Google needs to burn to the fucking ground

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Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>five territories
Outside, sunny day, grill, food, beer.

They hate this country so much they couldn't just make a little patriotic doodle. They had to focus on things that separate us.

Tbh it's not the 4th yet
If there's no flag on the day of then you're free to detonate your truck next to their hq

I don't get it

It's like some interactive recipe book or some shit

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whats this thread about?>

The doodle for July 4th it's really fucking gay.

today is the second are you viewing the future or some shit?

nigga you fucking retarded or some shit

nigga type in it's already up.

We get it; too much time here on Jow Forums will make that seem like a suggestion for balkanization. It's not gonna happen; don't worry about it. People shit-fling in subtle ways on social media all day long. Pic related is the google splash worth noting.

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im just surprised they deigned to acknowledge the 4th of july at all. I for sure thought the doodle was going to be filled with crying dead Indians or something wailing about how awful america is.

Is that what 4th july is about ? oh ok cool you learn something new every day thanks goygle

This is actually super useful though.

Now we know who to purge until these people figure out what ribs are.

>North Carolina
>Snow Cream
>snow + condensed milk
>4th of July

These fucking kikes man

they're saving that for thanksgiving

Dude they even get regional dishes closely right. Its like if some bugman from SF took a guess at what people eat.

>Looks at Kansas
>Kansas City.... Missouri

butter, crumbs, and fish..

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Do any of the recipes contain s o y ?

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We don't fucking eat that. The closest thing in MA would be bacalhau com natas. They could have done clam chowder or baked beans or any other normie shit.

This is them showing how much they hate America. Good thing most these tech companies are fucked when Mueller starts really opening his indictments.

Are they trying to pass this off as general dishes that the states eat or specifically what they eat on the 4th of july? Because I really cant tell at this point.

Google is controlled by an AI system.

[ARCHIVE OF PAST KB THREADS]: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

I don't know what the message they were going for was. I feel like they overcomplicated this on purpose and did everything BUT make it about American Independence and Patriotism.

They didn't even make a doodle for Easter.
But if it's the 175th anniversary of the first guy to get arrested for felching his life partner, you better believe they'll have a commemorative logo.

What the fuck is this some blood passover shit or what?

Jewgle not only scans your mail for ad targeting, it lets others do it too. Never use jewgle.

>ccess enables these third parties to view Gmail users’ emails, recipient addresses, timestamps, and the entire content of those messages. >Google suggests that all of this happens “with” user consent, however, it may be another case of tricking users into giving consent without properly informing them about it first.

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Mueller is delaying so he can try to damage the GOP for the election cycle. He is not our guy. You have been warned. Expect violence by January.

No. Mueller is delaying because Israel keeps threatening to nuke us.

heh, felching

any pro nationalism from a european blooded nation is heavily looked down upon as the status quo..
they can not fathom a world with unique cultures and nations..
it can be only 1 world.. and a 1 world order..
governed by jews.

I see a doodle, what are we complaining about?

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What about a 1 world order without Jews?

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What. The. Fuck.

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Who the fuck thought he's our guy?

Jow Forums has known Mueller is /ourguy/ since June 15th 2017

holy shit.
Teriyaki (kanji: 照り焼き) is a cooking technique used in Japanese cuisine in which foods are broiled or grilled with a glaze of onions sauce, mirin, and sugar.[1][2]

>celebrate independence by drinking a bottle of teriyaki sauce you fucking pig

what a surprise, the southwest is full of beaner shit as well

I'm sorry, but that's pants on head retarded mixed with two scoops of wishful thinking. He has nothing on Trump, but he is best friends with Comey and his team is made up of all pissed off democrats.

You don't even have any evidence to make your point. You're speaking Fox news talking points. What if ISRAEL tried to FRAME TRUMP by using Russian Jews to try and infiltrate his campaign? What if Israel colluded with ALL THE TECH COMPANIES as well as a bunch of toher shit.

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Well look at that, Iowa wins again

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I'm a very experienced professional chef. Teriyaki sauce has absolutely nothing to do with food culture in Oregon. For fucks sake, we grow the best goddamn berries on the entire fucking planet here. They should have done marionberry pie, instead we get fucking teriyaki sauce!? I'm seriously fucking pissed about this.

>loose meat sandwiches
Jesus I want to curbstomp Larry Page and Segey Brin

>somehow somewhere between a burger and a sloppy joe

I dont think im brainy enough to get this. What the hell is a burger then? Steak?

