The manchild problem

What do we do about the alarming number of men who are foregoing full time employment, career advancement and starting a family in favor of playing video games and pursuing other worthless hedonistic pursuits?

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Make a society worth contributing in. I recommend removing women from the workforce, forcing them to rely on men as providers so men would actually have a reason to pursue long term relationships and thus need that money to provide for their family.

I'm a 30 year old manchild. I didn't socialize during my child/teen years and got social anxiety. I still have a career but, not a normal social life or wife.

I pretty much have given up on relationships and spend my time on video games or Jow Forums instead.

Why work my ass off for a society that is no longer mine?
>Working until 70 to finance arab scum and their 10 children
Yeah no

i dont want to babysit a modern independent womens

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>foregoing full time employment, career advancement and starting a family

Even if I wanted those things, I couldn't get them. I actually really want some sort of career (I like nice things and need money to buy them) but I've been totally stymied. I'm 30, I have a bachelor's degree, and I'm stuck working McJobs. The most comfortable lifestyle I can live is the man-child lifestyle.

Pfffft! Sexist! You must be an incel. Don't you know that being right-wing actually means to strife for TRUE feminism and normalizing homosexuality?

I'll never be able to afford a family.

my wifes son earns more than me

lol why dont you just make s'more money then hahah – maybe if you'd only just try a little harder

That's a chad on hold.

>What do we do about the alarming number of men who are foregoing full time employment, career advancement and starting a family in favor of playing video games and pursuing other worthless hedonistic pursuits?
Clearly video games are seen by them as a better option.

Fuck all that

idk, tell me what to do

i have money why should i go to work or do anything.


I blame my degree in worthless computer network admin, my parents divorce, seeing divorce and cheating within the military, first hand dating experiences; selfish women, I’m currently dating a married women so I think I’m not 100% on giving up (she’s in the process of divorce and I’m not Jody, but her husband was in the marines and I was army; yes I have a T-shirt that says my “my girl friends husband fights for your freedom” just to piss him off.

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no guaranteed pussy, no work

>what do we do about
You do nothing unless it's actually spreading degeneracy. They want to destroy their lives, so be it.

that's like your opinion man
Why should i care about what YOU think? It's my life.

You have nothing of value to offer for what you ask in exchange.

when i can make money drinking and playing video games then ill get a job but until then leave me alone

>tell me what to do

you know you might have money but if youre worthless and dont have a solution to that problem you might as well be a nigger.

behave like a white man. be proud. be smart. be honorable.

I don't have a girlfriend so I definitely don't have a wife.

>What do we do about the alarming number of men who are foregoing full time employment, career advancement and starting a family in favor of playing video games and pursuing other worthless hedonistic pursuits?
Give us jobs.

I would much rather be working in my chosen field than sitting around all day on Jow Forums doing fuck all, but was denied the opportunity because some feminist HR bitch refused to forward my resume while simultaneously forwarding a literal downs syndrome kid's instead because she thought he'd bring more diversity to the industry.

The white hate is horseshit. I've been out of work for almost a decade and can still do better than 99% of everyone else.

At least I'm rich and married.

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Australians should focus less on shit-posting boring shit and more on fixing their country.

So having a good job, a house, luxury, a family, etc. aren't a good substitute for what you have right now? The problem is a lack of ambition.

God, I'm so fucking livid every day.

Whoever my NSA handler is had better get me a job offer this week because I'm fucking tired of this shit. You faggots know I'd be a fucking asset to our nation but nNoOOOOooo you just gotta sit there and watch me fucking shitpost. What the fuck is your fucking problem?

>muh you gotta apply

Consider this my goddamned application for literally any leadership role.

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I don't do shit posting, I do truth posting.

What skills and experience do you have? What kind of value can you provide to the organization?

You make this thread every single fucking day for at least a year or more. How much have you actually made doing this useless shit?
Just kill yourself already,dumb shit Kike.

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Fuck you brother

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Modern women aren't responsible enough for a family. I refuse to bring a child up in a home with a high chance of divorce.

t. Shameful manchild

It's time to grow up, leaf.

>So having a good job, a house, luxury, a family, etc
These are not offered, these are things I would earn myself.
Why would I wish for a family I have no authority over, and can be taken from me at a whim?
>inb4 just lead her man.
There's only so many good jobs. The rest are just jobs.
I have shelter and the housing market is fucked.

You offer nothing.

If you don't take risks you literally rot in mediocrity or worse in this world. If you're foregoing marriage and kids because you're afraid of divorce you are responsible for fucking up the west. Stop being a little bitch

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Tell me what I should do with my life, then, since you seem to have a problem with my lifestyle:
>be 19
>write software for company on other side of the US, call in to work for daily meetings at 8 am sharp five days a week
>make $29k before taxes
>pay rent to parents
>blow rest of money on chemistry equipment, music equipment, and whatever catches my eye
>always have < $250 in my account by the next paycheck
>play lots of video games
>never leave the house except to buy groceries or visit family/friends
>never had a gf

I have an intuitive knowledge of everything and can analyze situations with urgency and accuracy. I am unable to be bribed because of my financial position. I make the right decision the first time, every time, and do not hesitate because I am a leader. I was born to make decisions and am part of one of the most influential families in America, and am the descendant of no less than three Revolutionary War patriots.

