Why is Retail dying in North America?
Why is Retail dying in North America?
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internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
>internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
Corporate kikes killed mom and pop stores
And then internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
a) people like cheap Chinese trash and therefore whoever sells the most will dominate (Wallmart)
b) more and more people are switching to online shopping, which means Amazon gets larger and larger and consumes everything
internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
The biggest issue with retail in general was the corporations got too confident to the point of slapping a stupid store on every corner when it was never needed which didn't help with a dip in finances came thanks to online shopping. In a sense, the market is now correcting itself, I think that there will still be retail out there just not to the point where it's literally everywhere like it was which might mean that small businesses might fill the gaps especially ones that market online.
ROI much higher for condos
This. I never bought anything on Amazon.
internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
Welcome to the Trump economy.
internet niggers to avoid shopping and spics
internet niggers to avoid spics and shopping
internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
nigger spics to avoid internet and shopping
internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
Online shopping is only 8% of retail.
It's not enough yet to kill all malls.
So it's only niggers and spics.
>a stupid store on every corner when it was never needed
a 'stupid' corner store was always needed, just combining cornerstores with megamalls and shit, nope, something had to give. Convenience (= a store on the corner) will always have some market, just, the white man has zero interest in working the hours needed to make it pay.
Avoiding spics and niggers by internet shopping
internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
>fill country with violent non-whites
>create a service that delivers goods to their front door
niggers and spics avoid internet shopping
Fuck retail stores. I needed some AA batteries for my remotes and those things go for around $1 each at the store. Bought a 48 pack on eBay for $12.
Muh corporations
>go to a mall in Whitesville
>thriving, safe, fun
>go to a mall in Niggerville
>dead, unsafe, falling apart
Internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
Walmart started it. Most jews moved out of running liquor stores etc years ago. Sold to koreans.
>Go to a mall in middle American methsville
>not safe, not fun, zombified people are all white
>no shit niggerville is bad too. Everywhere in America sucks big cock.
Buying things online so as not to encounter black or Hispanic people
The other thng is young people are somewhat poorer now with massive student loan debts
>that 7 year old zoomer
fuck big box retailers. amazon is the future.
yeah he's still a virgin tho, just weirder
You radio Raheem ?
Niggers spics internet avoiding to shopping by.
Online shoppping to avoid niggers, spics, and white trash
>and the survey says....
internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
Mall in the city near me used to be really nice.
Went last Chrismas to buy some gifts...
Now it’s just a bunch of niggers loitering, wearing hijabs, some homeless dude walked up to me in the middle of a store with a sign asking for money... literally in the middle of a bookstore.
Why should I pay more at malls, where it’s a pain in the ass to find a parking spot, crowded, stressful, niggers everywhere, constantly having to watch my back, people begging for money.
When I could pay a fraction of the price just by shopping online?
Drop shipping
it used to just be niggers and spics but now thanks to Obama entire malls and stores are filled with Muslims and the ultimate horror combination the black muslims
Nobody wants to work there because nobody wants to deal with niggers, spics, AND being understaffed constantly. So the management quits and corporate is forced to close down. Also rich white people don't shop in brick and mortar because of niggers and spics.
>Radio Raheem
>AA batteries
"D", motherfucker, D! Learn to speak English!
Depends where you live. Seen a a new medium sized (as in taking over old K-Marts and small Wal-Mart spaces) retailer pop up thats in between a hardware store and Wal-Mart. You probably still want to put your eyes and hands on a chainsaw, gun, axe, or lawnmower, ect.. Pick up some groceries or small appliances while you're there. There'll always be some goods that people would perfer to see in person, stores just got to get the right mix of goods for a segment and a good location. I don't see women not wanting to go physically shopping for clothing completely anytime soon. Add some Bed Bath and Beyond type shit, plus some cat food and nick nacks and a few phone cases and tampons and you got gold.
>internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
This is unironically why I stopped shopping at brick and mortar stores
Went to a local mall a few weeks back to buy some jeans. Last time I purchased clothes was around 4 years ago. Back then business wasn't exactly booming and stores that used to be staples were closing up. This time around big name stores had closed their doors which were in prime locations such as corners facing the parking lots (mall had an outdoor portion as well as indoor portion). I went into Macy's to get my shit and it was mostly 3rd world people and Africans looking around. Nobody really buying anything. Went into fitting rooms and they stank. Paid for my shit and got the hell out of there.
The economy is bleeding slowly. Higher inflation creeping ever so closer, squeezing people. Years back I knew this was going to be the case but to actually see it unfold is a bit unsettling.
Monroeville Mall by chance?
