Assad + ZOG

4d chess?


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Hitler also tried to unite the middle east you racist drumpf nazi

The jews were just calling for his murder a few weeks ago.

Wtf i fully support the moderate rebels now

while israel steals the golan heights from syria

he was installed by mossad

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Syria was an important trading partner with Israel in ancient times.

- Jews were present in Syria as far back as the time of King David, who conquered Damascus and briefly appointed governors over the city
- Spanish Jews poured into the ancient Jewish communities of Syria.
- The Famous Aleppo Codex
- In the 1960s one of the most dapper men about town in Damascus was Kamal Amin Ta’abet, a Syrian who’d lived in Argentina and cultivated connections and friends at the highest levels of Syria’s new Ba’athist Government.
- In reality, Kamal was Eli Cohen, an Israeli spy
- The Ziv Medical Center in Safed has treated over 800 wounded Syrians, making it one of the largest treatment centers for Syrians anywhere.

Syria played role in Gaddafi's downfall
- THE Assad regime in Syria brought about Muammar Gaddafi's death by providing France with the key intelligence which led to the operation that killed him

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Greatest Ally never changes.

4d chess intensifies.

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remember when he was /yourguy/? /POL BTFO


So Israel is now Russia's ally by proxy? Looks like Jews are back on the menu boys.

They didnt sucessfully dismantle his rule by force so they are going to dismantle his rule through subversion, classic jewkikery

Truly the greatest ally of all nations

>discussing article from 'Haaretz'

KYS early.

Why can’t they all be friends :’(

can't be mossaded if you are the mossad


what the fuck

It’s saying Moscow bascially will determine Syria’s foreign policy from now on and because Israel already worked out a deal with the Russians which allows the heebs to target Hezbollah and Iranian troops, the Assad regime isn’t a threat to Israel.

How will we ever recover?

>can't be mossaded if you are the mossad
I wish that were true.

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wtf? I can't trust nothing and nobody anymore because everything changes 360° every couple of weeks

I hope he nukes isreal in my lifetime

this, this, and this

yo, big bro.. if something changes 360 degrees its still facing the exact same way or in short. nothing changes...
...nothing changes
you're smart, can we have east frysia back?

keep dreaming

isn't it obvious?

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Either delusion or trying to mislead people.


Checks out. It's how Israel treats their "allies".

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>i have to be a jew to know syria won't nuke israel