Female Courts

Hes going to cuck isnt he

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I hope Barret is his pick


More females on the court is a liability

>Le based woman judges
Every femoid appointed to the supreme court eventually becomes pro abortion. Supreme court is a man's job and should stay a man's job.

Let's hope he picks someone radical enough to impeach a leftist president in 2024, on whatever grounds.

this based and /thread

Kavanaugh or Hardiman


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The left is staring down the barrel of the serious probability that not only will the court go conservative, but if Trump is reelected he may apoint one or two and possibly 3 more justices. Faced with this reality democrats have started the process of devaluing and labaling the court as a tool of "supremacy" (big fucking suprise). The #1 argument from leftists for this is going to be

>look theres three women who all agree REEEEE the SCOTUS is sexist mysogony REEE REEEE REEEE.

the argument is here is nominating a conservative female so while the court sides corectly with the constitution, the corrupt press and marxist kike puppets cant wirte a narrative that its all males and mostly white females on the worng side of history aginst king hussanies activist lesbian kike zombie ginsburg and flat out race baiter sotomayor.

Females are litetally retards when it comes to reason, foresight and fairness.

Might as well nominate an ape. No difference, mentally.

Civilisation will keep falling appart as long as retards are allowed to have control over it.

i swear to god the AI created all those typing errors .

The one true answer in this thread. Not just pro-abortion but inevitably they will become a crypto-feminist pushing a gynocentric agenda.

>Hardiman participated in an exchange program in Mexico, and he later volunteered with the Ayuda immigration legal aid office in Washington, D.C., representing immigrants.
not sure looks ok
Have you seen this guy Raymond Kethledge?

My choice would be Thomas Lee. Clerked for Clarence Thomas with a brother that is in the Senate.

I honestly wouldn't mind if he nominated a conservative female justice. Especially one that supported abortion, but was very right on everything else.

I don't give a shit about abortion, I'm pretty sure most conservatives don't really give a shit about abortion these days, and it would take a lot of the wind out of the sails of Dems who are REEEEing about Roe v Wade. It should be discouraged and only used as a last resort, but legal.

idgaf if she's a she as long as she tows the line like the demon spawn (((RBG))) does for (((them)))

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Nope what this guy said is reason why

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pro abortion is not a big deal, if roe v wade gets overturned the country will shift blue.

Good thing about female judges, they live longer

>democrats have started the process of devaluing and labaling the court as a tool of "supremacy"

As ridiculous as this sounds on its face, this user speaks the truth. Pay close attention to media coverage of Kennedy's replacement. Look for the nuance in the articles. I promise you that liberal media is going to start laying the groundwork to discredit the SCOTUS.

Digits and he chooses Hillary Clinton.

We need to stop cowtowing to leftist bullshit. The more we play along with their games the more they win. Let them bitch and whine, they’re like an insolent child. You don’t let your kid eat ice cream every meal just because they’d cry if you said ‘no’. Republicans in this country have failed to recognize this for decades, and we’re only finally turning it around.

>idgaf if she's a she
nigger detected
enjoy losing your rights to literal talking vaginas

Bloomberg and the jew york times are shilling for her while cuck schumer is saying she is the worst pick possible for democrats.
Something dont add up here i feel shes a snake.
Also she was a teacher very few rulling.

The problem with a female one is that they are easily influenced. She'll be the only female conservative while the other two females talk shit about her and avoid her. No the justices don't have to be friends or anything but you do want some camaraderie.

the reason he'll pick her is so that a woman can write the opinion that overturns Roe v. Wade.

I hate females that are out of the house and more than semi-literate but i am also a pragmatist. We are fighting for the normies minds, token females help to do this.

Is that the lady who adopted multiple kids from Haiti? I don't trust that kind of judgment...

I personally know some folks in the People of Priase group based in South Bend, IN. She would be pro-life in virtually every citcumstance, without wavering.

The rest of her opinions, no idea, but she clerked for Scalia, so she has that going for her.