Every store is exactly the same and sells complete fucking garbage at 40% markup.
Take the audio systems at Best Buy, No Sennheizer Headphones? Not one AKG Headphones? Or Grado, or Fostex, Koss, Yamaha, Audio Technica, or Focal. Not one headphone amp. No Schiit products at all. No legacy, Marantz, Onyko, anything good by Polk, Omega, Legacy, Vandersteen, Ohm, SVS, Beringer, or Crown. Not one audio surround sound system as separates. No equipment racks, no 5.1 or up processors/preamps.
They have Shitty Bose, Skullcandy, Sony, Pioneer, and only the worst of. They intentionally carry only bad headphones to make the Bose Quiet Comfort seem better. They have some high end at some stores, Bowers and Wilkins, and McIntos, Kef, and some Martin Logan speakers, but only ones several thousand and up and only at Magnolia centers. These systems are also some of the most expensive for their performance.
Sooner or later Best Buy will fail. This is shit. Everyone will act surprised but Amazon doesn't even sell the competing products, yet every shitty boomer is going to blame Amazon.
Meanwhile Microcenter is kicking ass, so are tons of audio showrooms. Can we just admit that failing companies failed to have good websites and failed to carry product lines that made sense?
I hate driving to the store. I hate trying to find a parking space. I hate that no matter how small of a car I drive, it never quite fits. I hate dealing with beggars and thieves on my way into the store. I hate trying to figure out where exactly is the thing I need, and I hate asking the beaner they hired, who doesn't speak a lick of English, where that thing is. I hate having to look for things that haven't had a million filthy nigger hands on them. I hate wheeling my shit over to a line, and I hate waiting in that line for half an hour while the Jew in front pays for $200 worth of useless crap with a coupon book and buckets of coins. I hate when people cut in line, and I hate having to call them out because they pretend they didn't see me. I hate having to stand there like an idiot as the dumb whore behind the counter spends five minutes trying to scan something that won't scan. I hate getting fed up with the human incompetence and having to use the self-checkout machine that's less responsive than a fucking Gameboy, and I hate that, despite its tiny caveats that make it a thousand times harder than it should be, it's still faster than waiting for a real person to do it. I hate having to run to my car while dodging hobos and muggers, and I hate getting stuck in traffic on my way home.
If shopping online means never having to deal with that fuckness ever again, then I say, good riddance.
No, in Northern California.
>all american malls are filled with muslims, blacks, spics, other browns
Wtf happened, why is everybody saying the same thing?
Hell, if a small boutique clothing shop sold alcoholic iced tea and had cup holders on the waiting seats and an end table for their Jewish bagels to wait to gawk at the lady trying on a dress, that be gold too. A clothing/Jewish gossip alcohol store. Just make them pay insurance if something is ruined up front. It'd be like a woman's sports bar.
The interwebs...
This is why I stopped going
Speaking of retail, wtf is up with Dollar Generals. Those things keeps popping up like shrooms on cow patties. I swear there's one every five blocks were I live. Never found the need to ever go in one. Niggers, spics, and white land whales seem to love them.
internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
they're cheap general stores... nothing more to it
don't go in looking for anything of quality, but they can be helpful in a pinch and for disposable goods
Poor people don't get to waste money, dollar shops are not worthy it.
We also have them but it's 5 lei (which is 1 dollar) shops.
the west isnt inventing anything anymore. their video games are shit. the clothing is for niggers. even the food is going down the vegan pandering path. what would i buy? chinese plastic at a 7000% mark up? nah ill stick to ordering japanese products online
This. Before the recession we had ten times as much retail space per person than Europe does. Yes, we're richer and all but we didn't need ten times as much retail per person. Big box chains over expanded by a large margin while old retailers failed to adjust their products to changing demographics.
Online sales contributes to the problem for physical retailers but internet sales still hasn't broken into the double digits of overall retail sales yet.
Its just a cheaper gas station store with slightly more selection. Gas stations mark shit up big time inside and most don't really make all that much off of gas. Dollar General went from being next to JCPenny's to gas stations a few years back with smaller stores and exploded. Small change in location and made the stores look like gas stations made a big difference. If you're on a roadtrip, get gas at the gas station, your beef jerky and hotel food and Monsters at the Dollar General down the street or next door. Again bigger selection and cheaper than even a big gas station.
That's your answer.
There are so many other stores around my area to choose from though. I don't buy cigs/diapers/junk food.
> Muslims
> Murrica
Cool story, bro.
Malls were ruined by niggers.
So we all began internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
internet shopping to avoid niggers and spics
>Target lasted barely 3 years in Leafland
>Walmarts quietly closing some locations, arranging shelves so there's less stock overall
>same with Best Buy after they bought up most of the Future Shops a couple years ago
What are we gonna do if we lose The Bay?
