Magistrate, 67, who defended his family against an armed gang who stormed his £2million mansion was ARRESTED himself... and accused of racially aggravated assault.

> Be a bong
> Pack of niggers try to break into your house
> Don't have gun to defend family and property fuck
> Go outside
> Niggers have handgun, crossbow and metal pipes
> nigger says to fellow nigger "Go on my nigga, slog him"
> Top aryan White man defends himself and his family
.> shouts "If you fucking niggers come back in my garden"
> Moments before police arrived, the remaining nigger made a 999 call saying he had been attacked by two men, suffered numerous injuries and racially abused

Bongland is lost I don't identify with this part of the world anymore. Immigrating to America.

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Honestly Britain ... you don't deserve this. I know we had our differences in the past and in the present, but this is a fate far worse I would wish to anyone.

Same all over, m8.

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You made your bed, now lie in it

Its our fault, America and England could of Allied with Germany an secured the existence for the white race.

This mentality is RETARDED whites from all around the world need immigrate to America and establish it as a homeland for whites once again

Wow, wtf. Come on over. Nigel, just leave the leftist Bullshit in the United Kingdom. Here in the US, we like big guns, fast cars, and girls with big tits

Normally I'd feel bad, but it's a magistrate . Hope he gets killed in jail

Love you frend, only top le 100% aryans have this mentality. Whites imigrating to America would vote as right wing as possible, appose socialism and non whites at any cost as we've seen what they've done to Europe.

Yeah come on over. Our culture is hollow and superficial, but the nature and scenery here is incredible. My friends from Plymouth could not believe the sheer amount of wilderness that is in the US

In all fairness burger bro most of us bongs who want to emmigrate want fast cars big guns and big tittied birds, maybe we could do a swap based bongs for libcucked americans
Everyone would win
Libtards get to move to a country with lots of shitskins legislated speech no guns and a cucked govt ( everything they wanna turn the states into )
Based bongs get freedoms there forefathers gave up.
Americans get white immigrants who will help support the constitution
Everyones a fucking winner

I'd care if they weren't boomers.

Its sad but America becoming browner also, I think whites who intent to work hard and raise families should immigrate to America. Use Europe as a cautionary tale and ensure to not mimic it over there. Its irreversible at this point especially England, Germany and Sweden.

> Hard working white family
> Attacked by niggers

"I don't care they're boomers"

Lol and the brits would have us believe all the handguns have vanished from their island

This mate ive been injured at work waiting on getting my hand back to working condition then im applying for oil and gas jobs in the states for a new life for me and my family

They wanted this. Now they have it.

Fair enough, he should have been fighting to prevent this kind of thing long ago.

He called it a nigger he obviously didn't like niggers.

>He said police were uninterested in the injuries he suffered and told him the gang had simply entered his garden as civil trespassers and 'done nothing wrong'. Mr Stringer said he later discovered a discarded metal bar and three knives.

>Within weeks he was informed that police had closed the file about the trespass.

What the flying fuck Bongs. This read like something out of a horror movie.

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I woke up, checked the news and saw and had to read it again a couple of times to make sure my brain was computing it correctly. Its almost like a article mocking Britain fucking insane

If you bring slutty british women with you, it’s OK. Otherwise, fuck off we’re full.

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personal security is a small price to pay for the blessings of diversity. you are just a racist.

>Now, six months on, he has had to resign as a Norwich magistrate as he would have been unable to launch a private prosecution while sitting on the bench.

>Yesterday Mr Stringer said: 'This should be a warning to all homeowners that not only are the police unable to protect us, they will actually arrest innocent homeowners who protect themselves, even against an armed and dangerous gang.'

>Mrs Stringer said she was 'scared out of my wits' during the incident. 'I now live in constant fear,' she added.

>A Norfolk Police spokesman said a file has been submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service and Mr Stringer 'remains under investigation'.

>Mr Stringer 'remains under investigation'.
>Mr Stringer 'remains under investigation'.
>Mr Stringer 'remains under investigation'.
>Mr Stringer 'remains under investigation'.
>Mr Stringer 'remains under investigation'.

>Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.

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>the remaining nigger
And there lies the problem...

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user must be mistaken
Nah, no way. It's got to be south africa
>Norwich, England
HOLY FUCKING SHIT. What the hell. You people are fucking pathetic. Get ready for this to be a normal occurrence now that niggers have been shown that the state will side with their pillaging. I hope Mrs. Stringer lubes her asshole every night, you never know when the nigs will come to rape.

