JESUS AS A TRANNY: A call for an international cyber-crusade revolt

An UK trans, who wrote a play depicting Jesus as a tranny, is firing up a communist collective on my state, who wants to bring this abomination of a play here.

Can Jow Forums do something???
International revolt against this shit, or something???

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Other urls found in this thread:

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bump, plz help

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bump, help you niggus

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if you try to revolt against it you will basically be advertising for it tho, i can't think of any practical way to stop this considering free speech and all

fuck, nobody will help this shit


Jow Forums can make waves, a small community is being forced by commies to have their traditions to be pushed down their throat. By trannies. This is outrageous, even if there is ad, there could be ad on the Christian militants... Should we just bow down, and suck pozzed tranny dick???

Thank you, bro

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Why the fuck do they always go after christianity. I just want one fucking day on the internet without seeing my religion constantly shit on while the backwards muslims are praised for raping the princess of Sweden or some bullshit. Fuck


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because it's the truth brother

look , it's satanism
the whole deal with Jesus Christ is that he is the opposite of the tranny baphomet , they are commiting an abomination, just molotov their ass if you have to, it's a legit avenue of protest to this abomination

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Absolute heresy

Exact same thing happened in my country, that's where OP's pic came from actually. The government did nothing.

Help please

Try tell the kebabs about it and say they will do Mohammed next. Let them chimp out for you.

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Mayor actually forbidden the play, collective communist faggots wants to bring it anyway, because the UK trans play writer fired them up!

Help plz

This is something only a collective op of Jow Forums could do, I guess... Or not???

That's really shitty, hopefully you folks can actually stop this degenaracy in your country, unlike me, I wish the best of luck.

My country is your country, bro, I'm from Brazil.
Essa porra tá acontecendo aqui, caralho!

Thats my first impulse, but Christ himself said we shouldn't act on violence...
Thats not really an option.

Bump. This is messed up.

thank you, I hope Jow Forums can do something

Eita porra, não li os textos nem vi os vídeos. Shit bro, we gotta fight this. All I can think of doing right now is shared this with right wing pages and personalities on social media and see if it can reach a majority of people, maybe we can take this to our politicians and try to stop this, I don't know. If they try and bring this play here even without the law's permission the least we could do is to report them and hope the law takes care of this.

I wonder how easy it would be to throw a molotov in the entryway, run, and not get caught would be.

okay then make posters of the Jesus versus satan pic and stick them allover

No he said live by the sword, die by the sword. I'm willing to die for my beliefs.

yeah esp if a friend waits with motorbike/car, round the corner

um, what the fuck?

I am sending some energy their way that they won't like.
To make my Savior a transgender just isn't right.
Should they not back off and push it into sight.
Then they shall behold their destruction in the Light.

Bolsonaro manifested online about this...
This shit is happening over during the time when the town is more relevant than ever, the winter music festival, hundreds of thousands of people come here for free music and cultural events. It's all going down in aprox 20 days!

This angers the lord. You must do his work user

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Time for an Operation /POL

>Wants to be a threat
Powerful. What a brave woman. I wonder if her next play will depict a transgender Mohammed?

I could do that...
Could I get in trouble with the local law for doing that? Can I get support from international christedom by putting my neck on this? Maybe Jow Forums christians could get their churches to know about this, and to manifest online about it...

I just want this shit to go down with a fight.
I could do some posters and spread them around.

Christ was not against violence

I wish...
But Jesus said no to violence...
It's just not an option.

if anyone asks you what would Jesus do, remember that chasing jews around with a whip is a valid option.

How can you call yourself a Christian if you will not defend Christ Himself?

Please, help me with this.
It's a literal BONG TRANS POZZED communist, who supports HILLARY CLINTON and the democrats, spreading this wicked shit here.

Anti-drumpf LGBT anti-christian fucking piece of shit.

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>remember that chasing jews around with a whip is a valid option.

there are now jews, only communists and lgbt activists

I guess I must defend him, but not with violence. It's not because I don't want too, it's because Jesus said so!

yup. stay safe over there bro.

thanks for heads up OP. Their hatred is preternatural. you can only scoff so much at those saying we might be living in the last days

>there are now jews, only communists and lgbt activists

you act like these are different things.

not yet, but soon.

What can I really do?
The city is less than 100.000 habitants...
I'm just a local loser, any shit I would dare to do, and I would be marked forever here.

Also, fun fact, Lula was born here.

take up a street corner and preach. challenge these people to debates, put posters up like the other user said. This is a hill worth dying for, socially or physically. The Lord takes care of people who stand up for him

not always true. though it is NOT scripture, first Maccabees is an important read and very historically accurate.

in the end times, many will flee to the wilderness, while some brave lads will fight street to street

We really need to start institutionalizing trannies

This , enough people stand up and complain about it and someone is bound to hear and take action against it. This "play" is against the law, so hopefully it won't be too hard to stop. I'll do my part.

