What the fuck is Denmark doing?

What the fuck is Denmark doing?


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Denmark. My ally. My friend. We'll follow.

There's no point trying to integrate these animals just start the gas chambers up.

Time to impose the Danelaw

>penalty for non-compliance is no gibs
>will be called genocidal by media

>Only mandatory if you receive free money
>Don't like it? Don't accept the cash.
It's just like employment.

We're trying to give them a choice, integrate or no welfare. Other parts of this ghetto plan involves higher prison sentences for gang related offences and the opportunity to sanction parents whose children are terrorising neighbourhoods.

The media is already drawing parallels between this and the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany

Swedish media? Danish is pretty based?

The wrong thing.

>Get jewed and take in migrants
>Due to culture differences they self-segregate, and no mongrelization occurs, jew goals only partially achieved
>This thing is aimed at breaking their self-segregation and turning land into (((melting pot))), destroying biological purity of population with use of fully integrated shitskins
>La Creaturas from reddit praise it as BASED politics

Believe it not some people in the establishment are throwing around similar ideas. Its forcefully making imigrant children go to kindergarden or pre-school more often than normal kids so they learn to be fucking swedish.

Basically this, unironically, Straya knows what's up!

Till the end, Boer.

this is actually a good of integrating muslim kids
why are there no laws like this here?

Denmark, please invade us again and we promise not to set your capital on fire

can you feel it? they're waking up.

lol at thinking sending a child to kindergarden will fundamentally change who they are.

Because bending over and taking it is the Law in bongland

Jesus, I didn't know Danes were so based,

This is genocide. Fuck Danes.

You know now.

Because integration is a lie. Once the pressure is gone they will fall back to their original culture.

Also, it is not about culture, but preserving your race, you cuck.

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FUCK. If they genuinely integrate they may not be deported

Don't be too harsh on them it's the only thing they know about


This. Regression towards the mean applies to populations of people. Examples:
>african american wealth loss
>mexicans that received amnesty from reagan
>cuban migrants voting democrat since 2nd generation

I think its more of a measure to scare them away and make their life uncomftable.

And smart. About the only country taking sensible actions, like encouraging Danish couples to go on vacation to make babies. Smartest is to not mess with diversity at all, but if you must, do it Dane style.

Attached: birgitte-hjort-sorenson-danish-5.jpg (600x399, 79K)

>Japan 2030

Attached: cylon.jpg (500x281, 21K)

You are right, it's a measure so they don't like being in Denmark. It's working not many asylum seekers come anymore :)

>so they learn to be fucking swedish
What, are they suddenly going to bleach their skin and hair? It doesn't matter how much they act Swedish, foreigners will NEVER be Swedish.

This use of force is just papering over the cracks and a waste of money. Use the money instead to pay their ancestral country to take them back.


Wow what a shock. Never heard that one before.

Jesus fucking Christ black music is awful

It can be like a piece of bubblegum or a hamburger compared to steak. Sometimes you want something simple, quick and easy to digest.

This will backfire so hard on them. They're practically inculcating resentment into the muslims. Why are Scandinavians so fucking autistic? The biggest tragedy from all this is that there are successful ways to deal with the muslim problem: just copy what we did in the late 19th century. Of course, they won't because

>muh separation of church and state
RIP Danes.

>Believe it not some people in the establishment are throwing around similar ideas.
I am not surprised. Germanics (and especially Scandinavians) seem to be genetically predisposed to choosing the worst possible course of action every time.

Integration is a fucking meme, it's not a sustainable solution unless you manage to hard limit the numbers of foreigners in the country to small percentage. Integration means that you teach the immigrant the rules of society while allowing them to retain their original culture. Thus over time and especially with large spurts of immigration you will have increasingly heterogenic population that will cause constant friction in society. Studies have shown that multiculturalism causes halving of trust and social capital which is highly detrimental to sustaining or building a welfare state. There's a good reason why only homogenic nation states have built welfare states at all.

This seems actually positive

Your approach is unrealistic

That's jewish music performed by machines and illiterate niggers.
This is black music without jewish influence.

they're fucked if they do and fucked if they don't, at least they're giving it a shot you dirty gypsie

>if you don't try to integrate with your host nation's values, traditions and culture, we will not grant you free money and food


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I've heard plenty of anecdotes from parents and kids themselves where they admin that most of the culture they absorbed as a youngster was from their playmates rather than their parents. Its the same way that kids of immigrants usually have a native(ish) accent from hearing their peers speak than from speaking to their parents.

It could work, if there wasn't a pushback from the muslim community and their parents, which I fear there will be. I don't think the idea is completely ridiculous, even though it sounds like a """nazi""" campaign when it's written down.

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>Micheal Kikeson
>black music
Jew me, Sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, kike me
Don't you black or white me

the right thing

He wasn't always jewed, and he eventually red pilled hence that song. Jews killed him like they do to everything else.

They're not giving it a shot. They're shooting themselves in the foot. You can't integrate someone by othering them. The trouble is, Danes don't actually want to integrate the muslims (and there is literally nothing wrong with that, as long as they admit it openly) but publicly, like all Scandinavians, they're obsessed with appearing "good people", so they can't outright admit that they want the muslims gone (which is what they should do instead).

This is the phenomenon where rich Scandinavians isolate themselves into special neighbourhoods writ large.

>you dirty gypsie
And this is another problem. Scandinavians have a deep rooted hate for eastern Europeans (probably because we proved that communism doesn't work), and since we're "white"-ish, they feel free to express that and openly ignore good advice, because who would want to do what a "dirty gypsy" says even if it's a good idea? "We're Danes!"

