If yall really think about it, the reason for black people complaining and chimping out for racism is because of protestantism. Protestant Christianity and only protestant christianity was a major player in the atlantic slave trade and used the bible ans sola scriptura to justify black slavery and the heresy that whites are suuperior over blacks which is ethnophyletism.
If you go back before 1517, there was no such thing or convept of racism, the world was less divided with the only barrier being religion. If we abolish protestantism in America, that may shut black people up about slavery because then the racist white people would have to be either traditional catholic or orthodox christian and have to adhere to church and apostolic authority instead of sola scriptura.
Ok, it's banished. Now that we've done that, I'd like to announce my brand new religion, neo-protestantism
Jason Lewis
What a retarded post.
Christian Ortiz
How is it retarded? Look at American and south africas history with racism, they enslaved black people and then they instituted apartheid and social racism still exists within protestant nations.
Jason Thomas
It's the most illogical and stupid thing I've read today
Thomas Foster
My point is that protestantism has formed the modern racism prevalent in America and south africa and even in western Europe. Some retard 500 years ago read the bible and said "white people are superior to black people" and europeans acceoted this and made the modern west.
Ian Ward
So how will you go about abolishing a religion, or in this case, a broad term that can apply to a multitude of denominations? Will you take up arms against Christians?
Parker King
Please elaborate josé
Josiah Flores
Jesuit shill begone
It was Anglicans (basically still papists in all practices) and Catholics (the whole Spanish empire and the French in Haiti) who did most slavery. And on top of that in the Colonies it was FREEMASONS
True Protestants like Spurgeon and Wilberforce we're the staunchest Abolitionists.
Ayden Lopez
KKK were Masonic INFILTRATORS pretending to be Protestant
Benjamin Rivera
> (You) >So how will you go about abolishing a religion
If I remember correctly, islam was banned twice in america (once in the 18th century and again in the 1950's)
or in this case, a broad term that can apply to a multitude of denominations? Will you take up arms against Christians?
Well what I would auggest is somehow ignote a cultural revolution or a social revolution or a religious revolution in america that is either orthodox christian or traditional roman Catholic (constantinian catholicism) ans mass protestants become rither tjose two and abandon the racist tradition of proteatantism and acceot the apostolic tradition. Same with black Americans.
Kayden Sanders
What about slavery in the rest of the world? All the fucking cultures have practiced slavery, regardless of their religion
Robert Williams
>Jesuit shill begone
Nice try but I follow orthodoxy
>It was Anglicans (basically still papists in all practices) and Catholics (the whole Spanish empire and the French in Haiti) who did most slavery. And on top of that in the Colonies it was FREEMASONS
Could it be possible that protestants and their racism influenced the spanish and Portuguese slavery? Also france abandoned the catholic church by the time the haitian revolution begun.
>True Protestants like Spurgeon and Wilberforce we're the staunchest Abolitionists.
Hudson Myers
Ask yourself, if the KKK were really as anti Catholic as they claimed why do they wear Inquisition hoods?
Elijah Young
Youre right, but aincient slaves (before the christianization of Rome) were treated not as bad as blacks were in colonial slavery.
Henry Hernandez
>auggest >ignote >rither >tjose I think you've had too much Hi-C today lad. Best to lie down and put a cool compress on your head.
Aiden Fisher
ok, but and the slaves under Islam? and in the Aztec empire? The list goes on and on...
Nathan Jackson
Fuck off Rabbi
White Protestants converted their slaves to Christianity and allowed them to worship freely which is the ONLY reason Whites are demonized for slavery.
>ripping someone's heart out isn't as bad as picking cotton
Nathan Foster
>Ask yourself, if the KKK were really as anti Catholic as they claimed why do they wear Inquisition hoods?
Maybe cause they want to look kkkool?
Hunter Myers
> (OP) (You) >Fuck off Rabbi >White Protestants converted their slaves to Christianity and allowed them to worship freely which is the ONLY reason Whites are demonized for slavery.
No they didnt they taught them a sodomized and mickey mouse meme version of christianity that neither christ nor the apostles nor the earliest Christians practiced.
Noah Price
I’m gonna need some sources behind this one.
Christian Kelly
I would consider islam to be protestant, they accept christ only as a prophet but changed the christian religion by denying his being of the son of god and adding a new prophet. They were bastards.
exact! and the sugar plantations on the island of Santo Domingo are a thousand times worse than having your cock cut by some fucking Arabs, (after being captured by the rival African tribe)