How do you feel about homosexuals...

How do you feel about homosexuals? I am gay myself and I personally want to live my life and eventually get married and have a husband. I am specifically asking the religious sect of pol but all are welcomed to respond. I am also asking for you guys to convert me if possible because if possible I would like to be straight.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Please go away. You constantly bring yourselves up everywhere to remain relevant.

Good people. Deserve rights like everyone else.

>Don't wanna be gay.

That's not good. That always ends badly. It's your life though, so good luck.

Hell is forever

My gay boyfriend is black, his name is Steve.
I'm his personal Doc if you know what I mean.

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It's disgusting and all fags should be killed

Well for starters, acknowledge that gays are a threat to society. I would highly recommend that you try and enlighten yourself on that. Gays and liberals are beginning a degenerate culture that is destroying the traditional one. Humans were biologically designed for heterosexuality and to stray from that is wrong. I don't wanna demonize you or call you a mongrel, because that's not gonna help. I'm just going to suggest that you redpill yourself and put some Jow Forums research into this.

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Some more evidence

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And one more

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I feel nothing for homosexuals.
My understanding is that almost all are the result of a traumatic experience, even infant genital mutilation is enough to cause the change because if done young enough the testosterone production is stunted for life.
As far as helping you change only you can make that choice. Changing your diet and leaving the city will help a lot. Talking to a therapist about your early life could unlock some doors too

Turn from your sins toward Jesus and in humility accept His free gift of salvation and receive the Holy Spirit, being born again into the family of God just as you were once born into your earthly family.
The Spirit of God living in you give you the power to overcome evil in this world. God's spirit is light, and darkness is nothing but the absences of light.

If you ask /pol, you're going to get tons of "KYS" or "Degenerate faggot" type answers.

Most of them of trolls, though I think some of sprinkles of truth and resentment.

The problem may not be with you per se, but with the gay community as a whole and what their trajectory is.

Had it been just about gay marriage, I think most of us wouldn't care, and heteros and gays go on with their lives since in the west, you guys won that battle. But it seems like parts of the gay community is not content with gaining their rights to marriage.

The gay community is giving an impression that it wants to shove its ideology down the throat of anyone who's not gay. How else to explain why they want "acceptance" and "tolerance" in kindergartens? And at times, it really does seem that the gays care more about degeneracy (including pedophilia) more than anything else. You may disagree with this characterization, but that's the vibes coming from a very vocal portion of your community. If you don't want others to believe you're perverts and closet pedophiles, you best tell your friends to stop trying to indoctrinate kids and put this in schools.

Bottom line is, back off a bit. Enjoy your gay marriage, but don't expect any of us to enjoy it with you. Leave us alone, and you guys will leave a much better impression than the way your community is going now.

Back in the 70s I was beaten up constantly, because the kids, "thought" I was gay, which was enough.

Willingly lived my entire young life single, even though I was surrounded by young female friends, which of course made all my finds think I was gay.

It gave me a good understanding of what they went through and so I became very sympathetic.

Then after decades gays got their time in the sun and were allowed to marry....
And then within a decade the majority pissed it all away!
They became openly hostile to anyone who was strait.
Are still attempting to push queer/trans normality on kids.
Used the law to punish christian business.

Whatever acceptance all of you may have been able to gain on the moderate or republican side has largely been eroded.

Don't get me wrong there are gays out there who do support Trump and are against the Marxism the majority of the gay community now supports.

There is just not enough of them around to shift the narrative back to one of open acceptance.

I once believed gays had the right to marry (against the ideas of my father who was a pastor) but not force ministers to marry them. Get a judge.

They should not be barred from attending church and be loved despite their sin but not accepted for it.

But after everything that has happened, I am not sure how it is going to turn out.

I have seen several liberal churches openly accepting gays and bashing anyone who does not agree with them so you might find those more comfortable for you.

The majority of the gay community has shit the bed...
Best of luck to you.