It is definitely becoming browner, in the main cities at least. The other places (which is most of the US) is still pretty white.
>Use Europe as a cautionary tale and ensure to not mimic it over there. Its irreversible at this point especially England, Germany and Sweden.
Unfortunately, the powers that be that seem to be paying immigration are simultaneously doing it all over the west. The cautionary tale would fall on deaf ears for some (and for those that would believe it are already aware of what’s happening to our demographics in the US). It seems like our immigration problem is pacing yours (difference is we have Latinos while you have middle easterners), but right-wing Americans care way less about feelings and way more about what they think is the truth.

If we could do some sort of swapping program, that’d be great. The metals would get the diversity they crave and the true Brits would have their God-given rights fully restored. The US is not perfect by any means, but I will say that we are more than willing to acknowledge our problems head on and then try and fix it, regardless of public sentiment

Your country is a mockery of Britain, I don't have the slightest bit of sympathy for any of you.

What was the tweet?
>media: can't post it, that'd be raciss
Top kek. Life (or at least Europe) has become satire.


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>Hard working white family

There's a strong chance he's spent most of his professional career contributing to the problem

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A generation is usually considered 25 years. Was this beginning 25 years ago, Would you say that the English empire was destroyed in one generation?

Americas white population is declning and its government is filled with kikes Americas in a better position than England but don't think you're safe

Bottom left corner of the image. Seems to say

>stupid niggers in my algebra class ...

The name and nigger word are both blurred.

>Use Europe as a cautionary tale

You've never been to USA I take it

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No Jury is going to convict him.

Yes England has fallen, its irreversible at this point whites are a minority in many cities and will be a overall minority by 2050 at the current projections.

We are now and always have been making serious efforts to fix it, you people have been actively cucking yourselves for 100 years.

>civil trespassing
Allow me to civil McNuke™ your fucking ass to high heaven.civil trespassing seems like an anti ancap meme

wait a second there, isn't a magistrate allowed to carry in Bongland? Or at least have police protection at all times, either in the form of a police car being parked outside of his house 24/7 or a police quick response unit? What the actual fuck, even back here magistrates are usually packing handguns in their homes, due to the probability of them being targeted because of their profession.

>minority in many cities
Not true beyond Londonstan.

>will be a overall minority by 2050 at the current projections

Yes I have, England has zero rights. No guns, no free speech. White English people need to move to America to combat the exact issue of America becoming majority brown. Europe has already fallen America could be fixed

how many more times are you going to make this shit bait thread, mutt?

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What exactly are you doing
> No wall
> All aliens are legalised
Trump is comprised by zionist kikes

Lol yeah in America you probably could have shot them without warning and get off scot free

>Unfortunately, the powers that be that seem to be CAUSING*** immigration

Using my cellphone at the moment.

Holy shit, I remember that. Can't be fucking real

British girls have gigantic tits

Probably not even niggers. It was probably just stupid "blokes" or "m8s"

The UK has a blanket ban on handguns, even on-duty cops usually aren't allowed to carry, and also bans carrying all other weapons without evidence for a non-violent need for them.

I have never been to the U.K., but I’ll take your word for it. I want some big British titties in my face

So, do you want us to nuke Parliament or what?

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even if you have a licence for a shotgun you cannot use it to protect yourselff

I dont understand how your police force is so cucked. What the actual fuck.

Yes please

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I have a family member high up in the police force, everything is about diversity and being accommodating to non whites. He cant wait to retire and made sure non of his kids went into the police force.

Not true, you just can't buy it and store it with that in mind and if you use it in self defense they're going to look really close at what happened.

>No Jury is going to convict him.

but he's a racist. he's literally hitler.

This the kind of lady we just seal in an acid bath and walkaway.

>Unironically this

>England has zero rights. No guns, no free speech

You have no free speech if your White in the USA either. Niggers can openly call for White genocide and be praised whilst a White persons life is over if they as much sneeze at a non-White. Gun permits can be gotten in much of Europe.

>America becoming majority brown.
It already is, if you've been to any of the Southern states that becomes obvious very quickly.

>Europe has already fallen
Except it clearly has not. Overwhelmingly White, anti-semitism common. Its occupied by the USA militarily, if anything we need to be trying to figure out how to gain our independence rather than fleeing like a coward.

Almost like the lugenpresse are trying to incite something...

We'll park on the coastline with all of our Commies and do the swap.

We would prefer you guys selling and us guns dying instantly from a nuke is far too good for our elites plus our borders are so fucking porus any reasonably competent seafarer could smuggle a shit ton into the country no problem

British police is the enemy of the people. Treat them as such and let them know.

Okay there's no crime of trespass in the UK. It's simply is not a crime. He shouldn't have opened the door. There's lots of things he should have done, like be paying me. This is my job BTW. I'm sure there's similar people where he lives.
Silly cunt had faith in the police probably with being a magistrate and having police in the family. Most millionaires learn that the state is the enemy when they pay their taxes.
The police are a bad thing. We spread this terrible idea all over the world. They betrayed the people during the miners strike and now again with political correctness. They are beyond redemption.
Go private.