>Malls were ruined
How do you ruin a mall?
Malls killed downtown retail that was thriving until the 1960s.
Is this a return to Mom and Pop stores?
Yuros larping as Americans for reason. Unless it is about the niggers and spics.
>US E-Commerce Sales as Percent of Retail Sales is at a current level of 9.46%, up from 9.13% last quarter. This represents a quarterly annualized growth rate of 14.46%, compared to a long term average annualized growth rate of 15.75%.
Or as they call them in the black community, "Mom stores"
Fuck Best Buy. It proably been at least 10 years since I've been in one. Last time I went in one I couldn't walk 10 feet without some blue shirted beta sales person breathing down my neck.
In most places in North America, there is more retail space available than retail demand. This was true long before the internet, due to classic development cycles.
Cycle, which is modeled correctly in SimCity:
> 1. A new retail point (a strip mall or even large mall) is built in some part of the city where land is cheap.
> 2. Crime at new retail is low, because it is new. New stores move in.
> 3. Because its new, it attracts more people than it will attract in the following years.
> 4. As the retail space ages, its attraction drops. All the stores are the same, and crime is slowly rising.
> 5. A new retail place opens somewhere else in the city or county that is as easy to travel to.
> 6. Shoppers start going to the new place because it has new stores, and is new.
> 7. As shoppers drop, stores have to make adjustments, live on thinner revenues while costs forever go up, etc.
> 8. Stores start closing. Cheaper stores, like "Dollar General", may replace them.
> 9. Most old retail spaces become abandoned. Then eventually bulldozed.
Internet shopping has just added to the negative pressures on the local brick and mortar shops.
>actors within the system use up too many resources
>there is a mechanism for checking this
>going forward, the system will not build as many sprawling shopping centers
>more land for other uses, or won't need to be used
>more of nature will be left alone
oh shit I thought we were going to pave paradise. so what you're saying is that the market reflects what humans NEED, and isn't just an unstoppable destructive force.
so thats how theyre expanding. i have only tried to grab a snack at gas stations twice in recent memories
>king size chocolate bar
>"fai doler"
i went to one at a black neighborhood while driving by a friend's. its even MORE EXPENSIVE
>1 can of soda
the one near me sells them for just a buck
>How do you ruin a mall?
Fill it with non-whites. Before the mid 90s malls would run off trash but then it became politically incorrect to hold niggers up to the standards of white people.
same. they told me if i want my laptop fixed, i have to buy membership and theyll ship it to kentucky to diagnose it. why cant they just hire a tech geek to go through it on the spot
Say that to my face faggot.
>Internet shopping has just added to the negative pressures
& gas prices
It's a return to a frickin nightmare landscape like Detroit. Youts could have prevented this.
same reason people don't go to the bar anymore.
>>How do you ruin a mall?
The point is, malls were disasters to begin with.
> Markets reflect what humans need.
No, you are still responsible for fucking up the environment, Goldberg.
Dollar Generals are on every single block along my city's old "retail strip", and their is a Dollar General located in each strip mall 2 blocks behind the old retail strip for a couple of miles. It is fucking crazy! But they all stay in business somehow. Maybe the government subsidizes them due to them serving POC and low income customers?
Niggers and Jews
Best Buy's big computer center in Kentucky is a back-door to the FBI.
News Story: At a giant Best Buy repair shop in Brooks, Kentucky, Geek Squad technicians work on computers owned by people across the country, delving into them to retrieve lost data. Over several years, a handful of those workers have notified the FBI when they see signs of child pornography, earning payments from the agency.
The existence of the small cadre of informants within one of the country’s most popular computer repair services was revealed in the case of a California doctor who is facing federal charges after his hard drive was flagged by a technician. The doctor’s lawyers found that the FBI had cultivated eight “confidential human sources” in the Geek Squad over a four-year period, according to a judge’s order in the case, with all of them receiving some payment.
>Niggers and Jews
One theory is that malls and big box retail was a way to break up ethnic white neighborhoods with strong traditional values.
I live near Richmond, Tx and there is a huge push for more mom and pop stores or stores offering home-grown "craft" type products. People realize the quality of products at bug stores are absolute shit for the money you pay, so they are looking for alternatives. hell, there's a neighborhood here that is completely built around a farming community. they have acres of land producing vegetables, a vineyard, greenhouses, gots, chickens, the works. it'll take some time for these types of things to get bigger, bit it'll happen. the main thing keeping it back is boomers considering it a hipster thing to have mom and pop shops. it's actively keeping down small business that they allegedly want to support