Black """beauty""", everyone

Black """beauty""", everyone.

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hate = jelousy
you know im right pocs.

bitch look like an ayy lmao. always have always will

well shiet, i just got jew'd

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Are they the same person?


i would fuck the dog shit out of rihanna.

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it was nice knowing you, pol.

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She was ugly in both.
Pickers of cotton.

>Black """beauty""", everyone.

Black beauty basically comes down to white beauty.

By that i mean that black beauty manifests as black girls trying to look white or at the very least several shades lighter.

In essence, there is no such thing as Black """beauty""".

Quit replying to yourself it makes you look like an even bigger faggot then your flag does


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who put dogshit in her? poo rgirl

>Implying you wouldn't

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it's funny how she's called one of the most beautiful black women yet she has caucasoid facial traits, greenish hair and olive skin

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For me it's not down to skin that accounts for the differential in beauty but bone structure and neotenous features. Black women often have too masculine facial features.

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Always found her ugly as sin. Very "monkey like" face and with the eyes very far apart, she looks strange.

>Black skin and white palms/soles
>Ape face
>Purple pussy
>Disgusting smell
And last but not least:
>Straightened hair
Every time.

And I think Rihanna looks good in both BTW.

Would cum inside right.

ape face

Is that how she got famous? letting people put dog shit in her?

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Can you post the other part of this with the male senders too pls


I wouldn't say it's apish, although it's certainly different from you average white girl's

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i would

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>black males score lower than Asian males
The absolute state of nigs

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Found the ugly muttmerican

Fuck off with the monkey posting, Pedro.
Also, note how they have to straighten their hair every time with industrial chemicals in order to appear more human.

Yes, because I’m not a fucking animal. How would you even get past the smell that they emit? I’ve got better things to do than engage in beasteality

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>Always found her ugly as sin. Very "monkey like" face and with the eyes very far apart, she looks strange.

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Black """""beauty""""" is the most artificial shit ever, even more than those south Korean girls with a shitton of make up and plastic surgeries.

look at her from the side, that facial angle resembles that of a chimp, the flat wide nose does not help either
oh and the gorilla-tone skin

I heard black Americans people think whites smell of wet dogs.
And also that non-Mediterraneans think meds smell like garlic.
I don't know if black people have a particular scent but I've heard other people say they do smell like old leather.

I lived in South Chicago for a few years. 99% of black women put a makeup mask on. Pic related is a google search of "makeup sorcery." Don't believe it.

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>old leather.
Fuck no. Try acrid BO

So mean :(

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What about their farts?

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>i don’t know if black people have a particular scent but....

Have you ever seen a nigger in person before? No wonder you’re so interested in them; you’ve never encountered one of these creatures in person before!

Rihanna was never pretty.

good for him, ignorance is truly bliss

is this place really that dead that no one is going to say anything?

I've met some whites that stunk like that.

I just noticed that black girls are the most rejected ones but also the ones that accept the most requests in desperation, damn that's sad lol

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I was kinda wondering that myself....


>1 white person I met smelled bad so it’s practically the same thing

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i did. i called on myself.
i guess u're right, this place IS dead.

nigger, I have been living near white trash for most of my life. They are no different than niggers and smell worse.

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keep sniffing glue dude.

clean up on aisle five asshat.

Why do niggers wear colored contact lenses? Is it because they want to have eyes like us whites? Her eyes clearly look way darker in the pic on the right.

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The look on the left is cultural appropriation.

Black girls straightening their hair should unironically be considered cultural appropriation.

Why fight it?

The white race is already doomed, no amount of "redpilling" will change that

Get yourself a Nubian Goddess and make some ogroidos

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Rihanna is /ourgirl/ though. She was cucking Chris Brown with Leonardo DiCaprio and said that Leo was the best sex she's ever had.

Beyonce is the Jewish stooge.

You know my pain I went through.. Fucking basement dwellers need to get out and experience the United States. White niggers exist.

You can tell when it's straightened, it's still obviously nig hair.
Vast majority of the nig chicks in this thread, including Rhianna, are wearing wigs or have human hair tied to tiny little bits of their real hair, aka extentions.

if you are going to show a black woman, find one that isn't obviously photo shopped.

>She was cucking Chris Brown with Leonardo DiCaprio
Before or after she got back with him after he beat the piss out of her?

>old leather.
over-ripe fruit


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>women wear makeup to look better

>tfw remembering that time one brony sat next to me and you could almost see the odor come off him.

I never met a person that stunk that bad, it was like a combination of BO, dried week old semen, and wet horse and stable

People stopped being friendly to this guy when he started posting MLP porn on Facebook, and not even the humanized version either. I saw it with my own eyes it was disgusting.

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But i see white girls do this all the time too. At the gym the other day i saw a girl with so much makeup on i wanted to cry. Like, why even put that much on? You're there to work out which means you'll sweat a little. Fucking shit, it isn't a race thing.

I always wondered how she got 'noticed' ... she's one of Robert De Niro's kids!

Black girls can be attractive sometimes

>scientists have projected how the remaining niggers will look in 2050 and it’s beautiful

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poor sheboons
they just need some love

More like 99% women


Top fucking kek

>.05 was deposited into your savings! Fight the good fight, comrade!
I can’t wait for scum like you to be snuffed out.

Nah man. Lots of black women have naturally unbelievable bodies, the catch is their faces are often less attractive. Not always though

>Straighten your hair so you look white
>Obscure your skin so you look white
>Put in green contacts so you look white
>Dye your hair blonde and light brown so you look white
>Get a nosejob so that you look white

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white nigger spotted, Adolf would have gassed your degenerate ass

She has a face I want to punch. I can't stand her face, and I can't stand her voice, I can't stand her shitty music, I can't stand her shitty attitude. All of that turns me off enough to not even want to stick my dick in it. Not that I support bestiality in the first place.

I know that but this photo is shopped

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It is actually really cruel what the Jews have done to them, allowing them to live in this utter delusion. When the nightmare that is Equality finally dies it will be quite the reckoning.

Why are portuguese so based, and their oldest allied so cuck

When did she get so amazonian?

I’m willing to wager you’re a sedentary faggot that bottoms for black dudes in Portland.

I bet you are a faggot Odin worshipper

To you, being a pagan is worse than being gaped by HIV poz’d spooks because you feel guilty over imperialism. Still assmad your comrade is braindead after one punch?

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Odin literally drinks cum.

>being this assmad about the fact that not all whites are ubermench

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> A fictional character drinks cum guise!
You seep cum from your ass, what’s your point? You’re shilling niggers, I think you forgot you’re not on reddit.

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Oh let me guess you are an atheist, which is even faggier than a pagan.

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dude why does she look like taylor swift when she is white

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>All these assumptions
You shill niggers on Jow Forums, you can’t get any cringier than that.

Indian one looks the best.


they are naturals tho

I absolutely would

I do admit that some negresses are kinda hot but negro hair is truly something I can't get over.