Why are there suddenly so many antifas in USA?
I thought it was a thoroughly European thing
Why are there suddenly so many antifas in USA?
I thought it was a thoroughly European thing
It's cause of your trip privilege
They're funded by (((them))) and get bussed in large numbers to wherever there's a WN honeypot event going on. Provocateurs on both sides also get paid to kick shit off.
Cville's torch walk was a fluke or possibly left alone to allow Vice and MSM to document what was going on so their retaliation the next day would be more justified optics-wise.
We don't have real antifa, just soft lazy larpers wielding pepper spray and pipes.
Same decadent conditions and propaganda you get in europe. They're a lot more of a joke here though and not really intimidating at all. It's hilarious that the free speech crowd larps as hard as antifa and they actually have a sense of humor.
>Why are there suddenly so many antifas in USA?
Internet hastens the spread of the virus. Along with college humanities departments.
How do you think they started there?.
Then some leftist (((parties))) when arrived to power started giving them support indirectly and surpressing the police against them, add some years, aaaaand... guess what?
we don't really have antifa, but it's easy to just wear black and use the same iconography.
antifa isn't as big a threat here because we can use firearms to protect ourselves if need be. in europe, you're at the mercy of marxist faggots because they coordinate and the government helps them by disarming the populace to such an extent
Its just a psy-op. Thats why you have the weirdos running around in "kek" outfits there for them to fight with. Both sides are just CIA/Mossad.
Homosexuality isn't just limited to Europe.
>so many antifas
wtf there's roughly 500 antifas in the world
30 of them know how to throw a punch, the other ~450 are still learning
pic related
>wasted trips
>pic related
americans are too dumb to nip it in the bud, they will win every battle with antifa on the streets while they win the war, turning america into a racemixed communist shithole... oh wait that already happened
There have always been Antifa in America. But they used to call themselves Black Bloc. There have never been this many of them though. While some of that is explainable by "muh Trump" I don't buy the numbers we've been seeing. In any major city, Antifa should only be about 50 dudes.
Soros put over a billion dollars into his open societies foundation
There isn't that many. They just seem like a lot because Jews pay to bus them out whenever they need them.
There isn’t. I’d have to drive for 15 hours to find the closest group. I checked.
All Cops Are Bad
most are larping trump supporters
>Why are there suddenly so many antifas in USA?
They literally exist in about 12-15 cities and nowhere else. Any time you can find a shitload of dumb young college-age leftists who don't want to work for a living, you can find them, so just steer clear of NYC, LA, Boston, Portland and other shit-tier cities that should all burn to the ground, and you'll never encounter a single one, ever.
Nobody is willing to escalate it, so it's just larping Australian Satan.
After Trump's election, membership in the DSA rose tens of thousands. While there isn't an official record of antifa membership, it isn't hard to assume that it rose by a similar amount too
Notice that most Antifa do not wear bulletproof vest.
Antifa has been growing pretty large since 2014 here in the US, just got enormous in 2016 due to President Trump being elected.
>being this willingly delusional
Christ you fucks are insufferable. Literal Proud Boy here. The fact you think Kekistan, the Alt-Right or any fringe movements are all just CIA ploys is fucking laughable you nigger.
all i see is a group of edgelords with nothing of value in their lives
Trump won, and that freaked them out. You actually did have some lefty faggots doing shit like that under the Reagan administration, but they weren't called antifa. This, and if you go back further we did have groups like the weather underground.
How to tell whether you come from a single-parent household. Shaking my dang head.
My dad taught me how to punch when I was 8.
You'd think it's a clever rebrand (black bloc are well known to police as domestic terrorists) because they rely on the cops to protect their asses, but the police can't all be that oblivious to what's going on when the cunts show up wearing the same balaclavas they wore to G8.
People need to demask Antifa.
Antifa's actions are going to lead to a death and then all shit will break loose. If Charlottesville had lead to the death of a right winger we'd be in the threshold of Civil War 2 today.
You guys missed the part where we had 5 left-wing bombings a day during the 70s.
They're a symptom of a bigger problem.
The group BAMN aka By Any Means Necessary are the people who run antifa and are associated with Nambla.
They use cult tactics to indoctrinate young people and they openly advocate for pedophilia.
Its communist waste that's been festering for years in universities.
And yeah the kikes fund them
I too have read Days of Rage. But you're missing the part where the right is fighting back this time.
this. an opiate addict will do literally anything for a 20 dollar bill.
Homeless people will do a lot of shit for a Benjamin.
I know this shit went down, but there is very little information online about it. I remember reading about a communist who got 20 years for bombing a federal building, but there is nothing on Wikipedia bout it.
Like all countries, America always had drugged up degenerates, junkies and anarchists.
They just started calling themselves antifa recently, to do like European antifa.
Mo quishla, Antifa
>with nothing of value in their lives
yes they do. It's called 'a cause', probably the most powerful thing in existence.
Probably because there are a lot for Fascists in the US to anti.
It's just really tame leftists who suddenly think they're part of "the resistance" against trump now.
European antifa are relatively organized and violent, this is mostly a rag tag group of pussies who put on a mask but pussy out every time shit is about to get real.
It's basically pic related with black hoodies and bandanas but they're the same pussy underneath.
"a cause" aka jewish blood.
what is their cause
Ah , at least someone that knows what's up.
Listen to the ones that are in deep shit already and you may be able to save yourselves.
DONT LET A LEFTIST GOVERNMENT TAKE POWER, they will plant the seeds of destruction in less than two years.
Somebody's funding them. Somebody is paying for all their gear. Custom clothing, some padding, mace, meeting spaces etc. They are not buying this shit on their own.
George Soras paid groups to show up and disrupt.
Also, we have a whole class of trust fund babies who are professional protesters and anarchists.
Add in the occasional middle aged women going through their own mid-life crisis, who have decided they want to make a difference, and we get a shit load of holligans who are now all labelled "Antifa".
Note that other politically active sources have also funded "Antifa", including, Russian Government (this leaked from the Trump-Russian collusion investigation), Hillary Clinton campaign, Democrat National Committee, Obama's left over political election group, Clinton Global Initiative, and others.
We let a leftist government take power, but then we ripped it away from them in the most surprising way possible. Now, we have every leftist shitting their pants in fear because they realized they are losing the culture war.
Sorry you Yuros are such utter cucks that you elect your leftist governments into power over and over again.
Mate not much onlina at all. They also bombed wtc fbi cia. F kn nothing online about it.
They go where Mr. Soros tells them to go.
Daddy money.
There really aren't that many, its mostly paid agitators backed by soros and the chinks trying to stir up a civil war.
we have tons of socialists, antifa are just a % of that
Impeech blumpf is no a cause. Its just pissing into the wind.
>america is communist
i agree with the racemixed shithole though
It probably started because left wing people here think Europe is hot shit because of socialism. They tend to want to adopt your customs more than the average conservative American
You are the ones who are laughable and that's the point.
your movement is so far right even nazis think its a joke fake CIA plot.