A woman, 7 Children, anti abortion and devout catholic

>A woman, 7 Children, anti abortion and devout catholic
The liberal Faggots will never recover

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devout catholic=satanist


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I think most of the candidates at the top of Trumps 25 are Catholic

Based Trump. Fuck the "Protestant" scum.

A woman in general is driven more from an emotional argument than a logical one
A supreme court justice should be entirely driven by logic and interpreting the law as it is written within the confines of the constitution

I am sure she is a great person, but she has spent her life in academia, not the court room, and should not be considered for the supreme court

>Says Roe v Wade is unlikely to be overturned, and says instead that "supporting poor, single mothers would be the best way to reduce the number of abortions."
>"Supporting poor, single mothers"
Don't fall for the woman meme. See pic related. The "Scalia-ness" study shows Thomas Rex Lee is the best choice.

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She adopted Haitians. And no doubt she is going to get gaslit on the immigration stuff by the media

Deus Vult!

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Trump is protestant you dumb nig. You're probably the same guy that supports hordes of brown Catholics immigrating because 'muh based catholic working class values'.

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She's pretty hot, would smash

but aside from that, why tf you do all want Roe v Wade gone? everyone knows what's keeping the black population in check, right? and no I don't believe white birth rates would go up if it was repealed because the same anti-child propaganda for whites would still remain

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Amy Coney Barrett:
>“I think it is very unlikely at this point that the court is going to overturn Roe [v. Wade], or Roe [v. Wade] as curbed by [Planned Parenthood v.] Casey. The fundamental element, that the woman has a right to choose abortion, will probably stand,” she said. “The controversy right now is about funding. It’s a question of whether abortions will be publicly or privately funded.”
>Barrett said it is important to recognize the emotional and physical difficulty of carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term.
>“Motherhood is a privilege, but it comes at a price,” she said. “A woman who wants to become pregnant accepts this price, but in an unplanned pregnancy the woman faces the difficulties of pregnancy unwillingly.”
>Many women who choose to abort an unwanted pregnancy are both poor and single, Barrett said, and therefore do not have the means to raise a child properly. She said this ought to be an area of focus for addressing the abortion issue.
>“I think supporting poor, single mothers would be the best way to reduce the number of abortions in the U.S.,” Barrett said.
Muh poor womanz.
She would be a fucking disaster.

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She's an okay pick, but I want to see Ted Cruz in the supreme court, the demoncrap party would blow a gasket so hard that they'd be in orbit.

>Uses a bible assembled by the Nicene Church at Hippo to support this point
Fucking Pagans, man.

>everyone knows what's keeping the black population in check, right?
Bro, abortion is going to be banned in like Utah where there's not blacks. Not New York.

Plus, does anyone seriously believe welfare would exist in its current form if every Keisha has 12 kids again?

Remind me why Jow Forums is opposed to abortions ? Do you know that even though it'll be forbidden to abort in the US (which won't be), there is a tons of place in the world where you can do it

> B-but she need to get chi- b-but wome-
How come it always boils down to incels having a women grudge?

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>devout catholic
95% she will betray the Trump agenda re: immigration.

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I hate to see women in positions of power. They are sympathetic to invaders. But at least she is blue eyed European that will trigger the shitskins

>I think most of the candidates at the top of Trumps 25 are Catholic
thats a really really bad sign

>Bro, abortion is going to be banned in like Utah where there's not blacks. Not New York.
when abortion was up to the states it was illegal in all but 3 states

an abortion is so retardedly easy to produce legislating it is a big waste of time

I guess it isn't if your state is full of inbred morons like in Utah

>Based Trump. Fuck the "Protestant" scum.

Trump's family are hardcore protestants from Scotland you fucking dip. They have a lot of Ulster Scots connections.

Trump even snubbed Gerry Adams and invited Ian Paisley's son to the WH last year. Trump is a WASP to his very core.

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Agreed, the church founded by Peter, and whom all churches originate from is evil. The true, righteous church is one of the 30,000 sects of Christianity created in the last few hundred years.

