I have never heard of this new lefty meme and it's actually kind of funnt
do I just kms now?
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without the second half of this text, this meme could actually be funny
what is dissociation and why do leftists love it so much?
Leftys make decent memes sometimes, but they immediately get highjacked by the right. Like "fake news"
It's a psychiatric condition where you kind of feel detached from yourself, true dissociation is pretty rare most lefties just use it as an excuse for zoning out, day dreaming, being bored in a conversation, etc which is what people with the disorder feel 24/7.
Why they love it so much, idk I guess mental disorders get you popularity points in liberal circles.
>being so anal retentive that a mental state "which is what people with the disorder feel 24/7" is not disassociation
Protip son, the disorder is named for the mental state in question
>I guess mental disorders get you popularity points in liberal circles.
Exactly. Can't join the pity-privilege party without some kind of hypochondriac induced illness. Bonus points if they say they're afraid to go to their doctor to get a real diagnosis.
They love it because it allows them to accept the world they've created without feeling horrified at what they've done.
that emoji makes it look like the exploding knees kid