True. Thats why if you choose a female you better choose a really principled one.The advantage to females is that they like 7 years longer than men.

>opinion that overturns Roe v. Wade.
She wont
>muh strong womynz to trigger the libs
>adopted multiple kids from Haiti
LMAO its real

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probably as a woman pick will be less objectionable at least in theory from Dems. Also that women pictured would be a good pic considering she's catholic and has 7 kids already. the salt from dems over her pro life stance would be unmeasureable

>more women
>has two adopted nigger children from Haiti
Nigga you straight retarded

>>opinion that overturns Roe v. Wade.
>She wont
Yes, she will. It might be something narrower than a full overturning, but she would definitely change abortion law.

I'm more concerned about the fact that we seem to keep accumulating Roman Catholics on the Court. When Breyer and Ginsburg are gone I am sure their replacements will be Roman Catholic too. Odd that a nation practically founded on anti-Catholicism will have a majority Catholic judiciary.

A woman will cuck us in the end

I like your optimism but I dont think soo, also this wtf>and has 7 kids already
5 and 2 niggers
>The advantage to females is that they like 7 years longer than men
Dint think abour that keeping the court has long has possible is very important

Wtf did any of you retards have a wise grandmother or great grandmother...i did...logical ..reasonable...conservative..” all women are roastie degenerate leftists” Its a meme .morons

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It should be discredited.

Another white man uninvolved with racial jewry is preferable.

her having the negro kids is good. that way if she rules against affirmative action or some civil rights thing, people can't call her racist.

Why are you people so fixated on Roe v. Wade and not overturning United States v. Wong Kim Ark?

>5 and 2 niggers
ironic a puerto rican nigger calling out other niggers

Kavanaugh was an apologist for the Patriot Act and all it's legal chicanery, not sure I like him.

Having negro kids means she probably won't rule against affirmative-action.

With over a century of legal precedence, there's even less chance of getting that overturned than abortion.

WASPs stopped breeding and Evangelicucks don't get law degrees apparently.

Why? Just get the right judges. Law is political. We should pack the courts to do it if needed.

She literally said a lawyers job is to serve God in one of her acceptance speeches.

She's going to fuck the Dems hardcore.

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Stare decisis only matters when Leftists have what they want. Otherwise it's just a ruling on the wrong side of history.

interesting all keep that in mind
this dude more gibs for the kids > keep accumulating Roman Catholics on the Court
Curios question how does Catholicism affect there ruling
>muh representacion
If its that well yeah agree its a problem

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That’s because while you prodies and atheists are engaging in hyper-emotionalized autistic screeching on social media, Catholics are calmly studying logic and reason, and developing critical thinking skills.

No she won't, first hard-line issue comes up she'll buckle like a little bitch. Women always do that, they talk tough until the buck starts and then fall back to their natural instincts

WASPs = White Anglo-Saxon Protestants

Ohh thanks

>Studying anything

KEK NARAL is already autisticly shrieking

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yeah more like getting molested by the priest on Sundays

>when the shills don't even speak english

what shill bitch

>Having negro kids means she probably won't rule against affirmative-action.
Her judicial philosophy suggests otherwise.

Because they'll do what Rome says. If Rome wants another 50 million Hispanic immigrants in the US, the judiciary will block Drumpf from doing anything about it, because they obey Rome first and foremost.

Serious question do Catholics really take the vatican seriously in current year
But on the yeah I understand what you mean

Churches get gibs for settling refugees. It's like being a reverse missionary - the natives are already more Catholic than you, so bring them to your home instead. Except brown catholics just vote for gibs. We even have a growing Catholic Left which is basically "Democrats, but we really like gibs a lot because alms for the poor lmao, also look the other way on abortion, gays, etc. despite what Church doctrine says, wouldn't want to lose respectability with my Progressive friends!"

>Checks flag
You mean you don't know?

