Middle School Teaher AMA

There was a good thread a little bit ago about education, and I want to continue it. Ask me anything about my school, kids, teacher style, curriculum, school environment, Gen Z, or whatever. I teach at a school in one of the most liberal cities in America obsessed with being weird.

Thought for the thread: why is our curriculum obsessed with “facts”.

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When I was in school. Our teacher made all the white boys go to one side of the room then she spent the rest of the period telling us that all the world problems where our fault. That it's ok to hate us and that we should have our rights stripped away. I was 11. Why is that ok? Why does she still have a job? She is the principal now.

Can you pronounce the children's names this year? >:D

They wouldn't let you near the REALLY little kids like you wanted, huh?

why does my pet dog have mayo on his face?

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In 1995 a teacher hit me and said nobody would believe me. She was right. That night I overheard my parents arguing about whether to trust how I got the bruises. Mum said "you know how much of a liar he is!"

After that day I don't think I ever trusted another cunt-carrier again.

God pol is retarded

My mom went to her house and chose her off. She almost went to jail. Sorry your mom sucks user.

Let me guess you work at McDonald's and are just baiting.

>I teach at a school in one of the most liberal cities in America obsessed with being weird.

Austin or Portland?

that's heartwarming

At least she tried.

Middle school tutor here. Teaching 3 days out of the week all day in a title 1 school. How do your kids behave, like animals or like decent children and if animals how do you deal with them?

I usually get everyone to stand and shut up for a few minutes if it gets out of order.

Bonus question has any of your students hit on you.

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It's a bait thread.

How bad is the bluepill kool aid being shoved down the kids throats, and are any resisting it?

Any other teachers besides OP are welcome to answer

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>Middle School Teaher
>School Teaher

oh my...the kids are fucking retarded now

teachers today are pieces of shit. watching the fucking clock to run out before the students and not bothering to help kids who need it after school, even during the summer when you fags literally do nothing


They will start off as animals but I’m a pretty strict teacher. But I never yell. I’ve developed a pretty good glare and when I need to make a point I get pretty quiet. It’s mostly the boys who act like animals. The girls are different but can be just as bad. A lot of them think they’re above you and try to get away with anything.

As for students hitting on me, I don’t bother with that. Middle schoolers are kids trying to act like adults and failing most of the time.
Incredibly. A huge chunk of the school walked out during the Florida shootings. Granted, many of them were doing it to get out of class, but those who were serious are very left wing. But they don’t really know why.
Oh good gracious, a typo! Call the fucking police.

Wow you’re a salty kid. Yes, many teachers do that. But I and many of my coworkers stay HOURS after school to help kids. I’d stay even on days I didn’t have tutoring times. Not all teachers are terrible. We preform one of the most complicated jobs out there where we have to juggle the needs of students, the expectations of parents, and the demands of administration. It’s a tough job. I’d like to see you try it.

Why are my teacher friends always complaining on Facebook about their pay when they don't even work for like 3 months a year

Because most don’t do the math. True, we are sort of underpaid commiserate with our duties. However, a good chunk work only 187 days. If we worked as much as other professions we’d be up around 80k when you take into account the extra time and our insurance and benefits. I have 2 retirement accounts already and I’m only 27

Alright. You passed.

Real questions now

Public or private school?
What school district if public
Tell us about any patterns you've recognized in students who perform well vs poorly
Tell us about any patterns you've recognized in students who behave well vs poorly

Well good

I won’t reveal the district for privacy reasons buts it bears the same name as the very liberal city it services

Kids who preform well don’t necessarily behave well. I had one student who could always clinch out a quiz or paper with a decent grade despite being the biggest ass I’ve ever met. Then I have other kids who are very kind and friendly but get 40s on all their work.

Now, one major deciding factor in student success is their willingness to care about their studies. I teach ELA to 8th grade, so we do lots of reading. I can tell when a kid hasn’t read and I’m not hesitant to put a kid on the spot for it. And no, it’s not like I put kids with autism on the spot. They have a reason. But like jackholes who constantly cause problems I will call out. Mostly privately however. Honestly, if kids just READ the critical thinking and intelligence of Gen Z would go up

One major thing I’ve noticed is the most Ill behaved little turds typically really like either science or math. This is because lots of those kids are very analytical and fact oriented. I hate “facts”. Kids that are obsessed with facts are typically the most problematic kids in the long term. Because they can’t conceive of themselves being wrong.

Race and culture also play a part. Many of my kids are Hispanic. Hispanic boys are some of the worst kids. They have a strong gang culture regardless of whether they are upper, middle, or lower class. They absorb it from television and the internet and wanna be “thug”. I once called out one of mine on that. Most boys are thorougly infected by thug culture and no one knows their actual culture. American public schools are, honestly, what murders are cultural thought in the students. It’s carerrism at its finest.

Girls are a different story. Girls actually care about things. However, they are moody, catty, and can be VERY inappropriate at weird times. My best behaving girls could still get on my nerves