If a nigger breaks in your house and you legally own a shotgun you cant shoot him. Theres so many technicalities, unless he was attacking you with a gun or something equal to it you cant open his nigger skull with a slug

So, just Parliament, or the whole of London then? Need to know what yeild to send.

>Its our fault
Not really, you only went to war since churchill's jewish advisor wanted to.

any racial info on the woman accused of infaticide at chester hospital?

And the left says Anarcho-Tyranny is a meme.

What point are you making you dumb cunt?

No free speech for whites
No right to bear arms

Many countries in Europe have fallen. Don't be naive.

Most of their handguns are shitty old Webleys and Walther souvenirs they brought back home from the war. Pic related is enough to be considered a "terrifying hoard" of weapons in the Isles

Granted, who knows what the Imams have stashed in the mosque basements for the race wars but your average nigger gangbanger doesn't have the means or the resources to get his hands on proper firepower

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Copfags really don't understand the underlying problem of crime: crimefags not getting killed on the spot for rape/murder/grandtheft by the hand of the victim.

> No wall
It’s being built. Stuff like the funding has to be approved (even though we were told Mexico would pay for it. I always thought that the confiscated funds from El Chapo should be used to fund it.)
> All aliens are legalized
We already gave illegals amnesty in the past (twice I think?). I don’t think the American people are going to give amnesty for a 3rd time

they turned in their guns in 1986, they do deserve this.

You gotta stab em real quiet and bury them in the back yard. Plant a watermelon patch over it.

In some states, Texas at least you can kill people that unlawfully enter your property, but be ready for a lengthy and expensive legal battle

Thats the boomers fault

the gang had two handguns and a crossbow, they left 2 pipes and 3 or 4 knives in his yard


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You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about

Once ICE kicks into full gear after the wall is done, the illegals should be sent home regardless of all circumstances. We don't need them and we shouldn't give a single goddamn shit about the future lives of invading scum.

that sound like the start of a 70's blaxsplotation movie

Melon Rider

This is punishment for WWII. The anglos had the choice to make peace with their brothers and stamp out Marxism, but they chose to ally with the Jews and their communists and now look. Europe would have greater rights, more economic opportunity, and a purpose if Hitler would have (openly) survived. A nazi state that covered half the globe would unironically be a better place to live than modern Europe.


>Dr. Mark J Silverstein
Naturally you have the kikes at the forefront when it comes to banning any wrongthink

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Your the one claiming the USA, the most Jew controlled, Israeli supporting diversity ridden anti-White state out of all the Western countries is some kind of bastion of hope for the White race, yet your calling me a dumb cunt and naive. lol

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lmao, whites were a mistake.

Show us your stash then, Pekka.
I've got to be honest, this is better than what I've got.

imagine being this guy

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I thought that when I read it too its so hard to decypher, so many retarded bongs not willing to admit the truth

Debunk one of my points then.

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I thought that too its somewhat impressive, some of those are fully auto even Americans cant really have them.

Technically speaking Stand Your Ground is supposed to protect you from prosecution in the first place and if they wrongfully prosecute you then the state has to pay your legal fees

>Point one
PC culture is pervasive and saying the wrong thing to the wrong person may cost you your job, but the government won't arrest you for saying it. We don't have Government suppression of speech.
>Point two
Blacks make up 13% of the American population, Hispanics make up 17% white births were the majority the last two years and the Hispanic birthrate has dropped.
>Point three
If you say so. I honestly hope you can save it.

Yeah because britain is such a shining example of a great future for white people dumb faggot cunt

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>You have no free speech if your White in the USA either. Niggers can openly call for White genocide and be praised whilst a White persons life is over if they as much sneeze at a non-White. Gun permits can be gotten in much of Europe.
This is not true at all. You will not be charged with a crime for exercising your freedom of speech. It’s just direct threats that are not ok. The law really is pretty unbiased here on that.
>It already is, if you've been to any of the Southern states that becomes obvious very quickly.
Deep in the cities, yes. But out of the cities, it’s still very white and very Christian.

Well, we do have a few guns to spare.

Just going to throw this out there - any UK person who owns a home can apply for a "shall issue" shotgun licence which allows them to get a pump action shotgun that can hold a max of three rounds.

This is not the section 1 firearms licence, you don't need to be part of a sporting or hunting club, or have land to hunt on etc, you just need to not be a criminal, not have mental health issues, and you have to install a gun locker to keep it safe.

We would pay we dont want any gibz