Sweden did it again!

Sweden did it again!


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Wtf I like switzerland treatment of women


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wtf I hate swittzerland now!

they took off the likes and dislikes,
last time i saw this video is was overwhelmingly
being shit on.
And these things wonder why people
hate them so fucking much

who the mixes up cuck-sweden with Switzerland. Sounds like some feminist fake news to me.

Sweden fucking sucks, we will need a wall soon

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Very good effort. But then again Swedish women and kids are obvious rape victims of the savage immigrants that they invited home. I kinda starting to get the feeling vikings are brainlet these days. RIP

>they took off the likes and dislikes,
Saw it like 12 hours ago, around 100 like, 2500 dislikes, 800 negative comments.

Is there any archive function for youtube comments? Would be funny if there was a third party site that saved that and where you could continue commenting and disliking it, some of the comments where pretty good.

ignorant swine

are these people fucking retarded

Never eat swedish kebab, the sauce isn't what you think it is

what do you mean?

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Okay now make a Video about Quatar, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and their use of slaves and harems.

Why so much beef between Sweden and Swiss? Wtf is this shit? Nobody mixes these countries up.
>Switzerland = guns, white ethnostate
>Sweden = grenades, sand niggers, cucks
Seems easy enough to remember.

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you think i'm making this shit up, or do you just love violence?

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Forst of all, Sveriges sak er vår sak. It has always been that way of thinking in the North, and that is how it remains.
Secondly, well, Sweden might have some fucked up places but at least they have a genuine alternative up and going. There are closeted nazis in the fucking riksdag now. SD is about to become the biggest party they have. And here sit on our side of the border, talking about how lost sweden is and how much we need a wall when we are civil-tier nationalist, and the most right winged option we have is for the most part hardcore liberal, pro israel only riding the immigrant wave for votes while fucking us over time after time. And the main problem? Most norwegians, even here, who are somewhat redpilled, some to believe that this is good enough. Norway is closing in on Sweden levels and we don't even have a light at the end of the tunnel for many, many miles.

The swedish left hates switzerland because they raciss and capitaliss, the swedish right loves switzerland.

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>women rights in Sweden

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No one mixes up Sweden with Switzerland.
It's just a dumb excuse to make this propaganda and virtue-signal.

I can't wait for Sweden to collapse.

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Wtf....why? I smell Jew behind this video

who let Shai'tan in here?

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Sweden did it again!


Why they are doing this? Aren't they atheists?

And again!


Like I thought it was going to be friendly banter due to their match in half an hour but Christ it got deep and heavy.

>Sveriges sak er vår sak
Sveriges sak dode da löfven kuppet makten under siste valg. Når de stemmer inn idioter så fortjener de å se utfallet av politikken han forer.

>up and going

>There are closeted nazis in the fucking riksdag now
Doesn't matter, we still need to push, we need to make them see/hate what the government has done to their country, if nothing else it will serve as a deterrent to other states electing pro EU socialists.

When people see my posts they get angry, but they get angry for the right reasons.

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>by "Frauenzentrale Zürich"

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>Why they are doing this? Aren't they atheists?
They do it because socialists love islam.
Socialists are like cringe memes but In real life.

>Sveriges sak dode da löfven kuppet makten under siste valg. Når de stemmer inn idioter så fortjener de å se utfallet av politikken han forer.
>implying Sweden is lost despite it being far from it, its just going really bad.
Defaitist scum, really. Sweden's case is not lost but it will be when more people act like you.
Yeah, right? NMR is much bigger and more active in Sweden than anywhere else in Scandiland, SD is - as already pointed out - closing in on being the biggest Swedish party. I can't wait for the election this year.
>Doesn't matter, we still need to push, we need to make them see/hate what the government has done to their country, if nothing else it will serve as a deterrent to other states electing pro EU socialists. When people see my posts they get angry, but they get angry for the right reasons.
Yeah well that is kind of exactly what I am saying though; Swedes have started to realize that, unlike us, who still are far too busy looking down on Sweden (rightfully so as they are worse off than us as of now, but still dangerously naive - but being naive isn't exactly a new thing to Norwegians). We all need to wake up and we all need to fight. Hating on Sweden like you do is just stupid.

one eye on the bbc, one eye on feminism

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Feminists are so fucking ugly wew

SD polling high.

I thought what a woman does with her body is her own business.

Swedes btfo

Holy shit why is everyone so ugly in that video

Sweden will need to get rid of 1 million mudslimes tho

Oslo is also a lost cause, should be nuked from orbit.

We all have an extreme amount of people to deport. And that we will, desu ;)

>Swedcucks reminding us again who they really are
*sniff* The cuckery *sniiiif* aaahh so refreshing...

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wtf is this shit lmao
Sweden wishes to be like us

I think its the other way around user, they're trying to infect you with their PC

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If you go to the channel page, theres a subtitled version with the coments and like buttons enabled. Have at it boys. version

they feel like shit because deep down they know they fucked up and now they want everyone else to fail
and btw they've got no idea how prostitution in Switzerland works
Since it's legal it's actually controlled and taxed, they're not running around in ghettos on the streets
I don't wanna know where they got those statistics they talk about, probably tumblr.com

Sounds like a project you should make.

Thanks user.



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Why do swedish people pronounce i and e vocals like retards? Just listen to the bitch 0:14-0:15.

this kind o video is common anywhere those are (((paid actors))). i have a hard time believing the average swede is that cucked

That's just stockholmare, and you as a finn shouldn't say that much about other peoples English dialect. No offense.

this whole video misses the point completely and shows that they are either fucking stupid or dont even care about women.

the problem is not prostitution itself but illegal gangs and human traffickers. do these retards really think once they outlaw prostitution all the pimps are gonna stop doing their shady shit because its now illegal? bullshit these gangs are usually involved in several other illegal activities like drugs/weapon smuggling. they are gonna continue their shady shit and the women that the feminists claim to care about will continue to suffer. but hey at least its illegal now so you can pat yourself on the back, claim moral high ground, and pretend to have done something.

by having legal prostitution you can actually make sure that certain standards are held and your workers are not exploited, also tax money.
criminalizing prostitution helps no woman, it only shifts the market into an area where criminals and only criminals have say - and this is where women will inevitably suffer.

i dont know if these people (not the paid actors, but the ones in charge of that) are really that fucking oblivious and stupid. this is nothing but a big virtue signal that will achieve nothing.

This shit gets me every time.

not a single non white in sight. is Jow Forums lying about the state of sweden???

will the swedish ethnoteam be able to defeat swissmutt multicultural team?

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Fuck these retards, I'd rather live in Switzerland than among these dumbasses.

What's wrong with sweden's young males?? They look like they are halfway through HRT.

they are proscribed anti toxic masculinity pills at birth

>be feminist
>push prostitution underground so that it gets much harder for them to do safety checks on clients
>Completely ignore prostitutes complaining about this
>muh trafficking
>acuse the critics off being misogynists and creeps
Fucking genious

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>not a single non white in sight
Did you even watch the full video?