Do you really endorse what Breivik has done ?

It has been quite violent, what he has done...I can understand for what he was fighting for but the method is quite extreme...

You are LARPing guys...right? You don't really agree with the massacre...Is that right ?

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He would have been better off targeting pro immigration/leftist leaders

hello :^)

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breivik was a fucking hero.

he did one better. he targeted the FUTURE pro immigration/leftist leaders.

He killed traitors and leftists, he deserves a medal, not jail. MARXISTS MUST DIE!!

Tat's what he did, he prevented the next gen of traitors to rise

Absolutely disagree with using violence to promote your ideology.

no he was a faggot who shot kids up

cool dude



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no, all he's done ruined any chance for anti-migrant healthy nationalist politics and movements at that time
he might have been manipulated by globalists to go berserk for all we know

Extreme situations call for extreme measures. I applaud him for pre-emptive strike on the next generation of traitors

>shoots a bunch of white children

absolutely not, why would you even ask this?

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The majority of the people he killed were political islamists. I’d say he actually ended up saving more lives than he took in the long run.

Hi fellow mountain jew.

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Killing teenage socialists is a net win for the world

I'd like to fly to Norway and buy him a beer when he gets out of prisoncation

What's his sentence? 12 years?

He's getting less than a year for every person he killed. I don't think Norwegians really care about what he did.

His actions have created hundreds of thousands of lefty voters, so fuck him

its all memes man
he just holds the all time high score for mass shootings

He was an hero.
Omar Mateen was an hero.
Jarrod Ramos was an hero.

His manifesto is 100% correct. But shooting white people is a really stupid way to get your message across.

what are the main talking points of his manifesto ?

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how's the fondue going, Sepp?

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No matter their skin color, commie race traitors are not white.

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Oh, I'm forced to eat kebab, Geneva you see...

Those kids were worth less than the dirt on your shoe you retarded kike

here, have some real Switzerland to cleanse your soul

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any more info you got? would be appreciated.

I live 100 km away from the orient building :)

No, I will fight for Geneva. Do you know about the Escalade, 1602? It represents the spirit of Switzerland extremely well.

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You are a retard if you think voting solves the Commie issue. Tell the people in Venezuela, Cuba, or China. Tell Spain that has an unelected Commie President.
As commies barely reproduce, a second Breivik would totally wipe the worst ideology from the map, saving countless lives of innocents in the process AND your nation AND your past and heritage.
Compare it with Sweden in which Muslim commie in charge of Culture destroys relics as she laughs claiming that 'whites have no culture', and where children get killed with hand grenades. Breivik is unironically a saint, and we need more like him if we want to save Europe.

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Anders is a hero, he did what was right. The law isn't always correct, this is war and anders knew that better than anyone. Bullets change governments faster than votes do

What a cunt.

If you don't target the problem, you deserve the rope.

"Weschtschwiizer" are not even Alemanns

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What I heard was that Breivek's real target was Gro Harlem Brundtland, former socialist Prime Minister and the one who championed the blackening of Norway. She's was also the daughter of communists and the mastermind behind Agenda 21. Unfortunately, she left when she heard about the bombing that Breivik did earlier in the day.

The island that Breivek went to was a summer camp owned and run by Norway's socialist party to train the next generation of traitors.

I don't "endorse" anything. I'm just pointing out that people don't like going extinct and will fight back. Whether he was good or bad is totally irrelevant; the only thing that matters is that Breivik was inevitable. So stop trying to make whites go extinct if you care so deeply about what he did.

he's the reason Norway isn't Sweden 2.0 right now, he should get a medal not be put in jail


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>She's was also the daughter of communists and the mastermind behind Agenda 21.
All communists must die

Anders Behring Breivik did nothing wrong.

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What is Agenda 21 and why it's bad for /us/ ?

Agenda 21 basically calls for totalitarian world government.

Jow Forums is a Board of Peace
who needs guns when you can launch air strikes?

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he was right

If this picture is legit, then Breivik really is a saint

He is a criminal, Zionist mass murderer of white children. Fuck him and everything he stands for.

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I think you stop being white, when you support certain things:

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I think you are insane and a danger to democracy and probably non-white Untermensch yourself.

oooh nooo, I'm a danger to democracy....
and all of this while shitposting on a bavarian bottle caps collecting forum

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Aside from being a free mason white-slave to the Jews, he knew what was going to come.