I live in a rural area and I was never traumatized as a child. That didn't change my sexuality.

I dont think you understand what evidence means.

>american education

Fags are a blight on society

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They have begun to push for pedophilia normalization now that they've thought the Christian half of America accepted their degeneracy flooding onto our once Christian streets.
I will not be shoved into any closet as a Christian in my home country - you people are of the devil and shall burn in the lake of fire for your sins and your attitudes.
The ethical line for the Christians of America is being crossed.
You sowed wind in our fields and now you shall reap the whirlwinds.

Christ is soon to return and when He does you shall hide yourselves among the mountains and shield your faces from our God - and you will have no escape from the crushing mountains.

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Women were made for men. They are the perfect companions for life.

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How would I go about repenting or changing my sexuality to begin with? Being gay has been most of my life, I haven't even been with a woman once.

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Reposting since the last thread I posted this in 404'd and I'd like to share my point of view:

First off, you can't deny that homosexuality is some sort of mistake. I'm not saying it's a crime against nature, or inherently wrong or anything like that. It's just a mistake in how I was made, kinda like when two male fireflies accidentally attract each other, it's a deviancy from the norm that can't result in offspring (sure, I can impregnate a woman, but there's no attraction that ought to be there).

My values lean towards traditional. My dream is to settle in a quiet house away from the big city and start a family. Of course, the only difference here would be that I'd have a husband instead of a wife. (I don't even want to adopt, I'm considering surrogacy or hopefully, a way to turn sperm into eggs so I could have actual children from both of us).
I want to contribute to my society, I'm looking for a comfy fulfilled life
I don't hate myself, I never did. It's like: "I am this person and I just so happen to be homosexual too"

But, the other people that just so happen to be homosexual too, and I am speaking for the vocal ones, the steriotype, if you will, are absolutely and utterly degenerate
>it's the shitting on monogamous commited relationships (which is one of my core values)
>the absolute state of the culture of debauchery and promiscuity mixed with drug abuse
>the victimhood mentality, the absolute lack of masculine values and attitudes
and worst of all
>the uforgivable corruption of children by instilling them this instead of good values
>all this is enabled by god knows ((who)), people actually look at this and think "this is ok and should happen"

It's happening too with the women, but at a much slower pace, and it saddens me to see the men that I love pair up with women who ultimately break their spirit (I understand they can't love me back, but that doesn't stop me from wishing their happiness)


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Be gay all you want, just don't be a faggot.

Yeah a lot of truth here. Most people reject it but honestly dont really care if you arnt shoving it down peoples throats. Also, as far as religion goes homosexuality is generally taught as sinful and as a result people treat it that way because its often reflected in the actions of the gay community.

here is a better version

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Whenever I present these worries to people, the answers I get are akin to:
>This is how things are, accept them and join the culture
>You just hate yourself, don't worry, it's a phase
>This guy thinks he's different and is 'straight-acting'

How can you not grow at least some form of scorn for these "people", the people that you were supposed to love when you have to take this for years?

And don't get me started on what it's like to 'date'
First off, homosexuals will always be a minority, so it's not like you can just talk to a guy and assume he likes dick (aside from the painfully obvious limp-wristed variety).
There are a few well-adjusted homosexuals, I don't consider myself anything special or a godsend, but they're diamonds in a pile of shit, and it's never going to be like "hey, you're decent and I'm decent let's couple-up". Like dating, there has to be attraction involved

But how do you find them to begin with? Well, the next step would have to be dating apps
The gay-only ones are exactly what you'd expect: A bunch of chests and butts lined up for a quick screw
Even the ones that look decent aren't most of the time, I have a friend who met a guy online that seemed decent but would orgy-up with his rugby team everytime they'd win a championship for example
What I'm saying is that there's a lot of pump and dump, it's not the obvious ones that I hate, because those can be avoided, but there are many that present themselves as wanting a relationship when they just want to screw