They didn’t do a doodle for Christmas. Think about that.

It's basically a hamburger without the bun.

this is actually personally insulting and i'm not even american

are these kikes seriously implying that americans have no unique food beyond "LOL BURGERS"

I honestly think the entire list was compiled by AI. It doesn't make any sense.

Probably the same AI that spams Mutt, Boomer, civcuck, and nigger over and over.

Supposedly its the top searched recipes by state, probably altered a bit so theres no repeats.

it was compiled by the searchers

Its the top searched food for each state. What this actually has to do with the 4th of july, only god knows.

They couldn't have done anything cool and simple like a little fireworks minigame that ended with a american flag shaped finale. Noooo they had to go the laziest and least offensive or pro american route.

(See! Its still about america! Its all about all the diffrent and diverse foods people look for all year! Dont look behind the curtain goyim!)

they want everyone to focus on all the smaller tiny differences everyone has instead of the one thing that binds us. Our Flag.

nothing patriotic... just make it seem like its some kind of national barbecue day and only that. fucking kike filth

Google is literally the anti-Christ.

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>the 4th of july
independence day, please, you swine.

Imagine how angry they must have been that they could not, as originally planned, fill every state recipe with references to black cock and cuckold creampies.

I mean I dunno, they got West Virginia...kinda right?

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Google is such garbage



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Meatloaf? Fuck you, we're all about bratwurst and Spotted Cow.

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Lmao you American faggots are literally too retarded to know what day it is.

Someone needs to put AR’s all over that map and ICE deportation docs on the rest.

>google needs to die
>doesnt learn to make a better search engine than them to thwart their shilling
oh saviors of civilization you men could surely come up with some solution to this problem if you by chance GAVE A FUCK!

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>muh bing
I said a better search engine

You're a Jew with a meme flag, why do you even play these stupid games where you pretend you're an actual user.

im guessing its 4th of july eats which is funny as a Californian i never heard of Quinoa. I assumed the fourth of july norm everywhere in the states started with hotdogs and hamburgers mix with what ever else people felt like eating like potato salad among others.

yes my top searched recipe by far is a sauce

atleast you have something you actually heard of. lived in cali for 28 years which is 28 years too long and i never heard of the shit food they say we celebrate with. was thinking maybe its what all the illegal wetbacks eat during the 4th.

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I kekt

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this type of cartoon somehow looks like pedo gov

Our territories are not American, not even Guam and they're more American than California

At least Ohio got something American to eat. Although if I'm honest, the best sausage gravy and biscuits I've ever had was in the Carolinas.

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>Meant to have spic foods mixed into it
I find it hilarious that anyone thinks rice should have anything in it

Hey man, no need to talk shit about the territories. They're still a part of the USA.

Spanish rice is fine as long as you don't go overboard with the shit you put in it.

You mean Paella?

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>check out Indiana, my state
>it's a ball of butter
I don't know what I expected...

I'm white you nogmut
not everyone you don't like is a jew
particularly not when you're the one acting like one by drawing attention away from the topic; IE the part where you superior men do something to prove that by not fapping so much and instead making a search engine that is unbiased and therefore not constantly kiked by serving up propaganda if you display any free thoughts.

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Apparently quinoa is a Californian thing.

(It's not)

t. Californian

I just adblock the faggy doodle

Getting mad about this is angry soccer mom tier shit. What a stupid thread.

Don’t feel bad none of these make any sense

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>HURR DURR Talking about how the biggest website on the internet is trying to spit on the country that birthed them is bad.

>hey its bastille day, lets eat a bunch of fucking algerian food.

oh theres one of those high-speed food trucks i heard about.

I've never gone to a restaurant that had "Spanish Rice" do they mean Paella?

How are they spitting on the country here?

desu tembleque is the best kind of dessert for Christmas, not Summer.

>loose-meat sandwiches
i don't know why this triggers me so fucking hard

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INDEPENDENCE DAY isn't about food, or diversity. It's about AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. Our own fucking flag. You can't understand something like this because youre a Jew who is rootless. You'll never feel at home.

>select Florida
>expect to see some tangy Key-Lime pie
>get some random Inca dish from South America
No seriously what the fuck.

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Google employees, are they A sexual??
Oh, they are godless for sure.

i see no problem

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