
Who in their right mind would want this to be illegal?

Attached: 9c586ec7cbb49d9d189666c546cf9b07--cute-girls-cannabis.jpg (480x480, 43K)

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fuck off degenerate stoner faggot

Pharmaceutical companies who want to fill you with pills (((they))) profit from

>de-degenerate, obbaaa goobba booo
t. would smoke weed if he wasn't a social outcast without a supplier.

Attached: (You).png (645x729, 155K)

kys nigger

>Who in their right mind would want this to be illegal?
left wing politicians, guess why

Attached: go_on_take_a_guess.jpg (632x852, 101K)

i smoke every day. dab oil and flower buds.

stop while you can and save your money and your brain's clarity. it gets boring. but for me its like a coping thing right now.

Drugs (all of them) ruin your life, it's the simple. No I'm not talking about getting a job or other stupid good goy shit, it ruins YOU. Your entire mindset is changed for the worse.

Me. Because weed is a nigger drug of lethargy and inaction.

If there was a way to legalize it for niggers, sure, but not for white people.