Behaviour is heritable. Most of the shit that kids do, they've inherited from their parents. Culture merely channels natural inclinations. Either try to genuinely integrate them into your society, or kick them the fuck out. Doing this sort of shit is an open invitation for civil war in the future. The Scandinavians don't know what it's like to live in a multiethnic society, but they do have historical examples (of both the good, and the bad, and of both good way and bad ways to deal with ethnic conflicts).

But since they have their heads so far up their own asses, they will continue to make bad decisions. Scandinavians think they have magical powers and they are so above those rednecks in the Balkans.
Well, this isn't the first time history will repeat itself, so all is as is meant to be.

Once again, RIP Denmark.

I hadn't thought of it that way.

>tldr racism is bad except when leveled against you

finally someone is doing it, sweden take notice

>Behaviour is heritable
I'm not an expert but I watched a few Molymeme videos and AltHype clips where they outline heritability as it pertains to politics and there seems to be some causation due to heritability but to imply that all behaviour is heritable is misleading.

Yes if your parents shit on the floor you will probably shit on the floor, but that's different.

The Netherlands has been multiculi for several generations. The French have mingled with Algerians for longer. The Scandis have managed to avoid it until the last few decades but hopefully they will fight back.

It's late here, I don't have any argument left in me. Bon soir, unless you are from the Flemish half in which case fuck u.

>I hadn't thought of it that way.
I am not surprised. This is one reason why I am opposed to immigration not only from muslim arab countries, but also from western countries. There's something in your genes that screws up your brains.

Should have checked the flag. Fuck.

We hate you because your scum come up here to steal and rob. There's no deep-rooted, historical hate towards you, just the criminals who're 'exporting' all our bikes.

I'm not saying you're correct, merely that it's an interesting observation, too early to tell either way.

As far as I have seen this doesn't really work here in Bulgaria , for gypos . But again my country is driven by incompetent fucks .

Everyone hates gypsies. This goes beyond that. You hated eastern Europeans long before gypsies invaded your countries.

It won't work in Denmark either. Let them learn it the hard way.

bullshit, if anything there is inversion, kids in general always wants to defy their parents, that's why we have currently right-wing wave, after last left-wing wave, it comes and goes, and as a net result nothing really changes


Admirable but pointless. Even if they can be successfully indoctrinated they still have the curse of their skin.

Fucking BASED

Japan isn't racially homogenous though.

God's work

> kids in general always wants to defy their parents
For a handful of years in their teens. This is well established. As children mature, they resemble their parents more. Some even become aware of the irony. I've seen plenty have their "oh shit" moment when they realise their little rebellion was a short lived farce and they realise "fuck, I'm just like my mum" or "fuck, my dad does the same shit".

It runs in the family.

Integration across racial and religious lines is impossible. At best you'll create a legion of resentful and well educated Muslim radicals.

This guy gets it.
I'm out.

How many Danes have you interacted with, that show this kind of behaviour?
We're tired of gypsy criminals coming to Denmark committing crimes, but there's no rooted hate towards Eastern Europe, and certainly not because of your failed communism. Truth is we don't really give a shit about Eastern Europe.

That will work out great... until the muslims become politically significant enough to enroll their own programs.

Enjoy your sharia!

nah man this version is aimed at chasing people out.

taking children and tying it to GIBSMEDAT is an effective deterrent for mudslimes

niggers less so though

Looks like they're preventing the rise of ghetto's similar to the US, these low income children should be taken away from their parents 25 hours a week, i agree with that, because it's to teach them good values from a good responsible person.

is this going to reduce their numbers though? integrating non-whites doesn't fix the problem, they'll always be different from us

>Taking away benefits
>giving Muslims money
Jesus no wonder you guys are known as cucks of the western world

keeps mudslimes out

niggers less so because niggers dgaf about their children

Good, maybe you'll actually gas the migrants.

this doesn't keep them out it's forced integration

It'll discourage them from staying for sure. Could also just round them up and deport them, though.

No one cares what you think Ahmed.

They already have Muslim daycare centers and boarding schools here in Denmark.
We should send these people back from where they came, not waste resources trying to integrate them.

>taking kids away for 25 hours
>forgets the other 6 days of indoctrination by their parents

>25 hours straight
>what is closing down madarsas

What's the problem, if you want Gibs you have comply with the state, nothing is given for free, and the state will not be contributing to an eternal chain of parasites. On the positive side the children will have a good chance to do well with a good start on the Danish language. Average education level will go up for migrants because of this....

>not gassing the little fucks

WTF is wrong with Denmark indeed?

Hopefully compelled at end of a Danish bayonet

This is a prelude to deportations imo

this is dumb civnat bullshit

just deport them all

muslims that have dual citizenship will straight up leave Denmark over this dude lol

they are still the most protective, family wise, especially the ones on gibs

let's hope so, but i think you're being a bit too optimistic

>ha ha it wasn't for a whole 25 hours got you epic win!
It's still not going to remotely work. If you think 25 hours a week can magically change someone you're delusional.

it wont reduce niggers and more liberal muslims (the ones that are not on gibs) at all and force integration, that is true

I say good riddance. They didn't want to build a society with us in the first place. If you don't want Denmark, Denmark don't want you.

kill all journalists and media niggers most brutally, and those who oppose that even worse

>implying a little bit of subliminal messaging combined with brain prodding won't fix it

truly a great time to be alive

Based and redpilled

Denmark is the only western country that have strict immigration policies.
The only country who isn't cucked.
The only country who acknowledged anti-white propaganda and combat it.

Just use their outrage. As a consequence of lib media overreactions, parasites will go other places than Denmark. It is a good psyop....