There is only one race : the human race

there is only one race : the human race

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Get right

Attached: lovewomen.jpg (1949x1361, 1003K)

... and then suddenly the black guy becomes BASED

i made the black guy become based

greetings from reddit

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Reading things like this always make me cry.

there is only one race. all non-whites don't count as human

There's only one truth.
All Whites are devil incarnated and spawn of satan.
All whites should be killed and that will be better for this planet.

Based poo, please make whites go extinct again

excuse me?

Based Black Guys were once ruling the earth under Trumpkinjimbajoo
Then the wh*toids started spamming out because of pollution of water and air
Trump will make america black again like it was years ago

I never thought I'd see Kaaris and Seth Gueko here one day

Excuse me:
Based Black Guys were once ruling the earth under Trumpkinjimbajoo

Then the wh*toids started spamming out because of pollution of water and air

Trump will make america black again like it was years ago

I see. What a disappointing shitpost.

fuck off wh*toid

No, its the white race. The rest are deformed mongoloids.

nah I am an Aryan race the superior race. we need to gas all the sub humans. Did you know Zyklon B doesn't kill pure blood Aryans

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Shut up chink insectoid.

The human species with its myriad of races

pauline theology belongs in the trashcan u delusional retard

That's terribly simplistic. The original idea of race which led to eugenics programs was based on racial ethnicity.

human species

can you fertilise my garden?
