Why are the Japanese the only good people left?

>lose game of Football at the last minute
>clean dressing room, leave note thanking the hosts for their hospitality
>none of the other teams do anything like this
What's happened? As much as I like to joke that two nukes weren't enough, this degree of kindness makes it look like they've got the better culture. What's the rest of the world doing wrong?

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The rest of the world suffered from christcucks, then from protestants, and now from the resulting capitalism that eats humans, while japan was to far away for christcucks and protestants.
Did you venture into japan history? Pretty weird stuff, especially the shinto religion.
But i like it anyway.

The best people are from Japan and Germany. And those two lost the war. Saddest happening in human history.

Because they don't inbreed with shitskins, you should know something about it bong

>The rest of the world suffered from christcucks, then from protestants, and now from the resulting capitalism that eats humans, while japan was to far away for christcucks and protestants.
Literally kicked them out. Christfags are cancer.

Nice signs of cuckness.

Last good people hahhaha cause they cleaned up...Get right brit


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>Did you venture into japan history?
All I know is the fucking insanity that was the third Sengoku.
>hey Mitsuhide, go assassinate this Oda guy!
>sure thing boss! Let me just borrow these 1,000 men...
>Hey boss, I'm back! He had like a 100 guards, but no worries, an eighth of us are still alive!
>Good job boy!

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Actually USA killed all your believers then then rebuilt your government Japan is the experiment control country,Japan government as American as apple pie.

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Britslobs won the war and won world culture. It's been downhill ever since.

Fans also stayed behind to clean

>they were so close to winning!

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>Be Japanese , leave your host country cleaner than you entered it.
>Be chinese , ignore queues and shit all over your host country then leave

Because like all Asians, japs are incredibly autistic.
Unlike the chinks say, who focus their autism into basically being dishonest, cruel swindlers, the japs have focussed it into politeness, methodical behaviour and order.

It makes for a way nicer and more bearable culture, but one that is still kinda fundamentally fucked - with honor and hierarchy meaning that certain crimes or issues will go unreported etc.

They are basically the peak of what Asians can achieve, and that's because they were so utterly btfo by the USA, after previously focussing their autism into hatred for the chinks (rightly fucking so) and into being the numba 1 in Asia and the pacific via imperialism.

They aren't the only good people left, but they are one of the only good Asians left.

Oh look, Dave and Steve are playing Nip and Burger again.

Come on, they were.

They haven't been culturally enriched yet

Didn't they suffer from all of those. e.g. Xavier?

>thinking highly of modern Germans
Fucking why?

>Mixed economy with miscegenation is capitalism

Why is it that I've literally never heard anything good about China? Even mainstream shit like The Economist tends to shit on them.

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I met a Japanese tourist here who had pocketfuls of garbage. Being an American and also a security guard I thought he was stealing something so I asked him to clear his pockets and he had a huge amount of wrappers and tissues in there. I asked him why he was walking around with that trash in his pockets and he apologized very politely and said that he couldn't find a trash bin, so he decided to keep the trash until he got to his hotel and could discard it properly. Mindblowing, that level of discipline.

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Only reason they're in such a sorry state is the allies slapped them into an apologetic fit. You'd be doing the same had you lost; though you have a nanny state anyway so I guess it doesn't matter Europe was gonna cuck anyway.

I've done that before but not with fuckloads of trash. usually have to dip into a Dunkin donuts or something to dump it.

you need to read a bit more about that.

Do tell?

Isolationism and personal responsibility.

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I did this but the guy was actually stealing shit. Of course he was a black crack head though and not a jap..

No tjanks

Aren't homogeneous societies amazing?

It's part of Japanese culture. High schools don't have janitors. The kids clean the school themselves, and because there are no niggers, no one randomly breaks or vandalizes shit, which means cleaning up is actually pretty easy. This is the sort of discipline and community that Japanese culture fosters from a very young age.
Like this guy says, Japanese people will carry their trash home with them to throw it away.

kindness != being polite

Anyway, they would have all seppuku'd if they were the real McCoy.

>aren't homogeneous societies amazing?

and yet there yo are, wh*Teboi, shitting up Japan with your presence.

Get the Fuck Out

I had to do that while in Japan too. It is incredibly rare to find a trash bin in public there, so you gotta hold onto your wrappers and shit. Best to bring a backpack.

