Boomer hate

how come we haven't killed off all boomers yet?

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Because although I'm 26 I'm a combat vet, and a good one.
Gl buddy.

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What is a boomer? These generations involve a wide range of experiences. Born 1946-1964.

1946-1950: The primary pool from which the hippies came.

1960-1964: Their childhood, early adulthood, and early working years involved: domestic terrorism, no fault divorce, pong, oil embargoes, banning of intelligence tests for jobs, stagflation, the end of the GI bill, rapid rise in cost of college, double digit loan interest rates.

Trump is the greatest thing that ever happened to the boomers, they finally got a look in the mirror and suddenly realized how everyone else sees their pathetic diversity pogroms and financial/trade failures for what they were.

We spent decades trying to give them tough medecine and they always insisted it was ours or someone elses fault things were messed up, never their own thinking and or ideas could be to blame. Cause if they were wrong that would mean their parents were not really racists and just pragmatic practical people whom kept the borders nice and snug before they came along and decided to show their parents how to run a border by not having one at all. Metaphorically in terms of finance and physically in terms of having slaves to do vegetable picking for them.
He's the best thing that ever happened to them. He's truly whom they actually are warts and all and it drives them absolutely batshit....more importantly he forces them to face up to their politically correct BS once and for all and dispose of it for the greater good of future generations.
They still might blow it if they all cannot agree how badly they need him to fix their image. Clocks ticking and Micheal Moore is just more LSD for the protest classes, more thumb sucking and pretending they did nothing wrong to America and trying to shift the blame upon every other group they have been using and abusing ever since they crawled out of their playpens.
They shohuld feel lucky they were given a chance with Trump, it's their last hail mary, if they do him in they do themselves in. Something tells me he will do them in as a whole cause he has a stake in Barron's future as well as his sons future and our future, Clinton would have perpetuated all the problems trump is speedily solving, Clinton would have sealed their fate as totally self centered boobs, literally and figuratively.
With Trump they have a chance to redeem themselves.

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Also they fear being tagged with him, hence the Russia BS seems one of many cards they think will work, but it mostly is to convince themselves, but it is BS just like the cold war. Also they tend to want to take credit for social justice and general tendency towards progressiveness and PC culture, but what they don't realize is how this screwed up the following generations. They got to live in a easy environment a tota lsafe space as kids only to succumb to new age BS and various other means of keeping in denial "greed is good" about what was really going on with immigration nad drug smuggling. They tended not to see to far off in the future and tended to do what ever felt best at the moment without much care for consequences. They blew through federal debt like drunken sailors to achieve their multi cult utopis but it was and has been shown as a house of cards and destined to not work....there is no magic dirt people do not become suddenly enlightened upon setting foot on American dirt. The only other trick is to try and create a socialist and or communist system to impoverish all following generations so they cannot repeal or disable their destructive work, when you think about it it truly is the most self centered thing ever...which is why it takes a boomer like Trump that gives a shit to be as forceful as they all were to shove back in the opposite direction back towards security and home.

They were pampered so much by TV and their parents they became the over incubated generation, if the conditions are not just right they melt down right in front of you, hence their reaction to us not worshipping Clinton and shoving Trump down their throats. But they created conditions that they cannot handle, so as a result it takes someone to undo it all by doing everything they hated and feared about their parents , reversing all the damage they did.

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Pink Floyd is unbridled shit

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You mean 30yo boomers or real boomers?

fuck everyone who wears that stupid pink floyd shirt

>Your inheritance is right in front of you... Nothing, hahahaha
Jow Forums btfo
better become leftist to ask universal income

hey ya gotta pay your dues before you pay the rent
why work our asses off just to give boomers a free easy Social Security ride? One can see how gen x said fuck this shit these people are megalomaniacs, i cannot pay for this bs, let's Trump their asses in a poker move they wil lnever see coming. We always saw them as Trumps all of their virtue signalling we knew was phony and fake, we kept telling them to get the old coke with real sugar and they kept trying to show aspartame with new coke down our throats, the boomers utterly failed to see themselves as they truly were, they wanted the Clinton and Obama fantasy, even the millenials got tricked into it for a brief it's just time to clean up the mess with a badass that doesn't give a shit about their eco multi cultural cul de sac of limitation, we want a wall and we want it now, we want fair trade and decent jobs not....your on your own good luck i made it so 6 billion people can also try to fuck you over in your career.

