Watching porn makes you unattractive and decreases your chances of getting laid. Pic related.
Cure to inceldom = STOP. WATCHING. PORN
nigga expects me to read all that and not jizz on myself
>taking women's advice
>on plebbit of all places
OP is a faggot. The only reason this girl posted this shit is because she is upset the housemate was too pussy to make a move and try and fuck her. Instead, thanks to the anti-male anti-white society of today, the housemate, out of fear of being shamed or destroying the housing situation, either did not allow himself to make a move or decided it was best not to. Either way the roastie whore is just upset he didn't feel the same way about her and is not shitting on the guy out of spite. Porn is not the problem but a symptom of a toxic society where males are castrated and women are put in charge and don't know what to do.
Porn is just a tool. It's masturbation that makes you an incel.
>why won't guys fuck me!
the post
incel is a term womenz made up because men have become faggots.
>thinking its porn
He OD'd on redpills. His hope and optimism, gone.
Or he probably just got depressed living with such cunts. Whoever posted this to plebbit is a flaming cunt.
>decreases your chances of getting laid
>Implying this wasn't part of the plan
Seems more like the internet is the culprit here than the porn itself.
Likely. If you have a lazy cunt of a room mate that's a man at least you can yell at him to wash his shit and he may or may not do it but women start trying to turn the table with hysterics.