My distrust grows, how could it not?
You could argue that it's no problem since I can't get pregnant, but it's still a violation of one of my values

By the way, the idea that your straight guy friends will outcast you is a meme
I have a bunch of mates and we get along, I don't even feel attracted to them aside from the innocent gander at the gym (nohomo)
Can't tolerate women and their shitty pointless drama

I don't know what else to write, I'm open to questions or topics

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Even good fags(rarer then a giant squid) have made the conscious decision to throw their lot in with a disegenious and disgusting political movement. Was getting a piece of paper from the government really worth building the platform of child sexual enslavement?
>Gay movement isn't pesos
Who was NAMBLA in the 60s and 70s? Just because the signs are down doesn't mean the ties and agenda ever left.

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Why aren’t you more vocal against your public pervert fag people?

>I would like to be straight.
Psychiatristanon here. This is unlikely. The best you're likely to do is to be bisexual, find a woman you like enough, and get married, and have a 1950's normie life like that. Unfortunately, Jow Forums isn't likely to help with that.

Don't be so hateful user.

Find a girl that is into bi guys, but first learn how to make Jow Forums related threads.
t. a biguy that hates faggots and /threads.

A wise man once said,
"If you can tell that someone is gay, then they are simply a sexual deviant"
You can be gay. But 80% of gay people nowdays are just sex-starved deviants without morals who are slaves to pleasure

Think about when you "knew" you were gay. Was there an event, trauma, family issue, etc. that steered you into it? Do you have any fantasies about women? Even a dick twitch at a pretty woman? If so, then give it a shot. If you don't like it, then you are gay and that's how it is. If you enjoy it, try again.

I'm gay though. I don't find women attractive at all

Homosexuality is a sin, If you desire to go to heaven, repent for your sins, turn from that lifestyle as accept Jesus as lord. I understand there maybe urges that you cannot control but God can help you if you desire help.

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Why aren't you more vocal against your public roastie? Same thing

Honestly, it's a fight I can't win and it's a fight I can't be assed to spend energy towards

You're branded as a self-hating homophobe and that sort of thing can indirectly ruin your progression in life since connections and networking take a large part in getting ahead in life.
I fight it by not dating faggots, but it's a double edged sword since I end up feeling utterly lonely

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this always needs to be posted

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God wants to help you. The thing about God is he rejects the haughty and proud, but cherishes the humble and meek. If you humble yourself before God and ask him to take your life in His hands and be willing to completely surrender, He will make a new man of you.
The admission ticket to God is Jesus, who is the Word of God, and is God. This is a deep truth to understand, but for know just know that the key to mankind's salvation rests in the blood of Jesus which was shed to pay the price of all our sins. Once you truly believe that and accept that gift, that opens the path to God through Jesus. Jesus is the mediator between the Father and mankind.

The point is that God will do all the heavy lifting in your renewal and transformation, because the flesh is weak and we are unable to do such things. Your part in all of this is to simply surrender control to God and love Him, follow Him and allow Him to work in you, abide in you, and heal you.

Gays don't bother me. I've gone on a few Grindr dates with traps. Two of them sucked me off on our first date. All of them were nice. I also have a gay cousin. I don't have a problem with them.

Individual rights.
Fags should be able to fag each other as long as they both want to fag. It doesn't effect me in any way.
As an identity group though, I find homosexuals insufferable.

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how is that politics or news? You are just shitting up the board and deserve the rope for (if nothing else) that.

>and i live in new york city
WHAT?? no way! i never wouldve guessed that!

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Well, the religious angle is that the state is an abomination if it condones abominations . You want to get "cured" ? It's called repent . And while you're at it , repent for everything else too . Find the life in Christ.

You willingly defile and pervert a sacred covenent between man, his wife and god. I'm feel bad that the fag fad makes it impossible for you to get the treatment you need for your mental illness.