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>he says while posting AIDS riddled fags
Queen is good but don't say Floyd is shit you dumb boomer faggot. How many dicks do you think Mercury was taking up the ass every night to get that level of rekt?

>How many dicks do you think Mercury was taking up the ass every night to get that level of rekt
not nearly enough, and I'd rather be a 34 year old boomer than one of you depression-riddled autists. Also, Floyd is boring shit for stoner girls

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how many have you killed op?

universal income? shit we need tarriffs and walls and no immigration if you want socialism ala denmark or norway and those places are not exactly happy, they are addicted to ssris

socialism is dead....the boomers killed it by existing and refuting it in every way unconsciously possible

$20 trillion in debt???

who's full of shit?
Trump or these virtue signaling boomers that want civil rights justice and just about everything that undermined all succeeding generations in every way possible and then they do it, you earn it, eventhough we are starting you out in a totally different starting point from our point, where our parents locked immigrations in the preceding 40 years up until 1965...we had a nice head start so we could always stay ahead of the multi cult enrichment that you are forced to get fucked in the ass by, and oh be gay that way we can have more pets from the 3rd world that we love more than our own kids.

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father time will do that

Trump is like this song
a dose of spit and vinegar they never saw coming

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Stop projecting. Anyone who would compare the kings of progressive rock to a degenerate AIDS-riddled homosexual clearly hates themselves. Gilmour created some of the greatest solos of all time. OF ALL TIME.

>kings of progressive rock

>Gilmour created some of the greatest solos of all time
yeah, and we could all play them when we were 13. They're not great, they're boring at worst and meandering at best. Honestly, if you stop now there's a real chance you can pry your taste from far up your ass

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reality vs what boomers imagine it as

hence why they are crackin up about their legacy

i love what has happened, this is the greatest show of all time

it's like jerry springer in reverse
instead of them shoving it down our throats we regurgitated it back up and served it to them for Social Security food credits...

one can love their parents and still realize and acknowledge all their flaws and use someone from their own generation to make them realize all their flaws

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boomers sucked down too much glue
and tripped too much acid
all the pc culture is centered around drug addled
virtue signaling and sjws are just more like crack based boomers
or fentenyl or meth headed boomers interms of their political BS

the drugs literally created the BS of political correctness, it all stems from the brain damage

the sjws are literally like 3rd crack addicts in terms of culture and virtue signalling
it's not cancer cause they choose to damage their brains like the boomers against all advice to refrain or do otherwise
feminism is not cancer
feminism is coked out drug addicted boomerism in the end
it's a choice to dysregulate your genetics out of the gene pool of desirable traits
and the boomers treat them as pets
cause they already burned so many bridges with their own kids
some of them realize the problems
some of them are not messed up
but too many of them were

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Not everyone grew up with just radios and comic books to invest that kind of time into an instrument but okay. That still doesn't change the fact that Mercury was hopped up on speed and getting blitzkrieged up the ass by half of San Francisco.

in some sense syd barret is not just a literal example of boomers
but the perfect metaphor for them
they always needed help but would refuse in a very autistic manner until now they seem to be begging for a savior and we presaented Trump to them and they are still confused and in fear and unable to understand the point nad the ramifications
it's like they are wedded to rainman type of listing of harms of Trump and or his deporables and unaware of the rest of reality

like life in a boomer bubble, or possibly more likely democrat party bubble
even republicans are realizing they are flawed
i don't see that same kind of deference in democrats
they assume the world is wrong and they are right about everything
it's totally crippling them

the TV put them in a lifelong trance

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Boomer hate! I never miss these! Why can't it just be a general like aus/pol/

We need more gen X hate memes. They've been getting a free pass for too long, they're everything boomers are but nihilistic and egomaniacal instead of thinking everything will be fine.

Autism is superior and the future. I'm proud to be an autist.

