What is Traditional American Nationalism?
It's American White Nationalism in a nutshell.
Why Traditional?
Because this Nation was founded by White Christian Men looking to establish the New Jerusalem as promised in Biblical Prophecy.
These American Founders, called themselves a wandering race of "Jacobites" . They knew who they were and why this nation was created.
Traditional American Nationalism is celebrating the people who founded this country. America was meant to be a White Christian Nation in which people would have the freedom to practice their Christian Faith.
We need to spread The Traditional American message to the rest of White Americans who want to save their country and their people from racial and cultural replacement. We need to use the American Flag, American Historical Figures, and Traditional American Culture and make these things to come back once again.
Traditional American Movements are exactly the type of small organizations and movements that White Youth need to form in their own community. We have an obligation and duty to take care of what our forefather's left us. We cannot sit back any longer and watch as America deteriorates and crumbles before us.
The point is this, How do we spread this message of Traditional American Nationalism to white normies without coming off as White Supremacists? How do we spread the message of loving your own people and country?
Should Whites in America start referring themselves as Traditional Americans? Calling yourself an American now is a Civic Nationalist phrase. Because any nonwhite can call themselves an American now. Back then an American was always thought of as a White Person who lived in the United States to the rest of the world. We need to gain our own identity back.
Pls Bump and get in here Murican Bros
Traditional American Nationalism - General
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>White Christian Men looking to establish the New Jerusalem as promised in Biblical Prophecy.
this is why christianity is garbage. too much jewish garbage.
national libertarian-ism
> calls it garbage
> hasn't even opened the Holy Bible and read it himself
There is so much more that you don't understand , stop believing in that vargtard and actually read the Holy Bible.
And these are not my own words, the founding father's and the pilgrims who settled these lands knew their own identity.
I don't believe in lolbiterianism
It's civic nationalism with a right-wing twist.
I'm a Natsoc and I believe race comes before property.
You said the founding fathers were seeking a "New Jerusalem." Why not a new Europe? Or a new Germania? Because there's too much kike garbage in modern Christianity.
>It's civic nationalism with a right-wing twist.
did you not see the 'national' right in front of the 'libertarian'
Because The Anglo-Sphere was prophesized to happen in the Holy Bible.
the New Jerusalem would be in-between two huge bodies of water (Pacific and Atlantic Ocean) and other prophecies that America fulfilled when it was born in a day in 1776.
The Tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh are America ,Canada, Australia, NZ
Libertarianism is still to cucked and not racial enough.
WN is enough to fill in the Gap with Traditional American Nationalism.
We just need to return this Country to what the founding father's intended.
And you don't belong because you want to change what we were originally, revisionist idealism is the death of Nations. Fuck off.
So more Jewish prophetic garbage? And how has that worked out for white people so far?
Don't you think European converting to a Middle Eastern religion is changing what they originally were? Doesn't that make you the revisionist?
This is America, and from 1770 it was established as a Chrisrian Nation. Want to rewrite the history books, journals and documents stating so? No? Then again fuck off. Theres a second awaking coming and atheists and pagans are going to be ostracized like the degenerate hedonistic freaks they are.
Atheism leads to immoral choices. Immoral decisions in life are the figurative slipperly slope that has put this Nation into this shithole it is today, from little white boys getting sex-change surgeries to pedo-sexuality. Without a return to God this country will fall. Any Nation that builds itself off of the will of man alone, is doomed to fail.
Didn't Jesus call the Jews broods of vipers?
Didn't Jesus say they Jews were out to kill him?
Didn't Jesus whip the Jewish merchants?
So why is modern Christian stuck up Jewish ass?
America was founded as a Christian Adamic Nation by the very first pilgrims who set foot on this new Jerusalem.
If you deny this then you are a brainlet
> more jewish prophetic garbage
You Pagancucks think that
Hebrews = Kikes
Israelites = Kikes
when these two groups of people have never been kikes nor will they ever be kikes.
>How's that worked out for wypipow so far
America was the best nation on earth when it was White and Christian. It's not anymore and look how it is now. But i'm sure your degenerate pagan larping will surely restore it back to it's former glory.
Because modern Christianity is (((Christian Zionism)))
The kikes have always been hated in the Christian Faith.
They are children of the devil and Christ foretold.
You know where the " Jews are God's Chosen pipow", and , " Die for Israel Goyim" memes come from?
From the C.I Scofield Reference Bible which turned Christianity into a Zionist religion.
It made the kikes become Hebrews, it made the kikes become Israelites.
The Anglo-Sphere adopted this Heretical Bible and Boomers grew up with this bible.
i like your plan.
traditional american nationalism...
tan. like the injins..
so when people bring up the injins..
tell them that was a form of traditional american tribalism...
traditional injin tribalism..
traditional american tribalism
tit for tat.
Start with the Americanism definition of the right left spectrum. Right = less government, left = more government (yes this includes your national socialist).
>how do we promote ethno-nationalism without sounding like ethno-nationalists
America's roots are in the values and principles it was founded on.
>Right = less government, left = more government
That's literally not true. We need to move away from the left/right model, and focus on ideologies.