I feel you. I'm in the almost same boat as you dude, and it fucking sucks. It's a tough spot. Do you have some shit like Discord? We could vent, this thread is going to die and I feel we could discuss it more.

I used to not have any problem with homosexuals. And I sympathized with their movement in the late 2000's and 2010's. I was happy for the homosexual community when they finally achieved their right to marriage in the United States.

My attitude began to change torwards homosexuals. When I noticed their behavior torwards Christians and anybody who was straight for that matter. They became intrusive to other cultures by demanding them accept their ideology. But what really fucking made me absolutely hate homosexuals was their attempt to indoctrinate children. Which is absolutely fucking disgusting thing to do. Anyone with half a brain understands that sexuality has no place in kindergarten. And anyone who argues otherwise is a fucking pedophile. Fuck the LGBT community, and I won't damn thing to help you people. When society finally decides to rip apart your movement in thousand pieces.

Just accept these facts:

1. Nobody cares about you being a faggot just dont run through the street naked in a fycking parade.

2. Don't adopt kids to comvert to your lifestyle nature has sorted you out of the gene pool for a reason.

3. Don't force anyone to bake your fucking cake, learn how to handle life and go to a store that is willing to take your money.

4. Never say that you are gay if it isn't prompted (like this thread). Again we don't care and you just sound like you want special treatment.

I'm gay and I approve this message.

yeah I'll bite
I don't use discord very much but I do have one

Owlie#0698 is what you need, right?

I don't care much for society or the state but I do care about other people and as a follower of Christ I care about you. I believe what you do is sinful but no more than any other sin, I don't want to see anyone punished for anything including you, the state cannot regulate marriage so if homosexuals want tax breaks too, why not? Please understand that you don't need sex to be human and that you are loved please give your life to Christ today and turn from your sin, get a Bible and go to the gospels first.

You are the scum of the earth for defying God's natural law and will one day be purged both as retribution for your sins and for the betterment of human society

Being gay isn't the problem.
It's acting like a flammable ass-hole that hurts you and your people.

"Marrying" your room isn't marriage.
I was different to gays and fine with whatever until they started going after Christian businesses. Now you fags can all rot for all I care.

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Well said

There is no society please love people instead of hurting them else they will never know Christ.

> eventually get married and have a husband

No you don't. I've had plenty of gay friends and all you faggots wanna do is fuck. Fags don't want love, they want what any other man wants to do, and that is stick their dick in everything.

There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself trough materialistic ways, sexual ways, trough drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy trough own creation that people calls as life.

We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.

We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.

We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself trough sexual ways, materialistic ways, trough parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Trough that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Trough physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else it is manifest of it.

I think that what ((they)) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.

GOD is figurative word. GOD is energy, source, consciousness that includes everything and beyond. You are also part of it. All the religions are teaching about this truth, hidden within words to those who are ready to see. Are you ready?


With these you can enter the rabbit hole. This is most important redpill. Redpill of life.

There is always lunging to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself trough materialistic ways, sexual ways, trough drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy trough own creation that people calls as life.

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one of the deepest redpills in tldr;

The World is controlled from the ages of Rome, by The Papacy and the Zionist order. They are hiding the truth, knowledge of life & science from previous golden ages, that what was preserved in Land of Khem, Egypt. After Rome, hidden by royalities. They are the deceivers that created religions and veiled humanity into darkness. We are again rising in the ages with awareness. It is time to awake and realize what we really are.

>We are eternal spirits bound to our bodies
>(((they))) keep us in the dark by hiding truth, by this system, by sins, lies and science.
>Italian families like Aldobrandini,Breakspear & vatican & jesuits
>they claimed people of the earth to their imaginary kingdom through three trust (three crown); 1455, romanus pontifex, 1481, aeterni regis, 1531, convocation.
>Through these three trust, cestui que vie is name of our enslavement. Wich is also 6,6,6 (symbol of material bound) when translated in latin.
>Level of awareness in humanity goes trough cycles and we have much less time to go through this cycle and it's ages than normally, that is why development has been so fast, that is why people are awakening to truth right now, we entered new age that is kicking in

Realize what you are, key to it is within. Body is just material plane that you borrow from earth. Through sins you bound thyself more into it, broke your boundaries. You are piece of life, piece of god that wan't experience bigger part of it. Through material ways it find not that expression.

