MGTOW Hate Thread

Daily reminder every person promoting MGTOW is: a neckbeard, a closeted fag, and/or has a terrible relationship with their mother.

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Need to add in asian women fetish

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Scared little pussies who can't be pleased by anything for sure can't please a woman
I love women and that's one really cute sample

for the shills

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MGTOW is a zionist psyop to stir hate. Get married with the right woman and have kids.

>t. roastie

yet you promote it for free

I thought everyone forgot about that bullshit.

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Based upon your description, no worthwhile woman would fuck them anyway, so what does hating MGTOW actually accomplish?

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Women still need to be publicly shamed for slutty behavior. The rest corrects itself.

white love conquers all

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Useless to hate them, they weed out their own subhuman genetics, support them.

I'm not a MGTOW but it's interesting how much they are shilled against here.

Much love

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>white love conquers all
and? also checkem


Yes. MGTOW's should be shot in the ditch.

This. Western women are goddesses and we need to worship them. Any MGTOW who decides they are not a good deal to form a partnership with is beta as fuck.
They are strong and independent.

You forgot divorce rape.

>>Non discussion starter




Oh and in case it wasn't clear by my last post,


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>You forgot divorce rape.
Beta faggot who can't handle how strong and independent western women are detected.
You are thinking of divorce and alimony in a completely selfish way. You want to contribute to saving the huwhite race, don't you? If your huwhite (ex)huwife doesn't have huwhite kids with you, there's always a chance she will have them with another huwhite man after she is finished with you.
Therefore, every dollar of alimony you pay is a direct investment into the future of the huwhite race.

Western huwomen are strong and independent, except financially. It's up to us to pay them to ensure they achieve financial independence as huwell.

Good luck white knight and allahu akbar

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Beautiful family with God-Tier hair.

Not just women, people in general are unbearable.
Anybody who isn't a primate should have massive problems with women being what they are.

Exactly, you need to be hi-energy and reddpil your woman with your dik, if you know what I mean. If you fuck her right, she will treat you right (wink). Trust me I know these things.

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>I hate you because you won't get married
Weird. But also hilarious.

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>a closeted fag
They wish. They are actually incels but are too ashamed to label themselves as such.

you can try, you will die

This x 1000.
Somebody has to pay for huwhite women to have huwhite or mixed babies to save the huwhite race.

And here I was thinking that heavy bias in favor of women in the court systems, coupled with unrestricted hypergamy led to divorce rape.
My bad guys.
Need to dick the old wifey harder.
Thanks Jow Forums

>You just gotta time it right.
Puts a smile on ma face every time.

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So, is this thread a roastie safe space? Enjoy ladies...

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How is this bait? He is right.

>If you fail at your gender indentity then you are a failure as a human
The way society has programmed people to enforce each other to stay in a little box is sad. I don't know what's worse, thinking that following what society dictates is the only path to a good life or the fact that when anyone defers from the master plan then they should just go die.

Based Marriage Pusher.

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What's wrong with the flag? He is right; we need to change every kiked law like marriage laws. Avoid whores and never marry even the best women. They have allowed the jews to unleash destruction and decadence on the west

fuck shes so fucking hot holy shit

It’s easy for you. Didn’t your parliament just outlaw alimony?

sry for disappointing you i guess
not all like to engage with women like you do

> goy you have to marry a woman and satisfy her
> goy you have to dedicate your life to a woman

when you divorce and she takes your kids and money for the third time, we MGTOWs will be here waiting for you to lend you a shoulder.

MGTOW is being redpilled about the modern woman, you can still fuck and party, just don't have high expectations about them.

No no you must marry them legally. It’s the Trad Con way.

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You call yourself greek without knowing that our women are the best?

Always amazes me when they push this POC bullshit.

Latinos are habitually the most anti black.

>god tier

Yeah well we are not retarded like the others.

