Jesus as a Transsexual: UK degeneracy exported to Brazil

They want to bring this shit to a town of my state, in Brazil.

What the fuck is wrong with you, idiots?

Attached: 36419184_1756587201093623_1819405136506650624_n.jpg (642x960, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you need to build a large fire to perform the cleansing ritual. here I will teach you:
>step one: throw the witch into the cleansing fire
>step two: let the fire burn for 4~6 hours
>step three: throw the ashed of the cleansing fire into a river

Attached: gurogan.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

Idiots are crowdfunding this shit, local government forbidden it to happen, but commies are still bringing it here.

Can the uk tranny gave support to the local idiots, and now they are feeling strengthened by it. This shit is fucking happening, anyway.

you MUST burn the witch, or more will come.

I cannot stress enough how important it is the cast her to the flame as soon as she lands int he country, before she has time to poison the minds of locals with her vile crafts.

I don't want to end my life for this shit...

This is whats coming to town...

Attached: ThisIsUKFault.png (1096x590, 689K)

Attached: wtf.png (497x647, 275K)

somebody, please help



It's literally the fucking newspaper for dopey libcuck students and has been losing money hand over fist and has to be privately fed money from Soros directly.
Next on the list is Metro newspaper, that is literally given away free on buses because nobody would buy it.

Did you reead the thread, you idiot, fuck the Guardian.

Stop whining about as apussy
Redpill your friends family of how grotesque alll this is.


I can't do shit, I'm just one

Welcome to the end product of Christianity.

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What the fuck are you talking about

Just get your photoshop on and make her a tranny mohammed. She will either be jailed for insulting islam or just get murdered by an angry mob. Got to use the double standard to your favor.

Hueanon, you monkeys need to get together and start writing to the pope. Tell him to either call this shit out and condemn it or you will make a new Brazilian church until a true pope takes charge.


But this will never take legs on a municipal range. Local communists are fired up that the UK tranny gave them multiples thumbs up, they see this as an approval seal by their LGBT Gods.

This is something only Jow Forums could make it happen. I'm just a loser faggot.

Wait, this is actually a good idea, could this work???

thank u

jesus is a very important figure in islam as well surely its already enough to piss off muslims?

stick this everywhere in city, make posters
also prepare for violence

Attached: 1497456960234.jpg (790x882, 221K)

Will I risk getting my ass beat by the local gays and communists?


no, do it at night , everyone sticks posters anyway

make the poster

>Depict Christ as transsexual
>draw Muhammad
>get snackbar'd

Every fucking time


whos that, reviewbrah ?

Just accept it and shut the fuck up goyim.

oh man you jews israelis sephardi whatever fucking mutt you are are all getting the rope