
Starts at 16 seconds.

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lmao who is that guy

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It's none other than Brian Ruhe. He used to sport a Hitler moustache for quite some time.

Is he an angel?

Brian Ruhe is an obvious fucking shill. This faggot gets paid to make anyone who question the JQ look unhinged.

Shills don't dress so sharply.

Oy vey the anti white identarian triggering

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This man is an angel.

>Jewish supremacist
Isn't that every Jew?

Possibly, yes.

Look how Peterstein has private security guards protecting him at all times now, and look at the dismissive way Peterstein tells Brian Ruhe to "get out of the pictures". Ruhe says "don't I have free speech? don't you support that?" and Peterstein says "okay do whatever you want", then his security guard tells Ruhe that he doesn't have free speech while standing in the road and that he has to move, then the camera cuts.

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Either that or he is not totally well.

Either way this is gold.

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Jordan Peterson is a professor at the University of Toronto. UFT is ruled by Jews. Canada is ruled by Jews. Toronto especially is ruled by Jews (the finance sector is very big in Toronto). If he addressed the Jewish Question, he would be de-platformed. He is not going to go there.

He is Satan

Crazy how Jordan just acts smug. He tries to brush it off like it isn’t a serious issue and like it hasn’t been plaguing him. If he was truly of an intellectual, he would use this man as an example to the rest of the group. Peterson should have used Brian as a prop to express his solid points against his accusations but alas, he brushes it off per standard Zionist Alinsky tactics

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>mfw faggots continue to try to destroy JBP
o i am laffin

Does the guy in the video remind you of anyone?

>that boomer who blames the Jews for his male pattern baldness and confronts e-celebs about it in public

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>Jordan Peterson is a professor at the University of Toronto.
Jordan Peterson is a mega multi-millionaire. He is at no risk of losing his livelihood or audience if he were to lose his job at the U of T (he already quite teaching anyways to do his eceleb business).

Also has nothing to do with the fact he's supported by jewish supremacists.

That's because Satan is scared of the Cherubims.

>confronted by the jewish question
>1 hour 11 minutes
>1 of 2

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Newfags who haven't been redpilled on the JQ yet. Sad.

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a hero and a patriot

Brian is Satan?

I thought he was a cherubim nor a seraphim.

Shows how much I know.

Jews taken over the alt right lol

Jewish supremacists are based, only shitskins and lesbians hate them

This is you


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>Implying alt-right wasn't created by Jews as a new negative buzzword to label anyone who holds any moderate right wing views

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You're hi-larious!

Is that veronicas dad?

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A 1 hour video? Really?

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I love that it has risen to this level, somehow I feel Petersteins tale is one which will end in a climax, but that's just a hunch.

You're jewish.

Confrontation happens at 15 seconds.

Can anyone figure out what they said? My headset sucks

Yeah i saw this video. Brian did a good job calling out Juden Peterstein. We need more of our guys to do this on video.

I'm not though. You're a straight up brainlet though obsessing over muh joos

LMAO how delusional are you stormfags?

This balding boomer looked like a fucking lunatic and everyone was laughing at him

Well is it true that Jordan Peterson attended Tony Podesta's 72nd birthday party and bought him a chiffon scarf?

Peterson is married to a jewess

>Jordan Peterson is a mega multi-millionaire. He is at no risk of losing his livelihood or audience if he were to lose his job at the U of T (he already quite teaching anyways to do his eceleb business).
>Also has nothing to do with the fact he's supported by jewish supremacists.
I have to imagine that Jordan Peterson's income would go down significantly if he named the Jew. He wouldn't have as much media exposure as he does now. He could get banned from Patreon and have to use Hatreon, etc. Money talks.
There is money to be made in being a GOP puppet. But no money to be made in being an anti-semite.


Watching the video this guy is really bad at argumentation, he only says "jews jews jews"
He should fucking use specific names so people know what to fucking look for

I asked if it was true. You seem awfully defensive about it.

Does he know Tony Podesta on first name basis or not? Or is it just John he really chums up with.

Juden Peterstein spent his whole life guzzling leftist cum at academia and only decided to say a word about it after shit got so insane that mentally ill faggots are self castrating and threatening to throw normal people in jail for not talking the way they want. He's just another self promoting, greedy boomer.

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Peterson doesn't lie about the JQ (he lies, he doesn't avoid the JQ, he goes out of his way to lie) because he's worried about his income, he lies because it is hes intent to deceive in the first place. It's literally his job.

Even if you are right that he's lying only to protect his vast fortune (he's not), that would still make him a hypocrite and a liar, someone who is not worthy of any respect whatsoever.

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John, give me the sword.

>Peterson only sells out for money
Yeah, that's what selling out is.

