I got some new pics, so it's time for an architecture thread
I got some new pics, so it's time for an architecture thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Apparently commies built this
can you post the pic of the areal from the buda palace
This one?
yes thanks
Reminds me of the weird building I'd see in Arizona.
there are ideas of reconstructiong pic
it was a important building for the Neo-Renaissance
Nice castle, faggot
two of them are very unsettling because they look as if they were taken in zurich
looks like some of our uni buildings
looks like the generic old center city building here
Actually, some buildings are being rebuilt. (Riding hall, Castle Guards' barracks, Stöckl staircase)
Now it's nice, but it used to be beautiful. But at least it wasn't demolished (again)
yeah, i know about that I hope they rebuild the entire Szent György u. and even the Dísz tér
Only the facade or interior too?
I'm surprised Swiss cities weren't raped in the 60s-80s. Brusselization was a common practice back then, especially in Western countries with thriving economy
There's hope. Apparently the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will also move back to the castle, so maybe their former building will also get a reconstruction (pic related)
Vibrant african culture.
The Ministry of Finance is also moving back to its original building, which will get a full reconstruction to its pre-WWII state.
It's a pretty controversial building, according to some retards, it looks like a "romanian gypsy palace"
only the facade
but we have a castle too and they're reconstructiing some of the interior too, pic related
Obdjectivity is nothing--perspektivizm is everithyng.
Whats the story behind these? Why have they all been ablated?
Battle of Budapest 1944
Was it a political (communist) or financial reason for not restoring them to their original appearance?
After WWII, during the Stalinsit era, the commies wanted to turn the castle into a medieval fortress which would serve as the party headquarters. Art Nouveau stairs and walls were demolished to make place for medieval looking gates and walls, some of them were actually built (Rondella, Mace tower, Wheezing gate)
This project was dropped after 1956, and the government decided to rebuild the palace in a Stalinist/Renaissance style. So after leaving the palace without a roof for 20 years, the palace was gutted out and got a new, far simpler roof and modernist interior.
Basically removal of everything related to the monarchy, erasing of history. the surrounding buildings were also demolished.
politcal, just like in the western countries, they didn't gave a shit about the old buildings
This threads are great.
This one is from Dresden, right? Honestly, why is that city so based? Even the Frauenkirche was rebuilt from nothing
the Sagrada Familia gets lot of shit, but personally, I think it looks awesome.
These threads are so painful. What happened to the first building OP???
Please tell me these are different building.
that not even too bad
Commies are anti-art and beauty and anti-history
>all the church steeples are still there
well that's a nice surprise
yes it was rebuild from 1993-2006
> rebuilt from nothing
nope, we used a shitton of old stones, those are the black ones
the surrounding place, the Neumarkt is a mix of old and new buildings
but all of this is a very small part of Dresden which got destroyed by the anglo, which you can see here, ust click on the red marks and you can see a before/after
artillery fire during the seige of budapest
early gommies were very... chauvinistic dudes
Just look at stalin era commieblocks with the columns and shit, not even remotely similar to what they made later
See: Honestly not only the palace, but the entire castle district got fucked up. The castle was the literal heart of the country, most of the ministries were located here. I can count 10 buildings that were demolished after the war, only on the Southern side, not counting other objects, such as staircases, walls, statues, etc.
those churches will be excellent bathhouses in the future.
Wouldn't be too mad at that desu
i love your work,i saw you doing this type of threads for a long time now.
too bad only few people cares.
Stalinist Architecture was ok in my book.
The Mario wannabe faggot even declared bauhaus and modernist architecture as degenerate, and these styles were even banned in the Soviet Union.
Wow that's crazy, I now know what it's like to be a snowflake and get triggered this is like a gore thread. Thanks for posting.
hank you. But the way I see, half of Jow Forums ha architecture and art fetish. Western Art threads are pretty common (too bad Mods usually deport them to Jow Forums)
I cry everytime
the commieblock in the middle was already demolished
I agree with this user. Thanks it's been a while since I seen a good architecture thread. Have some Alexander Greek Thomas from Glasgow.
It's like they built the roof first and then comrade commissar Boris came and forced them to build the rest to be as unenjoyable as possible as a compensation of the roof being too beautiful for a commie nation.
Jesus Christ commies must all hang.
Jesus Christ.
What's the point of so many parks anyway, btw?
