Jews who are honorary whites

List Jews who are honorary whites
I'll start....
Ben Shapiro

Attached: shapiroberg.jpg (329x449, 40K)

They can all goto israel or into the ovens.

Sorry, the toddler sized kike will never be accepted here. It's time to stop.

I hope Ben Shapiro has a sealed indictment waiting for him too. He's not American. He's Israeli.

avraham stern

Adolf hittler

Number (2): Obergruppenführer Jared

Attached: jared hat.jpg (768x442, 108K)

We will be the list-makers this time around. Sage.

Why? For picking low-hanging fruit while not-so-subtly pushing anarcho-"capitalism" i.e. libertarianism i.e. mutualism i.e. it's really just another take on Communism?

Marx also hated the free love pacifist feminists of his day.

Number (3): He's Alive

Attached: hitler jew.jpg (1131x1600, 312K)