50% Righteous
50% Slave

Can't show mercy to the enemy. If you're really serious about saving the west this is something you have to learn

He did all that Mason/Kosher bullshit in order to make the kosher nationalists look bad

He expressed in prison how he was a true believer National Socialist all along

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I only feel sorry if some of the victims weren't into politics at all but just kinda went along because their friend or someone they knew said it would be fun

>You don't really agree with the massacre
i agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Heil Fjotolf!


The only thing he did wrong was suck zionist cock in his manifesto.


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He would’ve been better off targeting far right government members.

no, he should have targeted politicians

Nope. He already clarified that the "Christian Nationalist" thing was an act to protect Nationalists from the immediate backlash. He is a very smart man that understands exactly how the (((system))) works.

If only he had been around to takeout those March for our Lives kids.

He did literally nothing wrong

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A lot of them were non white

Breivik did nothing wrong

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Have a serious reply shill OP.

1. He was never popular on Jow Forums
2. He is a literal Zionist Kike puppet
3. The same people trying to get Antifa tards to chimp out are the same people behind Brevik murdering over 80 kids on an island for demanding a boycott of Israel due to human rights abuses against Palestinians.

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You just don’t understand their legal system. They have a maximum incarceration period, but at the end of that period the case is reviewed and the prisoner may be given more time in five year increments. Breivik will never get out.

Breivik is my personal hero and inspiration. He single handedly wiped out an entire generation of young socialists who would have one day been politicians and power brokers.

The result? Today, Norway has a moderate government, and is moving to the right. None of the insane socialist nonsense of Sweden. Breivik literally saved his nation. He is a hero.

Every country needs someone like him to do what he did. Communists are not people. They are not your fellow citizens: They are the enemy within. Kill them where you find them.


He is a Jew-aware Nationalist and he already clarified that his whole act was designed to protect Nationalists from the immediate backlash and as a bonus they would attack the alt-lite/civ-nat instead.

Common core, retard.

go away shill

trying to make us not read Europe 2083 (but I bet fellow Jow Forumsacks already know a lot from the written shit)

Said no successful ideology in the history of the human race.


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We are a board of peace.

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>He is a Jew-aware Nationalist and he already clarified that his whole act was designed to protect Nationalists from the immediate backlash and as a bonus they would attack the alt-lite/civ-nat instead.
Really activated my almonds there.

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Given that the fucking her queen herself is probably monitoring my activity I don't believe I'm at liberty to express my views.

He was a gay rights activist and a freemason and a zionist. Zionism and the god damned wars for israel are the reason there are so many fucking muslims in europe in the first place. Yet this tubby faggot only praised jews and israel.

It was suspected that it was a israe/jew false flag at the time among white nationalists, who were at the time nearly universally anti-zionist/israel, as opposed to the israel loving new wave of supposed white nationalists. It was even written about by a professor that jews were involved, as it was an anti-zionist group that was attacked.

"Swedish prof 'insinuates' Israel tie to Breivik attack

In his article, Tunander reaches the conclusion that terrorist acts of such magnitude are seldom possible without the involvement of state forces, “and we can’t rule out that being the case this time too.”

In the midst of a web of alternative theories, Tunander lays out a “simple chronology” detailing the fractious diplomatic relationship between Norway and Israel in the months before the massacre, with Oslo indicating it would be willing to recognize a Palestinian state.

On two occasions, Tunander notes the significance of the date of the attacks.

First, he travels back to 1973, when members of the Israeli spy agency Mossad were arrested on July 22nd after a botched operation in which they assassinated the wrong person on Norwegian soil.

He also calls to mind the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem by Zionist paramilitary group Irgun, which took place on July 22nd 1946."

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King of Norway

It was also on july 22, the same day as a couple of other jew operations including the king david hotel bombings.

Swedish prof 'insinuates' Israel tie to Breivik attack
"First, he travels back to 1973, when members of the Israeli spy agency Mossad were arrested on July 22nd after a botched operation in which they assassinated the wrong person on Norwegian soil.

He also calls to mind the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem by Zionist paramilitary group Irgun, which took place on July 22nd 1946."

>everyone's a zionist
i'm getting so fucking tired of hearing this

I don't give a fuck what you're tired of you fucking slob. Read his writings. He was a israel loving zionist who just happened to attack an anti-zionist group and pick the same date, july 22, that
>members of the Israeli spy agency Mossad were arrested on July 22nd after a botched operation in which they assassinated the wrong person on Norwegian soil
and that
> of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem by Zionist paramilitary group Irgun, which took place on July 22nd 1946.

A don't give a fuck about your sacred cow brevik. He's a fucking hoax and you're a dumbass.

pic related
>Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store visits the Utoya Labor Youth camp a day before Breivik's

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Of course!

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