clean my room and finish my self-authoring.

>He later got off veggies and went full meat
wtf isn't this nutritionally deficient?