Has EU just been destroyed?

Horst Seehofer from German CSU has said he will leave his job.

CDU and CSU is likely to go different ways.
It would mean German govenrment will collapse.

Germany tries to make CSU to cooperate so that Germany will not collapse. This would mean forced relocation of refugees in Germany to other EU countries. It is the only way to calm down CSU which is essential for functioning of Germany as a country.

But such an act will cause alarm to all other EU countries because they don't want the refugees.

So EU will collapse.

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>And It's beautiful

Who is that goblina?

a native Albanian girl

no exact opposite, seehofer stays in made "peace" with merkel. thus that staged drame ended earlier that expected.

AfD will win next election and the EU still will collapse.

>And here is ten reasons why it’s a good thing

She is albozerg scum.

The EU won't collapse over this, but over the internal disaster caused by the shared deep state.

I don't know if destroyed but the foundations for its destruction have been laid but it could always be another ploy by the ZOG and the traitors in our governments to keep us from revolting.

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