This is how the United States should look

This is how the United States should look

Attached: Godiwishthatwasme.jpg (1920x1058, 432K)

>sugar fruit sugar fuit sugar fruit
fuck the diabetes jew.

US - maybe. Every family - no.

>No grill
>no meat
>no beer
>no fireworks
>no music
...fuck is wrong with you?

You cannot deny the satisfaction that is fresh berries. Nice flag


Attached: a0f4d45530d4fc4c49709a2e1583666d.jpg (625x797, 96K)

But I thought in perfect USA on nigger will be dead.

I'm enjoying natures bountiful harvest and its wonderful fruits.

Maybe they are, The two at the table are at 3/4ths white or so

Why is everything in that picture fruit based? Looks sugary and unpalatable after a few bites.