New POL: it’s growing

>not owned by the Jew like gabbai

>owned by a white man

>owned by a wage slave

>no censorship

>can have ayyy threads and Pizzagate threads with iimmediate 404

>is so hated by the Jews that they have incorporated shill responses for the website directly into their algorithm

>afraid that the hive mind known as pol will reach peak autism without any shills and distractions on new website

>give it a look and start coming to the site regularly so it keeps growing

>it’s up to 112 members

Make fake account with name like John Doe

Attached: F22C49AA-6953-4236-9BB8-756299C89F73.png (640x1136, 405K)

Other urls found in this thread:


no thx

This seems like a Jewish ploy

What the fuck is that reddit faggot shit.
Also nice spacing, fruitcake.

Fuckoff JIDF

i hope it gets spammed with gore

>join my russian facebook clone


>"owned" by a wageslave
>requires sign-up
Go fuck yourself