But nOOOooOoOooOooo I'm too white to get a commission. Meanwhile Tranny Manning and Edward Snowfuck go off betraying our country for laughs and get to be heroes. I'm literally the first generation who has been excluded from the opportunity to serve because I'm not some satanic kike asshole.

Fuck this fucking gay-ass world and everyone in it.

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>If you're foregoing marriage and kids because you're afraid of divorce you are responsible for fucking up the west
Your world-view is dead, much like you will be soon.
We don't need your advice or experience. The world changed and you aren't relevant to what it is.


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35yo NEET manchild here. Life is good, fuck off

Sorta the same:

However i had a very very social childhood. I developed extreme social anxiety after highschool and i retreated and drowned myself into the video game world.

Technology is changing humans in odd ways. I dont really want kids, i just wanna be happy. Social anxiety is a silent killer. I lock myself away which doesnt help and makes it worse, so i fuck myself both ways.

I used to smoke weed everyday for 4 years. Weed was god's gift for 2 years then everything startes coming back worse, can be done rarely though.

I legit just tell people im a faggot irl, im bi but my social anxiety is so bad i dont wish to pursue a relationship as its a high risk, low reward.

World is going to get more fucking odd. Internet is always a few years ahead of the normies, like memes werent even popular until like 5-6 years after they've been used for awhile.

We're building technology that will benefit us, but also consume and spit us out. Our endgame doesnt look well. We will be robotic A.I. in the end.

Legit just wanna chill and hopefully pass away peacefully in my 50's. Psychedelics have helped alot, but also brought hell to the surface and i can feel and see it bubble.

We're all on a timer, thinking we can beat time. Even though time is a social construct of our perspective and is subjective, it still applies and will pick us apart into nothing in the end.

Its all ying and yang, gaining what you miss wont fill all your voids as humans cant achieve perfection mentally as its not biogically sound. We're built to make goals and keep striving, hence why the rich wish to become riched

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Sorta the same:

However i had a very very social childhood. I developed extreme social anxiety after highschool and i retreated and drowned myself into the video game world.

Technology is changing humans in odd ways. I dont really want kids, i just wanna be happy. Social anxiety is a silent killer. I lock myself away which doesnt help and makes it worse, so i fuck myself both ways.

I used to smoke weed everyday for 4 years. Weed was god's gift for 2 years then everything startes coming back worse, can be done rarely though.

I legit just tell people im a faggot irl, im bi but my social anxiety is so bad i dont wish to pursue a relationship as its a high risk, low reward.

World is going to get more fucking odd. Internet is always a few years ahead of the normies, like memes werent even popular until like 5-6 years after they've been used for awhile.

We're building technology that will benefit us, but also consume and spit us out. Our endgame doesnt look well. We will be robotic A.I. in the end.

Legit just wanna chill and hopefully pass away peacefully in my 50's. Psychedelics have helped alot, but also brought hell to the surface and i can feel and see it bubble.

We're all on a timer, thinking we can beat time. Even though time is a social construct of our perspective and is subjective, it still applies and will pick us apart into nothing in the end.

Its all ying and yang, gaining what you miss wont fill all your voids as humans cant achieve perfection mentally as its not biogically sound. We're built to make goals and keep striving, hence why the rich wish to become richer

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This society is shit. Better to just sit back and watch it burn

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Give them full-time employment with career advancement and incentives to buy housing and start a family?

Both have diminishing returns but only one can take away your livelihood and force you to pay alimony for the rest of your life. Change that shit. When it comes to games I'm a bit of a min/maxer and you can't expect intelligent men to invest into a society that signals that they have no value in it.

Just give me a direct commission to Navy intelligence and let me tell DEVGRU what to do like Otacon does for snake. God. Fuck.

I can't believe I'm whining for a job on fucking Jow Forums. REEEE.

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I have full time employment, I can advance my career but why the fuck should I? I earn enough to pay for food, bills and vidya
world can fuck off

Social Security was foretcasted to blow out ages ago, with Trudeau and the awful liberal provincial government spending out of control its basically guaranteed.
I ain't paying to cover some Boomers retirement only to get jack shit anyway.

And you think working your ass off and then getting a family isn't pointless? Earth is over populated so fuck that shit.

It took me until I was 20 to shave/shower daily and get a job. The real men won't be able to live with the guilt and will snap back into reality, if not they are hopeless anyways.


Im good man, thanks though

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Shutting down Jow Forums would be a start

Vial as fuck, it's like seeing a black widow I just want to get the propane torch out

make women not garbage tier

Are you drunk? Base intelligence and critical thinks are not hard skills if you're to be believed. I'm not a fucking genius or captaim of industry, but write down some goals and learn a hard skill that you are interested in like programming or something, use your money to educate yourself, instead of replying to yourself on a Jow Forums thread like a mad drunk.

Fuck off, pleb. My career was stolen from me by beaners and niggers.