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What the fuck is wrong with Americans that they feel like they're the slaves of this fucking court? It's job is to interpret legislation. Tell your fucking representatives to change the legislation. The SC was obviously never meant to be this fucking powerful. What's the point in the USA's elaborate legislature if a handful of kikes from New York can completely change the course of the nation's culture whenever they feel like it?

>7 children
Should stay home and raise them

>based wahman
>liberalz btfo
>maga my fellow kekrino
You fucking niggers never learn

he's going to get women hope high, to then smash it with gorsuch II
screencap this

We gave women a chance. They blew it. They cannot be trusted to look out for the interests of Men. Like kikes and various other subversives, they only look out for themselves and their subversive allies.

Congress has abdicated most of its powers to the other two branches, they're fucking faggots who don't want to do anything to piss off voters and more importantly donors so they can coast to re-election.

>Plus, does anyone seriously believe welfare would exist in its current form if every Keisha has 12 kids again?

uhhh yeah, the welfare state is fucking powerful, they will NEVER give up the gibs

>Motherhood is a privilege
She should never be on the high court because she is a racist sexist bigot and her religious beliefs are equivalent to the holocaust.

>7 children
Five real children and two Haitian adoptees. Fuck outta here with this popish trickery.

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>thats a really really bad sign

Maybe Trump can convert them lol

Pence started out as a staunch catholic (grand parents born in Ireland) but later converted to evangelical christianity after college,

Pence is an honorary WASP.

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Trump is already talking about getting rid of SNAP as is with food boxes. Plus they already did reform in the 90s. The whole idea that it's entrenched was a cuckservative meme

WASPs drank their koolaid on birth control and stopped having kids. Evangelicals don't apparently seem to go to law school in the same numbers mainline Protestants did.

they really just need to create a blanket policy, the problem is that shit liberal states will make it easy to collect benefits while most normal states will require you to show up for job corp unless you have children under the age of 4, this alone is enough to save a huge amount and it does keep most people working especially if there are good wages to be had, unfortunately the only good wages are for drug dealers and their market is about to be gutted

Catholics are an army of child molesters, we need to be removing these people's ability to steal American dollars untaxed not giving these assholes more power in the legislature

no more fucking Kennedy catholics scumbags

first fucking thing Kennedy did was forgive the pope and the vatican after that Lincoln bullshit Kennedy deserved to be killed just for that

>you will live to see a catholic elite as opposed to a WASP or Jewish Elite

Why do you think all the blacks being brought into all the inner cities were dumped into ethnic Irish, Italian, Polish, and Lithuanian neighborhoods 60 years ago?

The Jews don't want to turn the keys over.

the catholic elite is also called the mafia and they work hand in hand with the alphabet goons to fuck people over, they're not your friends, they're the world's oldest corporation and the biggest army of pedophiles on the planet

>the catholic elite is also called the mafia

That's right Goy, it's those evil Italians who are the gangsters.

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Women on court: bad idea. A vag equals a potential Kennedy. Go white, go male, go under 50.

I like Willett desu

>it's those evil Italians who are the gangsters.
no doubt, the jewish ones are a pain as well, funny shit don't forget Meyer Lansky

>devout catholic
> working instead of caring for 7 kids
yeah faggot guess again

Are you a women? There are already 3 fucking women on the SC. NO MORE WOMEN. she should be at home caring for those 7 kids.

this. women cannot be trusted to make tough decisions! ever! period.
Also im pro-life but it is not the only issue.

because we have this thing called a brain

back in 1970 fuckhead

liberal faggots will love having 4 women on SCOTUS. theyve been pushing for it since the decision was announced. its atleast one destructive aspect to scotus they cann get out of the situation

Hardiman No. 1

2 of her kids are black she adopted from Haiti. This has liberal disaster written all over it. Trump should choose the Poo, Amul.

leftist politicians and activist groups get tons of money from the murder factories

That's a bad thing

>all churches originate from
That's Jesus.

She looks like she was a major slut back in her days

Trump needs to pick a straight White man.