I always assumed they'd all be dead by now from cocaine overdoses

gen x is being cucked by the boomers. They have had like 0 major political action

Trump is rich enough to buy a greek island and put privately owned SAM missiles on it to keep Barron safe.
I think trump could even balkanize the US. There is no saving California. Even Texas is probably a lost cause at this point.

It's also like they are trying to create a digital world where the problems don't exist
they have been censored out or off the net
a digital metal ward with padded white walls
where nothing is ever wrong and everything is right
their flaw is in thinking they can revert to TV or censored networks and socials
anything that doesn't include all perspectives will always fail as it is unable to foresee problems with any given route
the future being created is one where human agency is nonexistent and the borg PC culture controls everyone and everything

in a sense it's like being syd barrett 24/7 living in a drugged out state of oblivion

but machines creating that oblivion rather than simplistic chemicals
machines used to create the chemistry in the head via the proper electrical signal being distributed to the person when the AI determines what they need to see and know next

there's nothing new

this frightens them as it means there's nothing really special about politically correct culture

cultural marxism is deader than it's ever been dead
the full course has been run
the boomer simulation has run it's course
the plug being pulled was painful but it was also needed and inevitable

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people under 25 rarely have opinions that are worth something. its a fact of life.

The future will be technology. The autists of the Millennial will rule over Gen X, Gen Z and over normie Millennials. Autists will have all the money because the system will be tailored to our superior brains.

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>One can see how gen x said fuck this shit these people are megalomaniacs

And they still are. Every boomer I know is like this. What is the word you would least use to describe a boomer?

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I think we will crash and burn then from the ashes we will be victorious for a brand new future.

>even republicans are realizing they are flawed
How many of these fuckwits had 4 marriages?
>Hurr durr I'm a a conservative hurrrr

Just laugh at Gen X for getting totally dominated by the boomers their whole lives.

>the boomer simulation has run it's course
YES. Is it finally over?!

Hopefully when Millennials take charge the autists will take the power and not the normies.

you seem to be not realizing if one maybe aware of the behavior one can mitigate and stop it or prevent it from adversely affecting their life.
it's very easy to take advantage of boomers...maybe you have not noticed that much?

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Why do Boomers all worship Karate?

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Walk in restraunt demand senior discount

i really dont know
i don't think they worship it anymore than the TV MSM
their god was MSM they claim they have no religion
but they truly worshipped ABC

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>Millennials take charge
>autists take power

Pick one, and good luck with that.

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>hating boomers when their parents were the ones who doomed us
They were just products of the broken system

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boomers are the ones running around trying to convince kids to behave like manaics

all this resistance BS is just satisfying the eternal Clinton Boomer, it's what they want to see on TV, they think they have a duty to pull the curtains back after Trump pulled them away

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MAGApede boomers are unironically becoming redpilled now

Cut them some slack, they were raised by the talmudvision and le' "Greatest Generation" who were actually shit

>tfw when enjoying all the zoomer butt hurt in this thread.

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Unlikely. The boomers have set the society up so 'socializing' is how one gains power, not merit and brains.

We created the hate ocean you faggots are swimming in.
We knew the boomers fucked us and those of us who had kids created you autistic, school shooting incels. It was quickly apparent this ride was gonna crash and burn.

Ah the TV. What would billy boomer be without the liberal MSM giving him his nightly dose of morality.
No need for church when he can stuff his boomer face with food while listening to his ancorman priests tell him the liberal doctrine of the day.

I don’t think boomers sent all the jobs away. Pretty sure that was the employers

my two greatest generation grandfathers were not shit
it was there kids...the ones that crapped their pants at vietnam
they both flew planes in WW2 actually bombed rail lines
they both said we fought the wrong enemy, that the Jews made us attack Hitler instead of the Soviets, they knew full well pearl harbor was a psy op, they knew full well joe mccarthy was telling the truth

ww2 was redpilled far more than their kids
their kids wouldn't listen to them
hence the hippies and new age disaster
as well as greed is good even if it fucks my kids future

both of them would have shit down the throats of SJW culture

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They can be "redpilled" all they want after the fact. It doesn't change their actions in handing half of Europe over to the Communists and destroying Germany for no gain. Everyone blames boomers, but it was the "Greatest Generation" that can go burn in hell for what they've done to the West

>society is a construct

Le' greatest generation:
>the cocktail generation
>the unlimited global captalism generation
>the generation who showed the Talmudvision to their kids
>the generation who founded Hollywood

The 1920's were the beginning of all American degeneracy, but they blame the boomers. Edward Bernays moved his marketing office to New York City in the 20's and giant capitalist tycoons started importing 3rd world labor.

