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Other urls found in this thread:


This can't be real

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whats the point of archive besides not giving clicks to the original site and for records purposes?

The holocaust is fake just like all legally controlled opinions.

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Preserving articles that the Jews want memoryholed

Why aren’t you all on NEW POL? Get away from this immediate 404 board and actually talk about quality threads like we used to back before the election

Get away from the Jew

→ #

Like now hxjdkdkndn

Sometimes things deleted or edited.

> right wing archiving sites

"Misuse," ha. Everything we do is inherently wrong. How would you "misuse" an archive site anyway?


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Because before archiving changing the past was easy.

Cmon user it’s like you know nothing about Jews

even if youre a leftie you should be able to recognize that web journalism is cancer

>Everything we do is inherently wrong.
You've gotta be a Jew to say something as stupid as this.

Too keep jews and other marxists and SJWs from rewriting history.

they're still calling us fringe.

CNN gets like 600,000 views a day. If anything they're the insect compared to Reddit/Youtube/Jow Forums and memes.

Christ, even sadder for CNN is that they have contracts with airports and stuff too.

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>Blackburn is a co-founder of the International Data-driven Research for Advanced Modeling and Analysis Lab, or iDRAMA Lab, an international group of scientists focusing on modern socio-technical issues with expertise ranging from low-level cryptography to video games.

It's our old friends. Seriously, these people are involved in almost all studies that intersect with Jow Forums.

Yes they call themselves Cuckademics on their own website. They're hip and with it.

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If you control the past, you control the future.
If you control the present, you control the past.

This is the other shit they've done.

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jej, new phone screen

no lol

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MSM is the new fringe,

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What is a proper use?



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CNN has contracts with my local pizza shop.

Also because some sites like the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post only let you read two articles a month without a subscription.

Reddit eats our ass

They're going to try and (((shut them down))) you know. Better pray one of us started at least one of those archives because if most of those sites are (((archives))) made by kikes like every fucking thing else, they'll go away faster than you can say Moshe Shekelstein.

>misuse of archives
>recording history is bad
>truth bad

>whats the point of archive besides not giving clicks to the original site and for records purposes?
>implying that isn't a good enough reason alone
Jews are gaslighting constantly by changing shit in the stories. Archives preserve the original. And the jews hate it. So much so that the worst offenders actively prevent the "easy archive" sites from working on their pages.

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Holy shit, do you think they realize that word means they like other people fucking their wives and they want to raise kids that aren't theirs.

>So much so that the worst offenders actively prevent the "easy archive" sites from working on their pages.
I've noticed that.

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what this a screenshot of? link pls looks entertaining

everyone but me gotta learn this is nonsense.


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>study reveals
They've started labeling their blog rants "studies"

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ahahahahaahahah just think of it, ONE SUBREDDIT causes 70 GRAND in lost revenue for the washington post ALONE these yids don't know how to cope (And It's A Good Thing!)

If only hosting was that cheap...

Wouldn’t Adblock have the same impact on lost revenue?

What did they mean by this, how is that a bad thing?

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Adblock is good but even the extension I use, Adblock Plus, isn't perfect. Some still slip it's detection algorithms and besides, even if they were, you're still giving them (((traffic))) which by their decreasingly lowering standards still counts as a positive metric that you shouldn't be supporting

Only the left looks remotely passable.

>and for records purposes
Did all the fags who reply to you just not read your post? No, reading comprehension is actually this bad in the current year.



Fine. We'll just create a P2P distributed option then. People are just using it because it's convenient and somehow put all the hard work to create it.

The sooner this place turn to the deeper part of the web the better. This place is way to public now.

Researchers analyzed millions of URLs from and Wayback Machine shared on four social networks

bullshit they did,

>This place is way to public now.
There's no putting the genie back into the bottle.

So use this opportunity to redpill as many normies as you can before they figure out a way to (((shut it down))).

newfag detected

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>popular news site like the Washington Post lose approximately $70,000 worth of ad revenue annually due to the use of archiving services on Reddit.
That doesn't seem like a lot for such a big company. What can be done to ensure they lose more?

They are actually aware how much revenue archive has costed them

It's a shame so many /nu/ pol niggers don't use or understand archives. If we were as vigilant as three years ago a number of these publications would likely be entirely bankrupt.

Bring their sites down weekly

> getting paid to study shitposts


>We publish things that are provably false.
>We frequently say things that are hypocritical.
>We frequently contradict ourselves

OY VEY! Stop archiving our articles and proving that we're a bunch of white hating Jews fhat lie constantly.


