What do you think of genetic-engineering?

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its better to have sex with men in the mean while and practice your erection and ejaculate power

Wish my parents did it to me. The life of a Chad must be heaven on earth.

must be stopped

Well done!

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it will eventually be the destruction / enslavement of the human race.
if history and even nature proves anything it's that one organism is always looking to exploit another. if "they" (who ever you think "they" are, be they governmetn or corporations or someone else) can genetically engineer a perfect slave then they will. and if they can replace the human race with those people (not hard to do if you give those slaves good bodies and breeding capabilities) then they'll do it. end of story. simple.

should call it the GMO chad

gimme my augs

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It's inevitable and if the west doesn't start doing it, the gooks certainly will.

In order to be eligible to receive an augmentation you need to be on a strict onions based diet.

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You don't need eugenics when your genes are pure, eh?

Of course it should be done.

Genetically engineered supermen is the only way to fight the aliens, niggers, jews, etc.

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This is what i dream of

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Definitely in favor of it.

new can of worms

It's the only way to evolve and remain human.

You almost had it, once upon a time of greater men

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If it will bring benefits to already living middle class people (ex: me) then I'm all for it.
If it will only further advantage the unborn children of the elites, then I couldn't be more against it.

fastest way is through communism!

a pandoras box situation. we should avoid it globally.

t. genetic engineer

Should be practiced. The coddling, dysgenic effects of life in developed countries is totally obvious. Something must counteract this, whether it be preventing the bottom of the barrel from reproducing, or allowing the elites to ascend beyond humanity toward eventual godhood. That meme tells it well though, we should first work with what nature gave us before we attempt to become cyborgs. There will be plenty of time for experimentation with brain-computer connections and all that other shit once übermenschen have stomped out the bugmen.

>the virgin federation
>the chad khan

All kinds of technology, science and medicine are degeneracy. To preserve white race we should live in the woods, like Varg.

The only ones who are on the opposite side of post-humanism are consistent and fundamental traditionalists. They reject not only the final mutation, but all of Modernity, the very idea of progress and development, the scientific image of the world, and democracy and liberalism. Instead, traditionalists affirmed and affirm God, Church, Empire, caste, power, and folk customs. Not progress. The modern world is not progress, but the result of decline. It is the kingdom of the Antichrist. Fighting against H+ to reject the final transformation dictated by the very logic of the liberal ideology of Modernity while still accepting other aspects of Modernity is meaningless. Transhumanism is the inevitable tomorrow if we agree with what our today is. If we want to change our fate, we must go back in time and understand where we committed the fatal mistake.

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