How the fuck do we solve the poor people problem?

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Kill all billionaires and give the poor their wealth. Done.

Chad one punch claims another

We're just gonna kill em'

billionaires only take cash out of circulation by hoarding it or trading it amongst themselves
the only people profiting are people who makes absurdly expensive shit so they can buy it.

Did the Virgin antifag died? Kek

Teach financial literacy in school. 90% of people have no idea how money works.

Rich people buy assets -- things that appreciate and produce income, such as equity, stock, etc

Middle-class people buy liabilities -- things that depreciate and cost money, such as houses, cars etc, which they think are assets

Poor people buy luxuries -- things that basically have a value of zero the minute you buy them, such as booze, drugs, clothes, etc.

The trick is to teach people to buy as little as possible of the last two categories and as many as possible of the first one, and keep doing that for a few decades.

Attached: 30 years old.png (380x349, 77K)

Stop importing Niggers and Spics in America soaking up cheap labor and kick out the rest by force. Less population = lower cost of living and less pressure on the Government.

damn, killed for offering the guy employment, harsh

You can't, poor people who suddenly get rich lose it all in a few years.