Lopez Obrador

Mexibros in here
Give me a quick rundown on this guy
Is he going to be the savior of Mexico or is he yet another career politician with nothing but false promises and will be powerless in stopping the cartels and reducing crime rate?

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paid by cartel.
nothing new.

He's funny as hell.
Says Mexico is a filthy shit hole, and people should get the fuck out and flee to the US for gibs.
Literally Mexican government invasion of the US - a declaration of war.
I approved the US using napalm on the invader.


He is gonna be even worse, he is a commie

Pretty much this.
Mexico needs a real revolution
The people are lazy, their culture is dying, the Mexican spirit is being torn apart. They need a war.

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Based leafbro

it's a jewish takeover of the deep state, aka narco state, in meh-hee-koe. other than that, he has no policies or platform, only platitudes which worked on the voting aztec poor. his old party, morena, is now headed by a jewess whose family immigrated from poland, and the largest city in meh-hee-koe is now mayored by a jewess whose family immigrated from lithuania and bulgaria, and who got her phd in california.

if amlo were serious about ending corruption then he'd already have been a statistic, given that 130+ candidates and urinalists were killed in this election cycle and that whole police forces have been arrested for political assassination. oh, but THIS guy is the "real deal!" riiiiiiiiiiiigggghht.

think about this: amlo's mommy's mom was an exile from spain in the 30's, which means she was a "republican" in the war, aka a member of the anarcho-commie faction, and possibly a jewess herself, and certainly a member of the upper classes, as france took the largest number of exiles and took most of the working class and rural poor.

amlo got his political start with the pri, but split off when the prd did, back in '88. prd was the commie bloc party, essentially. some of the founders of prd include porfirio ledo, who studied in paris, and ifigenia martínez, who studied at harvard. it's amazing how many commies have higher degrees from 1st-world universities.

anyways, so much for the "people's party" lel.

Damn. Any hope at all for a Duterte style leader allowing vigilante justice to take on the cartels?



>The problem with all these conservative analyses is that they ascribe far more agency and ability to Mexico’s president and central government than is warranted. The Mexican state as it exists is almost entirely incapable of the sort of strategic vision and planning that Obrador’s detractors in the American press ascribe to it. Conservatives with hawkish views on immigration especially write about Mexico as if it’s a healthy, functioning country with control over its own borders, north and south, not a place where civil society is in a state of collapse.

>Hanson nods toward this reality, noting that “drug cartels all but run the country on the basis of their enormous profits from unfettered dope-running and human-trafficking into the United States.” Yet the thrust of his argument is that Obrador represents a serious threat—as if the Mexican state is in control of the country in a meaningful way.

B>y all accounts, it is not. Last week, the Associated Press reported on the rise of “mass crimes” throughout Mexico, in which “whole neighborhoods [defy] police and military personnel,” stealing freight trains full of merchandise or illegally tapping fuel pipelines. Much of the crime is reportedly driven by widespread despair and disgust for the government among common people, which powerful criminal syndicates are exploiting:

iow it's a turd-world shithole.

>In the state of Guanajuato, an agricultural and manufacturing hub northwest of Mexico City that had one of the lowest murder rates in 2010, there were more than 2,000 execution-style killings last year and more than 1,000 in the first four months of this year. In 2007, there were only 51.

guanajuato used to be one of the prime spots for gringolandia retiree settlements. i doubt it's that anymore.

Not unless the people rise up now


He represents all what's wrong in Mexico
>He wants to abolish private property
>He wants to build state-run energy companies
>He wants to establish a universal minimum income
Honestly, probably his intentions are good but what he wants to do, specially in mexico, needs a miracle. People here are lazy and can't be bothered to learn a decent occupation, people are like fucking animals, can't even hold in line to board a fucking bus, let alone be trusted to make a choice of leader, that's why he won, people act like he will magically make people well behaved, responsible and intelligent, just because he says so. People think money grows in trees and that the government can just print more money to give out for free. It's fucking sad, honestly

kek, anyone who runs mainly on “I will help the poor” are usually super corrupt or incompetent when that’s their primary platform