If you're MGTOW, remember this: those divorce rates are based on normies that don't even know what BPD is. If you could control divorce rates for people that know what we do it's probably near on 100% success.
Remember that having a wife and children unlocks your labor potential, being a divorced dad is probably going to mean you're in a better position than if you were a MGTOW neet even if it did happen.


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You are missing out on all the fun.

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For sure.

Why is it OK to be a gay man who avoids relationships with women, but not a straight man who does the same?

How you got alimony abolished is beyond me. That shit would never fly stateside.

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hint: divorce rates are not the reason why i dont engage with women

That’s right. You just have to be more alpha bro.

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I guess you chose your national hero (the impotent shooter) because he represents the italian cuckness.

Hate on us all you want but you'll never land with any girl above a 4/10 unless you're a beta provider.

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Because according to leftards in other countries we are a backwards country.

>ur cuck ecks dee
And I bet you are a germancuck.

Surprising how dumb a lot of you men sound. "Can't handle a woman"? Acting like you can alpha the court system. If you are the bread winner and married. You will get ass raped by the court system if things happen to not workout. End of story

sure thing, kike. How's your divorce firm?

they are not divorcing alpha's there little s o y b o y

cuck defeatist mindset, nice

Got damn she is fine

Bait 2/10

I didn't go Mgtow, i just went to Asian females.

>Asian women love white men almost as much as white women love white men

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> Can’t out-alpha the court system.

Very true.

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1 post by this faggot

> they are not divorcing alpha's there little s o y b o y

Correct. They are divorcing normal law abiding guys.

Which one are you?

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Nobody cares about mgtow stop talking about it and it will die.

If MGTOWs are what you say they are, there would be no reason to hate them.
They aren’t harming you
According to you, you have made a superior choice.

Yet I see these threads screeching at Migs every single day.
Don’t you have 8 kids and a faithful wife to take care of?

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Absolutely delusional cousin. All women are whores unless reigned in from birth

>Which one are you?
Not the beta cuck, thats who.
men dont cry and whine for better treatment or rights, we fucking take them
stop crying like a women

sry that we all cant be tough alpha guys like you mr badass

Correct. Muh based tradcucks have no answer to this

Only Gay men are "MGTOW" i.e. MEN (GAY MEN) going their own way.

The average guy who claims to be MGTOW is just pissed he isn't banging blonde bimbos.

>Divorcees dont exist

Lol no, just take a glance at your birthrates.

>being sad that you arent copulating like an animal extramaritally with worthless sluts
oh the sadness


you seem so angry
have a pizza

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wait... what?


Men don't decide to "go their own way", that's a decision women make for them when they reject them. Personally I'm extremely hideous and a 30 year old virgin. I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that I will never have sex and I will die alone but it's very difficult. Id love to get married but it's not possible for me.

Said the raped surrender moneky.

There are no Alphas in a gynocentric, feminized society. But keep bullshitting yourselves. The MGTOW will be on the sidelines laughing at you after your sweety rips your wallet out your asshole in feminized divorce court. Ha aha!

Flag checks out

>Remember that having a wife and children unlocks your labor potential
I never understood this argument. Being single allows a man to work as much (or as little) as he wants and can switch jobs/move without worrying about how it will affect others. This is especially true if you work odd hours and are away from home (fly in/fly out) for long periods of time. A lot of men get divorced because their wives resent the fact they work so much and are away from home (to provide for them).

And the claim that Asian women are somehow better is a myth. Asian women are among the most materialistic, self-centered, proto-narcissistic females on the face of the earth.

gang leaders are alpha sort of. they can still get emasculated by cops I guess

Threadly reminder that all anti-MGTOW posters can't refute the main argument of MGTOW which is the need to reform fucked divorce laws. All they can do is dodge the question, change the subject or resort to mocking.

Stop seeking validation from females. Focus on health and wealth. And if you want get fucked, just take a vacation to Thailand or the Philippines. But it's not all it's cracked up to be. Women are a fuckin' pain in the ass.