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As far as i'm concerned it's a personality disorder, maybe some genetic precondition that runs on chance/environment basis, don't really care. But people need to start accepting their flaws as flaws, and move on. The need to larp is what makes me upset. The attempt to forcibly rewrite inherent characteristics of the world and humanity. Well, they can't really rewrite those, just change laws and promote delusion. But that's where the self damage occurs.

Marriage is about establishing a family and raising chindren, and it's a biological unit or at least something that tries to resemble one. You don't even need it, all you need to do is move in with this guy and live happily as far as i'm concerned. First of all two men never make a family, they're not capable, instead you might call it a community. You're attempting to do something (marriage) which in your case (two men) is utterly unrequired and unnatural, you also couldn't argue for it rationally. So the only real source behind your motivation must be social conditioning. And let me tell you a by now public secret, the modern humanist leftist officially accepted take on society with its morals, ethics, behavioural norms and social conduct is completely anti-civilisationist. It's basically a morality turned on its head. There's no point even trying to look for some meaning there other than self sabotage. I would advise on reading the Bible and/or some other religious texts and education in general, so it helps gain more understanding. Just don't go with anything labled "modern". There's no such thing, only successes and failures.

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Who are (((they))), who controlls us, everything ?..
In short. Jesuits. Vatican.

Bloodsucking sabbateans:
All of these working together.

>Helel ben Shahar
>Papal Bloodlines

Jesuit Council

Council of 13
>Farnese/delle Rovere
>Este Estence

House of Windsor
Elite Bankers - Financial Advisors to the Queen & Master Keyholder to the Vatican Bank

Council of 33
>Vatican Cardinals
>Master Scottish Rite Masons
>Highest Knights Templar
>Highest Knights of Malta
>" " York Rite
>" " Ordo Templar Orientis
>" " Priory de Sion

Council of 300
>all the way down here is where the "feared" Rothschilds are

Satan -> Black Pope -> White Pope -> Queen of England

Only those 3 have direct contact with Satan. Francis is the first jesuit White Pope. Black Popes are all jesuits.

tldr: We are eternal spirits binded by satan (material,cube,666). Our system is binder. we are souls (((they))) think to own.

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You are a drain on society and should be deported.

I had a realization literally yesterdat about my aloof older brother
>hes 32
>athletic chad all his life
>high charisma, people naturally like him
>shit ton of acquaintances, lots of close friends
>fratboy president in college (Purdue)
>had one long term relationship, ended it after 4 years
>Marine officer after college for 4 years
>Out of the marines now, back to college
>Goes to UCLA
>loves California, looks like a native faggot
>photos with short shorts, social events, protests, etc

So Im guessing my brother is gay or a mega bisexual whore. Guys cant be bi though. Do fags have issues coming out? The biggest flaw in my realization is that I dont peg my brother to give a fuck what the rest of us think, other than my mom (which may be possible). Are fags more dramatic than they need to be?

Fags spread diseases like rats, are insanely promiscuous showing a lack of impulse control, and make up a good third or fourth of all child molesters despite being a tiny minority of the population. You're a bunch of degenerates, and normalization of gays and their lifestyle is but another sign that this sick society may be beyond saving.

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
(Rom 1:25-27)

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I don't really care about homosexuality. None of my business or the government's what you do in private. It only becomes a problem when it is propagandized.