Well it fucking sucks. There seems to be nobody who truly has the balls to run against the narco state establishment and promote a vigilante uprising like we saw back in 2012 with the Autodefensas.
Really sad to see this country declining further with little international outrage
We’ve seen how efficient vigilante justice and intensive police enforcement has been at combating crime. Sad no leader would do the same in mehico

Mexico seriously needs a few years of a strongman leader before anyone should even bother with these things you mentioned
The Mexicans must be disciplined, otherwise they will remain a capital of crime and bad behavior

The leaf is right. beaners fix your shit and get all your cousins out of my country.


career politician who lost two before (2006 & 2012)

created a new party but all the corrupts from from his older party joined so he essentailly rebranded the party with a new name

he promise a lot of thing but doesnt say anything concrete

we're fucked

RIP mexico
you have my sincere pity

lmao people here also think that the price of the US dollar and crude oil is fixed and controlled at will by whoever is in office
>Eastern countries start buying US dollars due to migration issues
>US asks saudi arabia to increase crude oil production
>US dollar increases its value
Meanwhile in mexico
and they proceed to continue eating patitas de puerco con caguama with their 5 jobless children

Mexico is a fucking joke

based on the the number of executions PRIOR to the election, there were at least 130 people who had the balls to run against the narco-state.

there was but stupid people voted the commie instead the duterte, obrador is good boi but very stupdy choosing allies and unironically filled his party with literally criminals

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>inb4 an ex-footbal player and literally la creatura
People unironically voted for this

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meh too lazy to start a war

Why are people voting for him tho? Offered gibs or what?

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>obrador is good boi
Read above. His mother was a literal jew commie forced to flee Spain in the 30s and seek exile. How can he be a good boy if all he is interested in is making sure the narcoshekels continue to flow and the human sacrifices (the 50,000 murders per year) continue to rise.

>72 people killed in a massacre in a small town of 30,000 in 2010
>193 killed the following year in the same town in another massacre in which a kidnapped bus driver was forced to run over tied up hostages

The time is nigh for the world to recognise that Mexico is a failed state and move in to depose its government and police. Someone post the Mexicunt ripping out a heart of a live hostage.

we memezuela 2.0


we become a shithole after the revolution and you want another?

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No real alternative. Mexico is like every other country these days: the parties in power have lost all credibility.

>130 candidates killed
Holy fucking shit

He is an anti-globalist and nationalist politician but he is not against private property you mongrel.

Mexico needs a fucking nationwide martial law/autodefensas co-op
Innocent blood will spill but so does it now with no but with no retaliation

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>He is an anti-globalist and nationalist politician but he is not against private property you mongrel.
Then how do you explain this ?

do you think expropriation is not mutually exclusive with the private property?

Obrador's mommy was a commie in the Spanish Civil War? Franco should have killed them all when he had the opportunity.

He has a real chance at making a change, his proposed cabinet looks pretty decent and he shouldn't have problems at passing legislation. The fact that was allowed to win means there have been agreements between the party and the pivate sector, and the US government as well. I think he will be pretty mild at the beggining, in his first speech he said there will be no taking of private property, my guess is he is going to lean more on his promises of gibs to the youth and the old.

>his proposed cabinet looks pretty decent
Are you fucking retarded?

If anything, he's stupid, delusional and unprepared, he represents the majority of mexico pretty well

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This guy knows where it's at. Mexico needs another Porfirio, but narcos would never let that happen.

Don't even try arguing with retarded fresa jews from Polanski.

La creatura and Blanco aren't members of his cabinet.
>He's unprepared
You should take a look at his proposed cabinet, multiple PhD's and people with long trayectories in public service.

WTF who’s jewing me now

The average Mexican Intellectual Jews themself. The Jews literally don't have to do a damn thing.

You know who else got paid by the cartels? ATF and DEA.


He is the trump of mexico, as he will make mexico his priority.

Dr. Mireles (vigilante fighter against narco) is friend of Obrador

>Muh Bronco
He's just a clown dude.

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Bois my car is trying to tell me something

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