>old trolleybus terminal sitting empty and dug up smack dab right in the middle of the oldest part of the city
>plans to make a hotel or sumthin fail
>i know, let's make a overpriced shopping center
>make it completely ultramodern for maximum clash with the old buildings
>even worse, the entire building is in some retard shape with 4 entrances, but other buildings in the block were kept
>open up some hipster ass hotel too for good measure
>because in order to make the thing, they literally dug up a goddamn bunker, disturbing or bitch-ass loess soil (srs, in drier times exposed dirt literally becomes this finer than sand dust)
>each and every single building around it starts having structural problems like sinking foundation or everything cracking, the worst of it being the art gallery or school or whatever right across
comparative between commie architecture of old and the neoliberal secret commie architecture (on the left is the eastern gate complex in Belgrade, on right some garbage in France)
It was this conceptof air and light, a city in the green after they lived in the dense pre-war city they wanted to build a city with wide open space
>(((Moshe Safdie)))
What a great thread. Love this.
*need to buy real estate in Budapest intensifies*
Pic related is said building ?
This can't be real.
What's is this?
Mackintosh school of art which completely burn down about two weeks ago.
it is
It could be much worse.
That reminds me of ancient roman baths.
Some of it's having to be demolished to, what a complete fuck up
This is a crime.
This pic hurts my eyes why would you do this to those buildings.
>romanian gypsy palace
hmm, only if you're a sperg, to be completely honest. The only things that sort of resemble the gippo palaces are the pointy rooftops, but even those are completely different. I hope they rebuild it, the old building was wonderful. Also, bumping cuz I've missed your threads, hunganon.
have a picture of my city as a thank you. And watch closely how the commies tried to hide away the old parts of the city by designing the entire boulevard the way they did. They virtually did this to the entirety of Bucharest - if the old buildings were not completely destroyed, they were either hidden away behind commie blocks or downright moved to different parts of the city. Mind you, as for the construction of the People's Palace (the building at the end of the boulevard), an entire city quarters was completely demolished (1/4 of the old Bucharest, comprised of buildings as old as the city itself + most of the Monarchist headquarters). The motherfuckers literally destroyed the only part of the city that was on top of a hill, alongside the hill itself.
It's a pretty monumental building (even without it's huge roof and the extra level that was demolished.), it even had a fancy Gothic hall, similar to Vladislav hall in Prague.
I think the concept of the original building was "castle in the castle". The huge roof next to the church on pic related was the original building before WWII.
At least, the Defense arch in France was built in a completely new neighborhood designed to contain all the glass skyscrapers.
Buildings I miss the most
you can see better pic when you click at "weitere Ansichten"
>tfw I wake up to this view every single fucking day
Ask this piece of shit
I know sad times and it's not like they will build it back up the same it will be plastic and open spaces, nothing like this.
Oh, I remember you, welcome back!
Honestly, how devastating was that earthquake anyway? When I last checked Bucharest on street view, a lot of old buildings were intact n the old city, behind the commieblocks.
Was the earthquake just a casus belli for the megalomaniac projects?
that is actually quite sad desu
Ok I take it that's Dresden but did he bomb it or re-build it if he re-built it I'm deeply sorry.
Not that devastating to be completely honest. As you've correctly put it, the aftermath of the earthquake was used by Ceausescu as a casus belli to completely "remodel" the city. Before that, not even the high-ranking commie apparatus wanted to touch the old buildings and the old quarters (especially Arsenalu Hill, the place where the People Palace rests upon). In the 77'-85' period, most of the remodeling and destruction was completed hastily, mainly because Ceausescu told the populace that the old parts of the city were "unstable" and "too dangerous" to live in. We're fucking lucky that we still have some parts of the old city left, the madman literally wanted to demolish anything related to our Monarchy.
Pic related is the Brancovenesc Hospital, which was destroyed as part of the revamping of the Arsenal Hill (built in 1835). Will post buildings that were destroyed, coming next
Also that file name.
>"romanian gypsy palace"
why do you always start shit unprovoked? You fucking piece of shit, with your gypsy president.
Sturdza Palace, used to host the Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry in the interbelic period. It was destroyed by the commies after the war and it was replaced with a building that hosts the Government.
And the back.
>getting triggered for something that wasn't even meant as an insult
get the fuck out of this thread, you gippo.
Oh fuck, this one really hurts.
We have a similar site, though the interface is a bit better.
I wonder if it would be possible to copy the info from your site to this one.
King Carol's Art Palace, now on top of it sits a monument dedicated to the Heroes fallen in the fight against fascism (commie memorial)
sugi pula javra dracu, si ei au ciorile lor.
Simu Museum, destroyed by the commies because it represented the bourgeois and the freemasons (used to be a headquarters of the freemasons in the interbelic period)
I just wrote what others said, you fuckstick
Oh man, those Victorian Temperate houses are super comfy.
Any plans to rebuild the Crystal Palace
Sorry, I'm as stupid as a subhuman hungarian gypsy
I heard his urban planning was inspired by Phenjan, after he visited North Korea.
>Finding North Korean architecture good
That guy was truly insane.
At least you're close to the city center. You could sell your apartment for a high price
Holy shit. That one looked like a Victorian masterpiece