That sign is so bad, lumping in antifa with JP and Sam Harris looks ridiculous.

Didn't ol' JP have this big rant about how we shouldn't be afraid to have difficult conversations about subjects that make people uncomfortable? That it's critical to be able to engage yourself in these discussions rather than censor or ignore them? That this is how people must operate to keep a society healthy?
Why doesn't he practice what he preaches? If people are wrong about the JQ he should be able to have that conversation and dismantle quite easily, shouldn't he? I mean if it's so obvious why can't he point out the obvious in an obvious manner?
I don't understand, is he the one who's wrong? Hmmmmmm

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that's Patrick Little's phraseology

Webm of the confrontation:

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Well Jordan does answer to Soros does he not?

>Why doesn't he practice what he preaches?
Because he's a charlatan.

No I meant Peterson

Lmfao here we go with Obama’s leaf

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Oh yes well of course Peterson is Satan.

We all know how Star Wars ends

He lives in Vancouver. This is a leaf happening

He will pull an Anthony Bourdain.

>I have to imagine that Jordan Peterson's income would go down significantly if he named the Jew.
All Dilbertman had to do was say "Trump sure is good at this whole election thing guys" and all his speaking engagements dried up. You can't be even slightly controversial and make a living giving speeches.
This means that anybody who IS successfully giving speeches at leftist universities and the like is controlled opposition.

I don't know you're the one making wild accusations. You tell me

Well I heard that John Podesta taught Jordan Peterson the art of oragami and gifted him with a copy of the first map ever produced, which inspired the title of his book.

never heard of that no?

Apparently on Joe Rogan today Peterson said he went off his meds (antidepressant cocktail) for the first time in something like over a decade.

He was acting really fucking weird.

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Tell us more

You mean the guy who made Dilbert? Scott Adams? He was on Sam Harris' show. By your logic, Sam Harris would have to be controlled opposition as well then.

never heard of this guy, seems based.

Who is she? I have seen her somewhere before but I can't remember where.

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i think he would make a rope out of washed penises

Oh wait Sam Harris is actually a Democrat? (I don't follow Sam Harris so I don't personally know him). lmao. What was Jordan Peterson doing at a dinner with Sam Harris then? Jesus.

>Sam Harris would have to be controlled opposition
Yes, he's a kike.

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Canadian cocaine chelsea clinton

Its that girl from that nickelodeon slut show called icarly

Please, I need to know her name. For very important research purposes.

>By your logic
No, my logic is that Scott Adams isn't controlled op. My post is very simple to understand. Try reading it again.

It's Isabelle Shoreditch

Well if he signed a contract with Satan he is.

That's how it works buddy.



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Brian is kooky but sound, he's brave enough to address the jq, bless him

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Did I fuck up by listening to some of what he has to say? Seems rather on point with various topics.

Who's this faggot with the sign? Slurs his words a lot

Alt-lite was always controlled opposition. Conehead is a CIAnigger.

Why don't you go out there and show him how it's done?

reddit Newfags

I need a source on that one buddy

he may not have come off as as charasmtic as Patrick Little but he had all the right points(atleast as far in as I am) but if you think leftists laughing means anything other than ideological defeat you are stupid. they laugh to try gain the upper hand with no argument.

No he's saying being unhinged is a problem.

Can't have Satan talking to himself in the middle of the street, that's bound to arouse suspicion.

It's often nervous laughter, angels provoke fear in the demon infested masses.

This is why you shouldn't worry about moderating your tone. You're going to get called a Nazi by Jews and communists as a default if you're white and aren't in favor of racial suicide.

The people who shill against IRL JQing is literally Leftypol and JIDF.

Are we supposed to be applauding boomer patrick little? This shit is cringe as fuck

>fairly successful professor talking about mythical stories and dirty commies and the bible is a Zionist Puppet because he doesn't talk about Jewish conspiracy theories as much as Jow Forums wants
I buy into some pretty ridiculous redpills, but I don't expect a professor who's already under constant scrutiny over every stupid thing under the sun to drop "gas the kikes" in public. He even talks about how he's very careful about what he says in public, plus judging by everything he's read, and his obsession with Dostoyevsky and understanding of the Russian Revolution, there's no way he couldn't come to the same truth.
And of course it's no surprise he's associated with so many Jews, his playing field is absolutely plagued with Jews, and he's been a desireable professor for decades.

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>927 subscribers
Jesus Christ. The fringe of the fringe of the fringe of the fringe of the...it's like a fractal

Sounds like a real dumb fucking sperg that would do some retarded spergy shit like in the OP. Keep running around and making the JQ look like it's something only entertained by insane people, it's not like it's hard enough to get through to people about it.


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You forgot the part where peterstein is a jew.