Use uBlock Origin instead. AdBlock Plus literally accepts money to whitelist some ads.

top jej norbot BTFO

>from archive services to avoid censorship
This is an intended use of archives
>and undercut advertising revenue of new sources with contrasting ideologies.
Clickbait is not an ideology.

>It's a shame so many /nu/ pol niggers don't use or understand archives

It really is. But our site and this board more than any, can't afford to give bots the moderator privileges they use over there. While they, have automatic processes, we have to humiliate newfags one post at a time until it's drilled into their fucking skulls that isn't just mandatory but that it isn't at all hard to use either and hits ((())) right where it hurts the most.

Can you explain? I thought it an archive meant they weren't getting money from the clicks, not that they were outright losing money.

We need Norwegian archiving bro back, he was a godsend.

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"For example, we observed that 'The Donald' subreddit systematically targets ad revenue of news sources with conflicting ideologies," Blackburn said. "Moderation bots block URLs from those sites and prompt users to post archived URLs. According to our conservative estimates, popular news site like the Washington Post lose approximately $70,000 worth of ad revenue annually due to the use of archiving services on Reddit."

Hah the truth always wants to come out. This is like when CNN was oy veying about wikileaks, and pretty much said on air "heyyy, you stupid goyim are supposed to do what we tell you!!"

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That's like a fuckin drop in the bucket for Bezos.

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1. The site still needs to pay for the traffic.
2. The site loses official clicks meaning they get much lower rates from advertisers. Advertisers will push to pay lower fees to the site because less people are seeing or clicking.
3. If people can read their content for free they stay out of their siteowners ecosystem and this guarantees revenue drops.

Using these tactics and others, we totally destroyed multiple large videogaming wesbites when they joined together to attack their consumer base. Videogaming journalism will never recover because of what happened. This event was the prototype for the meme war.

CNN literally said Wikileaks may be illegal to view except for them

But they aren't 'losing' money, they just aren't getting the money they would have gotten if people clicked a direct link. Or am I retarded?

Mere molecules in an ocean, more like. But we'll do what we can because we must. The press is the enemy of the people and so, we do everything we can to undermine the power of the media. Not all news networks can survive without making a profit you know

I have a feeling the number is lowballed to an extent. There is no way that figure makes sense for total losses. Could be yearly or monthly but they know we will redouble our efforts if we smell blood.

Ohh, okay. Thanks.

It was also proven that, IIRC, CNN got something like 70% of its internet traffic from bot farms in China. Nobody is actually reading any of this, it is just noise from gatekeepers pleading with you to to listen to them because they are the "authority".

Oh but they are, there are costs to running press outlets, there are salaries to pay, there is rent, there are fees, everyday they're missing out on what they've projected they should be entitled to, they bleed just a little bit drier. One drop at a time. I don't know if you're aware but the mainstream media is on a downward trend as it is. People are not buying newspapers, people aren't buying past paywalls... people aren't even giving their fucking clicks because the people do not trust (((them))) anymore.

> Also, Web archiving services are extensively used for the archival and dissemination of content related to conspiracy theories (e.g., Pizzagate) as well as other world events related to politics (e.g., tensions between North Korea and the USA), thus suggesting that these services play an important role in the (false) information ecosystem and need to be taken into account when designing systems to detect and contain the cascade of misinformation on the Web.
> Implying MSM owns a monopoly on truth

(((They))) are afraid of people thinking for themselves.

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When are we gonna start hanging these fucking hebes?

That was about one employees salary before Bezos purchased the paper, and three employees salaries after Bezos purchased it.

Archivers are doing gods work

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Bezos did not buy it to make money. He bought it to keep it going, literally just to run i terference for Israel. He doesn't make a dime off it.

If only Trudeau would suffer the fate of Gaddafi.

>our clickbait tactic is being bypassed by archives
good. keep using archives and drive these kikes out of business

>legally controlled opinions
I’ll have to remember that one.

So fucking dumb.

Instead of going for ads they went for paywalls that are circumvented in a copy paste.

Is there an extention that auto archives some sites? Woupd propably be easy to do in grease monkey

There would be many of pedos to die with him

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wtf is there any more information about this?

Whatever happened to Based Nordbot?

What a read

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Didn't know it was that extreme, is there a link to article?

Stop asking questions you filthy racist!

>OP posts archive link of article on being a bad goy archiving articles
Thanks for not being a fag for once, OP

Someone said he was having a hard time circumventing mod bans or something, i dunno I'm not much of an IT guy.

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