The rest is history. Boomers were just the first (and maybe last) Jewish psy-op human experiment.

I mean, a lot of them are legitimately just spoiled cunts, but "Le' Greatest Generation" was shit too

>they said we fought the wrong enemy
lmao no WW2 veteran has ever said that you fucking LARPer

you say after the fact
but you seem to not realize that
the nazis also lost it themselves
it was not as though they did nothing stupid to lose
in some sense they did it to themselves
they knew the jew was bad news
many in American knew it to, but we had FDR a total dictator already installed
Obama and Clinton was like an attempt at FDR 2.0
they failed

i wouldnt call them the greatest but they did helicopter their kids as a group and created that boomer nightmare
they assumed the TV would not jew their kids, but it did
so yeah they had flaws, but ones like my grandfathers were always being asked to zip it and stop saying racist things about jews and others, they were right, they just had no audience with their kids, the TV a new invention literally stole their kids brains
you can bet your bottom dollar TV was very much a psy op
as social media is today

I would argue the Eternal Anglo Cuck did far more damage to us and themselves than the Greatest Gen did to anyone, they were literally brainwashed into going to war for jewish interests by literal communists in the presidents office.

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my nordic and german grandfathers had no animosity to the krauts
do you realize there were many Germans that were sent to war against Germans in ww2?
Do you actually think it was all Amerimutts?

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because they are our mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts enc
consensus is we wait for them to die and then roll back all their bullshit, existence of israel included

>do you realize there were many Germans that were sent to war against Germans in ww2?

Yes I live in a German region of the USA and nobody gave a fuck

My grandfather was 100% Norwegian and he hated Germany, hated Hitler, and hated Europe till the day he died. Said America was the only place on Earth worth anything

>he hasn't taken the boomerpill yet

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I agree somewhat with that consensus as well,
they would do best to see some of the roll back as to realize the inevitable, but the harsher rollbacks will be done when they all say their farewells over the next decade or so....

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Holy shit thqt is the most autistic connection I have ever seen.

Mine lived in Detroit others were related to Eisenhower. They knew. He lived through the 1960s riots, he hated blacks and felt this country was gone and in the hands of jews and he was always told to shut up about it by all his boomer daughters. Well most of them, my mother actually listened to him sometimes.

Pretty sure that guy's a millenial.

My grandfather hated niggers and jews too. He said Florida was the worst state because it's nothing but a bunch of Jews

When asked to watch Seinfeld, he said "Why would I want to watch that Jewish garbage?"

He got a purple heart in WW2. He actually picked up a lugger off a dead German, but later lost the gun.

He also helped evacuate the concentration camps and handed out snickers bars to the Jews. He said "You've never seen suffering until you've seen an 85 lbs man limping out of a concentration camp so just shut your mouth"

One time I was riding with him on a scooter and he crashed and we both woke up passed out in the middle of the road. Didn't even say anything. We just got back up and went home, kinda funny

My mother mostly listened to him, but my grandmother argued with him all the time. Said he was "racist".

Greatest generation was still the beginning of all degeneracy, not saying all of them were bad.

well i had to give him props cause he was my real red pill in the 1980s when i was a teen. i too was kind of taken back by him but realized later in life he was right and my parents were the ones always guilting him into silence, but he never had to do that with me, i simply respected his opinion like anyone elses as just as valid and from his own personal experience and therefore somewhat unique but also somewhat general as well.
I miss him very much.
he used to smoke a cigar and would stop in the road and open his door to hawk out lugees whenever he felt the need to, it was rather surreal and sudden when he would just hit the breaks and open the door, but also kind of humorous as well.