I'm sick and fucking tired of this 'muh muslim' argument. Nobody sits around saying "oh the catholics are invading the US" you just call them mexicans. Nobody says the christians are in poverty, you just say african americans or blacks. So stop with this bullshit 'muslim' argument to generalize 1.6billion people. Muslim does not equal Arab.
> muslims bring in great culture and food (^:
no they fucking don't, most of them are pakistanis and africans bringing in nothing but trash. falafel, shawarma, hookah, are all Arab. Lebanese, Syrians, Palestinians, Egyptians are all arabs, stop giving other muslims credit for their achievements and culture.
> muh muslims are ruining europa..
no 'muslims' aren't, pakistanis, africans, bangladeshis, and central asian retards are ruining europe. the actual amount of syrians in europe is miniscule, most syrian refugees went to lebanon and turkey. just because a bunch of african muslims act like idiots doesnt mean arabs are to blame.
> we liberals loooove muslim culture!
what the fuck is muslim culture. again that's 1.6billion people. that's like saying a catholic in poland is from the same culture as one from nigeria, they're complete opposites. if you like arab culture and arabs, call us arabs. I'm sick and tired of both left and right-wing retards giving other muslims credit for arab affairs, or blaming us arabs for the actions of low-IQ wannabe arabs from asia. The only muslims I'd be okay with being lumped in with arabs are persians, since they also commanded an islamic empire and associated with us as brothers. Now I don't have anything against non-arab muslims, but you guys arent arabs and I'm tired of leftist and right-wing retards labeling us all the same.
STOP calling them muslims
Other urls found in this thread:
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Jow Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
*sips tea*
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>not all jews
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
Fine, fucking arab wog faggots are invading western countries
sand pejis
how do I get a cute brown gf?
ok fine Sand niggers then.
Shit Hijablover85 says.
It's been 3minutes calm down, I went to get some coffee
I can tell that map is outdated because Sudan is still one fucking country in it. also saudis can get btfo for all I care
no one cares which shitty strip of sand your shitty sand tribe is from, if I want to generalize 1 billion people's culture to "towel head" there's literally nothing you can do about it. sage goes in all fields
what the hell is brown? if you want arab ask for arab. first of all, you need to be either a muslim or at least a very devout and respectful christian. second, you should probably be arab. if youre in the US, youll have better luck if youre not arab. be assertive but not a jackass, and MEET HER PARENTS before even the 4th date, or else you'll be btfo for eternity
but that isn't true. the vast majority of refugees in europe are africans, pakistanis, and turks. in australia you guys have your token lebs, but otherwise your biggest issue is chinese
I don’t care what color or nationality they are, they need to leave.
> Sand
Again proving my point. Afghanistan is mountainous and grassy, lebanon is mediterranean with cedar forests, pakistan is india the second, bangladesh is a fucking jungle, indonesia is an island jungle, and central asians live in the steppes like russians. Feel free to generalize arabs, but you cant seriously think kazakhs, indos, and pakis are the same as arabs.
well aint it great that inbreeding depression magically goes away after 15 years
and underneath that is sand.
Agreed, any arabs who left the ME in the past 5 years to become 'muh refugee' are traitors, most are cowards. however I disagree on the legal immigrants who got into the US from hard work, such as old school lebs and syrians from the 60s
> underneath everywhere is sand
I know aus is troll central but don't be dense. Pull up some crime stats and I guarantee the majority of crime comitted by muslims in europe is from pakistanis and turks
>you cant seriously think kazakhs, indos, and pakis are the same as arabs
Did you not read my post?
>I don’t care what color or nationality they are, they need to leave.
If Jow Forums even found a country, this will be it's creed
Alternative version: Fuck off, we're full.
>"oh the catholics are invading the US"
Papist fucks ruined America
>crime stats
oh boy here we go
But what if I hate muslims specifically because of their religion?