I don't think your brother is gay, but if he is he is hiding it, believe it or not there are gays who are ashamed of their orientation and don't want to come out to family. They don't want to burden you with their burden. For example, I will never tell my grandmother my sexual preferences. It would break her and I love her too much to break her. I will never bring my possible by to family meetings. It's not out of fear, it's for their own good. I like mostly men, but there habe been one or two women I have fallen for deeply. I still dream about having family, my.own son I could teach about finance and cars, just don't have idea how I will tackle that issue, big issue, that I find majority of women unattractive, mentally and sexually.

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Motivational Special Presentation!!
Feeling down? Depressed user? Well let me guide you to somthing very different. THIS isnt your usual Jew shekkeled Christianantity this is the Anti Synagogue of Satan, Pharisee harming message.
>the Enemy, Clinton, NWO
They worship Satan and Sacrifice Children amongst other things that you are aware of...
>you fight the good fight
>you harm the pedo elite by exposing them
>you voted for trump
So why not take up the banner that is the only way to harm these Scumbags and Vile People..

If you are an ATHEIST truther than you arnt a truther at all
>what truth do you have without Jesus?
None. Just some science filled faggotry.
>take up spiritual arms against the Gay Imperialists
The HomoSexual Mafia is trying to normalize pedophilia... this is the End times and Sodom and Gomorahh level of evil and We need to rise up and take our Christian Heritage back!!
Enough of the Juden and their Hollywood Kikery...!!

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I dont care what someone does so long I dont have to see or hear that shit. It's just disgusting what you all do but it's cool. I dont hate anyone. It's like people who eat healthy foods, it's disgusting to me but it's cool. Live your life plays.

I believe you have every right to live the life you want to live. That being said, I get real tired of gays constantly reminding everyone they're gay. You're sexuality does not give you a pass to publicly display degenerate behavior. I have no issue with monogamous gay men but the flagrant promiscuity rampant in the gay community should be frowned upon because it's a literal health hazard.

Ew faggot

I don't mind homosexuals who go on with their business and live their lives like normal people but I fucking hate faggots who parade their homosexuality like a peacock. Basically any raging faggot or someone part of the LGBT movement.

I think, for what it's worth, that you know that homosexuality is wrong in that it is against natural i.e. Gods law. Pray user, pray for guidance and help to overcome this. Jesus loves you and wants none to perish

Don’t base your whole identity on being gay. If you’re not walking around in a thong screaming at me you’re good in my book

Now THIS is the type of fag I can get behind!
Seriously though, if the gays were all like you I doubt many would have problems. I think a lot of it is the shitheads in the 'gay community' whatever that is. As a lobby they make me puke. I have gay friends, one of them rang me asking could we head out of the city the day of the pride parade. He says he's been mocked and derided by them for having religious beliefs; he thinks their culture is empty and ruinous. I redpilled him on a lot of things lately, I've watched him move from 'classical liberal' to closer to the Jow Forums end of things, particularly regarding Trump and immigration and the left in general. You seem cool, maybe you should try deprogramming a few gays, make them fashy and right wing.

Ur a faggot and I approve this message

>I am gay myself
>I would like to have a husband
>Please convert me.

What the fuck user. DO you want to be gay or not? Being gay isn't a conscious choice one makes, it's something you are born with.

>gay leaf

I’d kill myself

There’s no point in fags getting married. You won’t reproduce, and your whole lifestyle is based on degenerate hookups.

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gay is fine. just don't be such a fag

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Gayfag here. Being gay feels like a dead end

Duterte philosophy is the best philsophy.

>How do you feel about homosexuals?
It's a deviant behavior, just like anything else that simulates reproduction. Some deviancies are further than others. Heterosexual sex acts can be deviant as well, but not as deviant as say, two guys taking turns cramming their dicks into electrical sockets.

I have no moral judgement of what people do to themselves or with others voluntarily.

It becomes subversive when a deviance is promoted and encouraged by the state.

The nations of the world have been subverted by the controllers. The controllers are unknown to the public but they control the hegemony of our populations by tossing it back and forth against and between extremes.