Brazil Trump asks:

In who interest is to show Jesus Christ as transsexual?

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indeed (((who))) could be behind this?

>needing to defend the most magical invisible friend in history.
You guys are no different than muslims.

I did it, online, on the page of my church.
Local commies and LGBT raided the church page, and I debated them and actually won.
Pastor was glad I did it, and the church people were very happy that I did it too...

But this is not enough, this shit is still moving on.

it's not a one time thing. If you want to make an impact you have to start talking to the common man. and you'll have to do it alot, not every conversation but each interaction is a battle. there are people who have chosen Hell and can't be saved, but they poison minds and hearts, it's not the person you're debating it's the audience that matters.

Brazilian Trump indeed.

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True... But there is only 2 weeks before the festival begins, and the abominations are shown here.

The UK deserves their nigger (((princess))).

stand at the gates of the festival, bring your bible, research your arguments and speak clearly. If you'll pray beforehand for courage and strength to speak, you'll do well. even if you fail trying you're doing the right thing and lay your head blameless.

Please, show me how I'm wrong. Not asking out of arrogance, but of curiosity.

I could do that...
I thought that if there was some pressure against the Jo Clifford on her home front, maybe something could happen out of this cancer.

I don't think that's the right strategy. If you want to bring her out and debate in public that would be the way to do it. but if it's two weeks that's time to get a small group from your church to go, get read up on your arguments etc. don't show up on her lawn that's a really good way to get shot or hauled off.

nooo, absolutely no problem, everyone sticks posters on walls man, all over the world , without problem

I might even try translate this if you need it in portuguese

D-delete this!

>An UK trans, who wrote a play depicting Jesus as a tranny, is firing up a communist collective on my state, who wants to bring this abomination of a play here.

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you are not wrong. a time will come when many will pick up the gun and do so with a clean conscience, but i personally do not see that it is yet the time. ultimately we want to save the lost, because they are going to hell, man. do you realize that? i think this guy is right on for the time being. remember what scriptures say. confess sins and pray for the indwelling of the holy spirit. go to them in bravery and love and the holy spirit will arm you with a sword so shrp that it cuts through all pretense and guile. Call for backup, tell your church. If you are being called for this, then go and witness to them. pray man and I will pray with you. I will start looking into this abomination too to see what is up

They already crowd funded it, I guess it is coming...

could have a poster like ur next or something to muslims. actually shouldn't this upset muslims anyways? Jesus is considered one of their prophets

Imagine if uk muslims got enraged by this, and actually started protesting the tranny in Europe

thank you bros

quads of victory

sorry Brazil, good luck!

I don't know what am I going to do, or if I'm going to do something at all...
We will see.

ok but try :)

We need a play that demonstrates in how the holocaust is fake and only tin foils and conspiracy theorists think it was real.

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Just send this link to your local church and see their reaction. If they got roused to this, you win. If jackshit happens, then your country is fucked.

My church reacted by sending a note, calling out the play. Catholics did it too.
It's not enough, some Jow Forums international operation is need to shut this shit down, it's not enough firepower to kill this shit.

There's nothing like a good old purifying fire. Even demons will clear the path.

> Yes, house, commit illegal acts of violence
(Glowing in dark intensifies)

Would only make the fags whine louder and stronger. Violence is really not the path.

Deus Vult

Sry then, we catholics love cruisading so much.

at this point we better get ready for what's coming anyhow

Not with the current pope.

Just kill it. It is not murder in the eyes of God since the person is an abomination and not innocent.

Hard times, boys

>What do

Just don't give it attention. Like the faggot with multi colored hair and gauges, don't give them any attention. They are acting out for attention. By depriving them of even a single shred of attention, you deprive them of their motivation to try to shock you.

They want to shock and draw attention to their shit. They wanto to enrage right leaning or religious people, because it will then get leftists to watch the show because it pisses off people they don't like.

>Hard times, boys
>Tell me what to do senpai
>No too risky
Enjoy the show then
Sopa de macao

Why does it matter? Jesus was a kike who cares if hes a tranny

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>All Christians Are Cucks

>All Christians are Cucks #2

>All Christians are Cucks #3

>All Christians are Cucks #4

>All Christians are Cucks #5

>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant

>Cuck Identity

>Cuck Identity #2


Synagogue of Satan debunked

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>the son of Amminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah
>For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah
>He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
>He came to his own people, and even they rejected him.

His own people aka Jews.
>You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

Samaritans aka Gentiles.


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