>WW2 Uniforms looked fucking nice and sophisticated, (especially when they belonged to fascist nations)
> Modern military uniforms are just bland camo jacket and pants
Call me a fashion fag but...
>A warrior/knight deserves shining armour just as a soldier deserves a good uniform
What the fuck happened to the military aesthetic?
function over form you colossal retard
camo works and so it will stay until everyone can cheaply give infrared vision to their soldiers
Lol to hide from butters u dingus
It depends on the branch, the army just doesn't get aesthetics. The Air Force made a much more pleasing to the eyes color choice for the extra little shit that goes onto it.
Frankly though, the US has sucked at making "cool" looking uniforms for a long time. We only occasionally make cool ones like the desert storm choco chip and what not.
People don't dress well anymore, when I was a kid ppl used to fly international in a suit, now they fly in pajamas.
How old are you?
>wtf why do we make our uniforms for functionality now instead of pointless faggot fashion contests?
Adds up then, too bad the US has taken so many migrants since you were a kid.
Why are you comparing amerimutts to germans?
>not having modern but a esthetic armor
I get the idea of function over form but just look at pictures of Wehrmacht camo uniforms. Modern uniforms all look the same, really, and countries haven't had their own uniforms since the mid/early 20th century.
That’s literally army camo
yeah well everything's gone to shit
The modern uniforms aesthetics usually come from the plate carriers and other equipment, you are complaining about the utility uniform.
Yeah because it's so functional to give the Navy green digital camo instead of normal coveralls
Little stuff is changed, the tapes and rank are a different color and the flag is a more subdued color. Along with that you have the job patch thats in a blue green OCP.
It isn't UCP. Thats the former Air Force pattern that is being replaced, ABU which is an Air Force digital tiger stripe.
Before all that they dressed like fucking peacocks parading around in huge packs.
Like, uh, nice target, retard. Cobalt blue and bright red with gold accents really blends in.
Im with you bro. WW2 was peak steampunk war. We were born in the wrong generation. I should have died in the middle of stalingrad.
Fucking mongrel ZOG minion to the left vs a real soldier. This fucking country.
If you were stuck in a forest or a desert in Shitholnistan which one would you prefer?
That was the French, and that's just an exception.
French people are retarded in general.
It seems like the rank and tapes will be even harder to read in this color than black like army which is already hard to read if they have like black spots on the material under it
I’m in the army but I have to admit that the marines have the sexiest uniforms
Thats a solid argument. I was just pointing out that its a neat aesthetic choice.
There are some cases when the ABU can be aesthetics though
German Artillery: Let's play, spot the french
His over there in bright red trousers.
same thing that happened to architecture.
Pic related is the ultimate expression of Aesthetics.
No historical costume can compare to the modern aesthetic of soldiers. Watching too much anime rots the brain and makes stormfags think form trumps function. Thats what they were, faggy costumes for ceremony purposes and thats why every country has dress sets.
When I first joined it was BDUs, then it went to ACUs, then to OCPs...that was all within a span of about 10 years.
I always wondered if it wasn't just another way to bankroll more money from soldiers. Yeah, you get a clothing allowance, but a goretex jacket consumes all of that, and the amount of gear you are required to have is outrageous.
We decided functionality was more important than aesthetics...
Considering the military has different uniforms for different levels of formality its not really a big deal.
And of course Nazis had great uniforms. The third Reich understood aesthetics better than any other nation in history.
Antifa is better in every way whiteboi
Just so you know, the attention from the ladies is exactly how you imagine it.
1980s was good for us military aesthetics
Desert storm uniform was peak aesthetic
I think our Parliament Guards' uniform is based on our standard WWII uniform.
They're wearing UCP plate carriers..
Everything is ugly now, why would uniforms be any exception
MARSOC uniforms are pretty intimidating
Thats true, it also seems like they were more relaxed on enforcing strict uniform regs compared to today
Different type of warfare in different parts of the world. Why would you need different clothes. oP, kys
left mutt
right white
Fucking americans.
Just fucking kill yourself you mutt ingrate.
Yeah, most secfo squadrons don't get their own shit unless the base commander cares enough
Romanian Soldiers 1976
I hope you realize battles were different back then, so having a fancy uniform didn't really make a difference.
These colorful uniforms became obsolete in WWI, when French troops wearing bright red pants were pretty much massacred by German snipers.
The smarter countries (basically everyone else), stopped using colorful uniforms way before WWI.
Everything inferior races touch turns into shit.
The Army might be going back to the 1941 Olive-Drab uniform, for garrison wear. It'll be decided by the end of this year.
pic is the Sergeant Major of the Army last winter. He's the one who has been pushing for the change for years now.
Are you implying that danes only make camo for the fall? Why are you pretending to be retarded right now?
>Why military not epic anymore?
Well here’s a partial answer.
They're bringing the pink and greens back.
Also WWII uniforms were generally illfitting,, uncomfortable, poorly made pieces of shit that only look good in old pictures.
That explains Bra7-1L.
I'm glad we're going back to peak aesthetics.
>literal fag uniforms
>this looks like shit
>fattie with dumbass painted legs
>cuckboy with weird-ass pants and gay pink bandana
lmao who are you trying to fool, antifa-fag?
You guys have the best uniform for sure
Atleast if I don’t wash out of ranger school I’ll get a decent uniform too
I guess. I just don't want to pay another $200 for kit I'll use twice a year.
Of course Mike Vining looked sharp.
Marines are the dumbasses who get sent in first to any hellhole to die for Israel.
Best unifrom
Only thing I hate about this is that the belt and pocket pleats were for officers only. Enlisted didn't have either.
Anyways, if the do bring back the OD, they should also bring back the Ike.
Well at least we have OCP now, even though we still get issued a lot of UCP shit because the army is fucking retarded.
Are you still taught to man up and marry that slut afterwards?
rome fell
Populations are more easily propagandized with leaders that have more businesslike clothing.
wearing red down walking through a trail in the american woodlands was a disadvantage considering guerrilla warfare americans were using guns that had twice the effective range of the british guns.
It looks like shit without the belt, though.
I'm more concerned about the materiel. The current dress blues are made out of the same polyester trash my blazer was made out of when I was 14.
Until you win a war you can’t talk shit hans. You can beat the french easy but you will never be able to beat the cowboys
homemade frogskin camo is peak aesthetic senpaitachi, sorry
la creatura
Until pinks and greens make a comeback, the Marine's dress blues and service alphas will have to do.
yeah maybe, but they're also swayed by leaders with charisma and who care about their national heritage
I'm jealous of the bloused boots in dress uniform you guys have.
>having outdated armor
ragheads still have better aesthetics
One on the left is a mutt, the ones on the right are white. Makes a pretty big difference.
>using american uniforms
At least Army and Marine fags don't have to wear literal business suits.
What the fuck happened to military aesthetic?
>The red coats of the English are a beacon of the embodiment of british class.
>Attire of the modern queerfolk are drab green linens
I beseech thee to accuse me of buggery but...
>a crusader of the Queens good name deserves shining armour just as a soldier deserves a good uniform
>billion dollar textile industry
>still can't beat Pashtuns wearing homespun
CHADliban wins again.
Is that Todd Howard?
I would love to see this happen.
Why is the filter covered in cloth?
fags stopped designing them
Hopefully Trump gets to weigh in. I know the man respects aesthetics.
I was literally just about to post this.
i like this
>that short goblina
God, the US army is a fucking embarrassment.