The state originally destroyed marriage by the implementation of marriage licenses. Marriage used to be a sanctimonious domain owned by people, now it's a domain of the state. The state has expanded it's domain to dictate what constitutes marriage which isn't in their authority in the first place but we relinquished that domain in exchange for tax breaks. Now the state has swallowed the domain of gay marriage.

Congratulations, you are now equally controlled and must ask permission from the state to marry, what a win.

The state forcing people to accept the metaphysical quality of homosexuality as equal to traditional marriage is analogous to the state commanding the public to accept the marriage of human and animal or to recognize the matrimony of group sex.

It's absurd. People who fall into the trap of swallowing this are totally blind to what is happening and are virtually incapable of escaping the perspective in order to think rationally.

The state should have no domain of something this private and personal, and the fact that people demand the recognitions of deviance be forced on others by the state is a good indicator of how truly brainwashed our societies are and how far into totalitarian dystopia we have sunk without the general public having the slightest inclination.


To be a Christian, one must believe that Jesus Christ, only begotten Son of God, died for your sins and rose again as told in the Word of God.

First problem, do you deny that God is Creator? Sodomy is one of the judgements of God leveled against those who deny Him as Creator. The sin is accepting that as the core principle by which you govern your entire life. All have sinned and fallen short the glory of God. Some were born to murder, some to steal, some to lust after other men. God did not make you this way. It is a result of being a son of Adam. You will never fix it.

Good news is, Jesus Christ did! The penalty for sin is death. He paid that price for you so that you might be forgiven and born again into a sinless, eternal life. The pardon is free, but you can refuse it. Please don't.

Joseph Sciambra on YouTube is a former gay man who gave his life to Jesus. I believe he is one of the Catholics who is actually saved, unlike the pope. Should you accept Jesus, you may or may not be cured instantly. Most of us grow bit by bit and slowly leave our sin behind. Jesus is the only Way, but some can only walk and others run. God knows which is best for you in the long run.

A good place to get started with the belief part is Chuck Missler's Learn the Bible in 24 Hours. It's a book, and the lectures are on YouTube.

Don't forget to pray. Hope to see you soon!

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The state had to be fed directives on mainstreaming homosexuality for decades. They had to apply continuous, consistent social pressure over multiple generations of population and government terms. It wasn't organic, homosexuality was a pretty extreme minority which by itself wouldn't have the popularity to propogate into mainstream societal acceptance.

Now you can barely watch new movies or tv shows without literal propaganda hyper-rationalizing homosexual activity despite its conspicuous over-implementation which often unfolds tangentiallly and unharmoniously with the plot.

The truth is the state is a socio structural organism. It's like a monster. Especially when it becomes detached from constitutional restraints. The state doesn't give a fuck about fags, trannies or deviants. The state relishes in the power granted to them by these sub-identities and as its power grows will discard one group aside in favor of another at the first expediant opportunnity. The state is empowered and emboldened by all groups who are wholly dependent on its declaration of forced acceptance. It's not benevolence, it's despotism. Those who cant see the difference will never be of service to the people when and if someday the tyranny comes completely to bear, those people will be traitors to their countrymen, with no understanding of the predicament. They are permanently on the side of the state, defecting only after a forced catharsis such in the case of extreme abuse by the state against their specific identity group.

I can understand sucking cock and buttsecks but kissing a guy with whiskers is just the grossest.

(Not Secular)
So personally, I don't think there's anything morally wrong with being gay, it's simply where u want to put your dingle. However, the way that mainstream gay media portrays homosexuals as purely loudmouth caricatures is what most people hate when they say that they don't like gays. My roommate is gay but doesn't bring it up every 10 minute, just like I don't bring up my heterosexuality

>Productive gays
meh, whatever. You do with your asshole what you want to do.

>Fags that run naked and push their agenda

Degenerate faggots. They spread disease and rape children extremely disproportionately to their population. Your culture is a disease that rapes the minds of children. I think homosexuality should be illegal, but the law only enforced in public.