Found out i have the herps, well this fucking sucks but maybe i can put it to good use.
Should i fuck as many thots and lefty sluts as possible and get them infected,
Found out i have the herps, well this fucking sucks but maybe i can put it to good use
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not only is your post degenerate, but so is your forced meme. How about instead abstain and repent? If not kill yourself
>that 30 yo boomer who has herpes
>Should i fuck as many thots and lefty sluts as possible and get them infected,
yeah why not
Yes, lets become avatars of pestilence...
How did you get it?
or just go on HPV+ dating sites and find a real diamond in the muff
You'd honestly be surprised how many bitches already have herpes.
But yeah spread the joy bro.
>stumble upon celebrity STD list
>some faggot baseball player gave herpes to like 7 famous actresses
>starting searching stuff about herpes on google
>absolutely 0 negative articles
>even search "herpes is terrible"
>"people with herpes should stay abstinent"
>"herpes is shameful"
>every article exact opposite
I fucking how society.