This is my fucking country and I should be given leadership roles, not them.


to what end?
i finished university and i'm sitting most of my time wrenching on dirtbikes and getting piss drunk because my degree pays less then mushroom picking ffs
and 90% of women are whores while the other 9% are ugly and unfuckable so starting a family now it's a clear path to divorce and wasted years

>i dont want to babysit a modern independent womens

This is a big reason for me.

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Nothing. Don't you believe in eugenics?

This is a specific Canadian problem tho, mortgage for life and taxes, lower salaries combo into making a family impossible. Its fucking up leafs but unrelated to global incel man child epidemic. Only doctors and lawyer here have 3+ children basically.

And no I'm not fucking drunk I'm just pissed at how shitty this fucking world is. Bring back feudalism and nobility so I can buy a commission and lead men into battle.

The industrial revolution was a fucking mistake.

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Have we tried giving them well paying jobs?

Maybe we could try that.

He just need to go a few weeks to the gym cause he has the same intellectual capacity as a chad, and they'll look 90% the same.
Prospect roastie can't figure that shit out and they rather get treated bad by a chad than good by a skinny/fat guy.

Having a job and striving and struggling for something creates character. Which also boost self esteem which then again to leads all kinds of possibilities.
Or when the day comes round them up and put them in work camps.

Modern day survival of the fittest. If my only competition in the workplace is women then it’s hardly even a competition.

I think work camps would be just the incentive to start revolution desu

the thing is with white people is they don't make very good slaves because they always get uppity and fight. You have to enslave them through non-obvious means like taxation and inflation.

>Have we tried giving them well paying jobs?
But the CEO needs a new yacht this year?

>women from the workforce, forcing them to rely on men as providers so men would actually
Not on these salaries.
Why do you think women were pushed into the workforce?!
So 2 salaries can sustain a household instead of one, basically robing families.
As long as there's food on the table there won't be protests n the streets.
Just compare a salary from the 60s to one in 2018 on the same type of job and work hours, in terms of purchasing power.

Deport muds to make houses affordable and increase wages. End degenerate culture to make white women appealing again.

Ban this.

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Oh, I guess we should just tax the middle class some more instead.

That will solve everything.

>up on relationships and spend my time on video games or Jow Forums instead.
You could've been a servant to a roastie and her bastard nigger child.

Asking this question on Jow Forums is the equivalent of going into a meth house and asking the addicts inside how to deal with the drug problem.

I bet you're high right now.
Weed gives you schizophrenia.

I disagree. Just because an individual may be too weak to pull himself up doesn't mean he has no valuable input about how a society can treat him and prevent people like him from existing.
The methods by which a society fixes a problem aren't necessarily the same methods as an individual does but multiplied.

Holy shit, now I know why I cant get a new job since 6 months. Some of my posts on Jow Forums had been too funny for (((agents))). Well they are earning less sheckles with me being jobless living on my family but if their endgame is to make me suicide myself it will not be that easy

>in worthless computer network admin
There are plenty others that are completely worthless.

Your problem is not just enjoying life, these roasty hoes and boomers chose to create this mess. Being pissed about it like an angry teenager instead of enjoying your bikes is a waste of energy/your time you have left on this earth. Either do something about it or make the best of this shit show

Not worth it. All I do day in and day out is put in my 8 hours, go home, and stream vidya until I pass out.

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such classic

>incentives to buy housing
A life time credit, that is if the bank doesn't call the loan when it wants.


>doesn't have any skills
>wants a job at the fucking NSA

do you even have an understanding of what that agency does?

You could get a peasant girl from Moldova.

I wasn't asking for a job at the NSA, because I know what the NSA does. They are just the middle man in this case.

God. Fucking moron-ass teens.

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>What do we do about the alarming number of men who are foregoing full time employment, career advancement and starting a family in favor of playing video games

For starters you can fuck off
There are far more serious problems for your to deal with than with my hobby. And if you consider my hobby a waste of time then what are you doing posting on this board?

Or can't be offered an opportunity to help humanity/society.

Make it so blood sucking cannibal pedo kikes aren't in charge of banks, industry and government.


Make minimum wage the same ratio to cheapest house price as it was in 1970 and life would be affordable.

We just need a stable money supply

>Now go watch some SPACEGHOST!
Why is he promoting porn every chance he gets?

Wtf I love pakis now

What if I work full-time and play video games in my spare time?

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I'm in late 20s
I have a career and earn something like 50k€/y
I have a loving wife
I have a house, a flat and two cars
My company is prospering

I have absolutely no will to pull this any longer. I'm done with people and their fucking attitude. I'm done with this bitch and doing whatever she pleases. I'm fucking done with paying taxes for literall human trash and for those thieves on top.
That's fucking enough. I really want to quit, but there's no option now. I've become a part of the problem, not the solution.

Fuck this shit

You've got it mixed up.

Adding women to the workforce is doubling the workforce. What happens when you double your amount of laborers? You half the value of labor. So ofc wages have stagnated.

lol faggot I don't have wife
I have vidya and no problems
wanna trade for a week?

Why the fuck would you do that. Please develop