I was raised Roman Catholic in a SSPX church, and maybe their dispute with Rome over Latin mass planted the seeds, but I really have come to despise the subservient attitude towards the pope. Calling him “his holiness” for instance. What the fuck, he’s a man not God. I don’t even care that he’s God’s representative, he’s still a man who could go to hell. All Catholics are open borders faggots. My wife is all “omg just love everyone it’ll be okay :^) ignoring any evidence to the contrary. Literally has no problem with the entire 3rd world flooding in because “if we receive them with open arms they’ll be so full of gratitude they’ll be as American as apple pie” ignoring that real Americans have their blood in this country. Both her and my family have been here for hundreds of years. But nope that doesn’t matter only love. Super frustrating. Lots of Catholics take this view. Vatican 2 was the death knell of the Church.

Also they do, liberal catholics, as in most of them, love Francis because he talks about #refugeeswelcome and not judging gay people. Somehow I think this is missing the point.

Can you retards stop saying "precedence" please? It's precedent, jesus fucking christ.

I dont care for Catholic
I hate the pope soo there that

>Catholic Left
The people you described are functionally identical to Episcopalians, except they actually show up for church because it fully promotes the poz.

I hate the Pope too, I don't give a fuck what he has to say about politics.

Heil Hillary, then, I guess

One of the great ironies of America is how much its informal power structure mirrors the Catholic Church despite being founded on anti-Catholicism. We have Universities instead of the seminary, professors/grad students instead of friars, journalists take the place of local bishops, the Supreme Court takes the place of the Papacy (the swing judge is the Pope). We even have a soft form of Papal infalibility in the form of "muh precedent".

Imagine the mental gymnastics of a woman making the decision of banning abortion

It doesn't really matter if they're real Catholics or not, liberal Catholics are the norm and they like to vote and donate to political campaigns.

A woman on the court is a media target for emotional manipulation

No. Choose the Indian from Kentucky and be done with it.

but I doubt it
Just pick a guy who not a cuck and play it safe

Barrett clearly isn't one, for fuck's sake she's a Charismatic.

whats his name?

Abortion is bigger than gay marriage desu. At least among boomers.

I for one dont like the idea of people killing their kids, although I know that demographics would already be twice as bad without it

Can you expect a woman who adopted Hatians to go along with overturning United States v. Wong Kim Ark?

Reminder: 400 abortions per 1000 black live births, 120 for hispanics.

Amul Roger Thapar

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Should be Don Willit just so Trump can meme the phrase “Don will it” into the lexicon just as they have to talk about willit all the fuckin time during the confirmation. Don Willit is pure meme magic and a linguistic kill shot because it plants the idea in their heads. Make them say “Don will it” for a week before you make sure they’re aware of what they’re doing. It’s mind rape.

She clerked for the greatest Justice of All Time, Justice Scalia. She is a originalist constitutionalist. I'd be happy with her or Sen Lee from utah.

I like Willit desu


You won't hear the end of it, not like it was going to end any time soon

she has crazy eyes. probably fucks like a maniac but will smear dog shit on your car handles when you break up with her.

thanks will look him up
>Mike Lee
sounds interesting but doesnt seem to be a finalist unfortunatly

5D chess. nominates a conservative woman, who eventually votes to overturn roe v wade. liberals BTFO for the next 50 years regarding SCOTUS decisions.


Barrett is fine, but Trump needs to hold her in his back pocket as RBG's replacement. Libs and centrists will DEMAND that Ginburg's seat remain female. We need a cishet, white, male, Protestant in Kennedy's seat.

dude use your brain please I hope your just trolling

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Should be Ann Coulter desu

I doubt RvW will be overturned, more likely other bans on abortion
It was 30 years between RvW and the first abortion ban, partial birth in 2003 then upheld in 2007

your country is bankrupt. your argument is invalid.

more catholics on the supreme court than in the vatican

he better not. Hard constitutionalist or nothing.

Responses to this thread show one's ability/inability to hold a relationship with a real woman. Real woman hate abortion more than men.