Seems legit. I've got no idea how we could make that happen in the west.


this so much, chinese here dont pay taxes and they sell smuggled or counterfeit goods. They are blatantly obvious about it too if you're a regular customer
>popular chocolate with turkish language on it instead of hungarian
>doesnt use the cashier, uses a pocket calculator instead
>stuff is always 20% cheaper (gee i wonder why)
>dad told me stories about how they would bribe officials in the 90s and what their current tactics are to pass inspection
>shit got so out of hand the largest chinese market was closed down because they dodged about 15 billion forints(about 53 mil USD) of taxes annualy not including the stolen and smuggled shit being peddled there

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I have an idea but I don't think most people are gonna like it

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is that the guy that fucks pigeons?
he's disgusting

this is what you get from a homogeneous and relatively jew/muslim free society

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Japan only accepts ~20 refugees a year out of 19,000 applicants.

Aren't you the same faggots who bully and emasculateasian men for their friendly and courteous behavior ?

You like order and polite societies yet you preach being an asshole "chad" who doesn't give a shit about anything.

so what is it ?

Could work.

they're the real master race

How exactly aren't they "suffering" from capitalism while being one of the most meritocratic places out there?

I'll leave Japan as soon as you get a Japanese girlfriend, Tyrone. Hahaha.

I wonder if anyone would've given half a fuck if japanese men and women migrated en masse to the western world.
>Oh no we have a bunch of hikikomoris that.... Play videogames in their apartments.
>Oh no, there's an epidemic of shy workaholic people! What will Europe do!
>Damn, there were some yakuzas infiltrated the refugee ships and are chopping gyppos left and right. The tragedy!

They're not incompatible. Alpha does not mean asshole.

Alpha or "Chad" means asshole you retard.

Poor Tyrone.

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>he hasn't read anything from PUAs
There are some parts of being a Chad that involve being an asshole, but not all of them.

The Japanese get their kids to clean their schools this (along with the rest of their up bringing) gives them a sence of collective responsiblity. They have social rules and high demands of respect politeness, they tend not to complain about things as it can be unpleasant for others. In many way I look at Japan and see thinks the west, particularly Britain once had when it comes to politleness. Still we are more polite than most places, my German friends noticed the difference.

I would say Japan never had a rebillious generation after WW2 that saught to tear down what their ancestors built. Evola wrote some interesting things about this, that their would be a right-wing generation that would use this rebellious instinct against the new-orthadoxy to restore tradition in the west. I see that when I look at us. Lets look to Japan for the future we strive to forge as well as our past.

Oh no they're taking our rail jobs!!

Whats that, they acutally run on time are cleaned meticulously in minutes all at an affordable cost? Aaand when they strike they just let you on for free?? OK they can keep em..

>gaijin flipping shit over Japanese people cleaning up after themselves
I wasn't on Jow Forums back in 2011, but did the board explode then, too?

Or maybe it was less weeab back then?

>unironic white privilege
Hu, looks like the SJWs were right about something.

don't care about that trivial things

Germans are massive gay cunts.

>2 nukes
You can thank those 2 nukes for exactly this kind of behavior. Those nips have been afraid to even slightly step out of line since their sunburn of August, 1945.

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Everyone does this you lout.

>German people
Are we ignoring the massive Red Army rape of the German women after WWII? There aren't any German people anymore.

And with your lack of fear you go straight into Jamal's dick.

I think the Japanese have done same way since before the birth of USA

Because the Jews have only just started to corrode and degenerate their society.
If their leaders sell out like ours, they will devolve as well.
Having a Jew infestation is no laughing matter, you should seek treatment as soon as it presents symptoms.
Gaseous eradication is an effective treatment, but it must be administered as a global therapy, otherwise it will reinfect.

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Then maybe America should also be nuked 6 times or 10

If we ever sneak attack you and declare war on you right after, then you'd have the right to do so.
You would also be engaged in a nuclear war with the U.S.

That user was implying that getting nuked fixes national behaviour, at which point why not nuke yourself

Worked just fine for Russia.

Oh, sorry.
I apologize, and heartily endorse the nuking plan.
Please insure that Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Washington D.C, and New York be on the nuking list.
The other 5 can be any large city, but please nuke wisely, for the greatest affect.

Real WINNERS of FIFA 2018 gayball festival.

imagine being this butthurt

japs are the only nonwhites that are worth anything
that doesnt mean racemix weebs.

Same can be said for Germany regarding Europeans, but like Japan they've become their own worst enemies. Japanese are now outwardly sexual introverts obsessed with cartoon women and Germans are outright denied right to self-determination as a people, completely submissive to the perceptions of what others think of them.

The two best are in rough shape.

Hikimories are only a minor problem.

>stating everything but the obvious
Lack of Jewish influence and propaganda, also

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