still fuck college

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It's all Jews anyway.

This might not be good, a heap more Asians will get into places like Harvard and then nobody else will want to go there

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better than niggers flooding that place

>better than niggers flooding that place
they are the same if you ask me. Most of these chinks come from china anyway

If the right stop going to college then the left will end up making all the laws and run everything.

Opting out isn't really an option.


this is a not so subtle move towards regaining colleges back
it will make the left rage all week long

i'm asian and i kind of agree. rather not a bunch of chinks and gooks running shit. but then again it may be nigs and latinXes running it soon. so take your pick

I pick RWDS

>This might not be good, a heap more Asians will get into places like Harvard and then nobody else will want to go there
I'd rather our universities be filled with insects that study and mind their own business.
If we stop accepting low tier diversity admissions, the bullshit social studies programs will start to dry up because less people will enroll in those programs.

Why do you want more whites to get indebted ti the usurer Jews with student loans?

This means nothing.
The colleges are infested now, so unless Trump somehow fires all the SJW admissions officers, they'll stick to the older guidelines and call it an "internal progressive policy".

They'll let in more rich people, but if you think they'll go for merit-based admissions, you are naive.

that can be literally solved overnight if trump repeals johnson's higher education act.

all the deans of diversity positions need to be expunged from universities too
defund gender studies departments too

The trick is to fix up Congress so we can have another investigation into the anti-American activities of the tax-free foundations, following up on Cox and Reece. Then we can start revoking tax-free status, route out the communists, pogrom out the kikes, etc.

Wishful thinking. There's a reason student debt cannot be forgiven user.

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Better than Jews? The only real downside I see is that it'll get a lot harder to get laid.

>pogrom out the kikes
Fully behind this

would these (((colleges))) even change though? they'll probably still focus on admitting less whites

the only way to stop the power-grab of colleges, is to simply have an Online Only College backed by the Federal Government, the Feds run National Parks, the Feds run Air Traffic Control, why can't the Feds at this point just operate one college website, with Videos/Lectures of Math, English, Computer Programming, Biology, Accounting, and a handful of other disciplines... with the full weight of the federal Department of Education behind it, the only acceptance you need is a High School Diploma and to be a Citizen

i don't care only ppl who deserve it should be there, tho having a policy on how many international student they take might make sense

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disgusting level of inferiority complex are you a jungle asian?

go away roastie

All this does is make it so they no longer get government aid based on affirmative action alone

how do they justify this? is being a woman considered a disability now?

no, i know how asians are, they are a bit annoying.

this is the worst idea ever

i'm not saying he will, i'm saying that's all it would take
three presidents have fucked the US the hardest in the history of the country, obama may be fourth. if you want to really make america great again you have to undo all the damage these assholes created

1. wilson (WW1, the fed)
2. roosevelt. ("safety net", welfare state, WW2)
3.johnson (more welfare for nogs, higher ed act)
4.o'nigger (needs no explanation)

If we're honest here than anything not based purely on educational and academic achievements is unfair and should be illegal.

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Presidents can't just repeal acts of congress pell nell, you know.

Anyone not in favor of eliminating all the various forms of affirmative action does not even belong on a politically incorrect board. Opposing this bullshit is prerequisite.

Woman have more, and more diverse thoughts to process, so they end up taking longer to complete male centric activities like tests which encourage thinking about a very limited subject. If tests wernt marked purely on whether the answer is technically correct or wrong woman wouldn't need more time.

he would never do that, even if he had a republican majority in congress

and that's why the US will remain fucked till we collapse and are forced to hard reset this shit

Wilson and FDR hate are lolberg memes. Wilson had a bunch of subversive Jews prosecuted and FDR barred Jew refugees during WWII and actually started the INS which is now ICE. Also the New Deal was to prevent a revolution from gaining ground and largely excluded niggers from benefitting and Wilson segregated the civil service. The stuff about the Fed is a red herring to distract from private sector usury as it wasn't until at least Nixon that kikes gained their foothold there.

>Wilson had a bunch of subversive Jews prosecuted
And yet he placed one on the supreme court. The first Jewish justice and now look at the court.

And that's a good thing.

Harvard and the entire Ivy League are private universities. I don't think that any changes in policies would impact them, regardless.

That guy was a zionist who wanted the kikes in Israel and out of America but wouldn't approve of the modern criminal state of Israel.

>He later published a book entitled Other People's Money And How the Bankers Use It, suggesting ways of curbing the power of large banks and money trusts. He fought against powerful corporations, monopolies, public corruption, and mass consumerism, all of which he felt were detrimental to American values and culture.
Was a good Juden.

>i'm asian and i kind of agree. rather not a bunch of chinks and gooks running shit. but then again it may be nigs and latinXes running it soon. so take your pick
You know Asians are discriminated against in this context right?

>better than niggers flooding that place

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nah you're wrong
read nisbet's critique of roosevelt

Rosenfeld was literally a Jew

jews tend to have higher iq's, more money, better connections
what a surprise that they get admitted to elite colleges more often

sorry, meant critique of wilson.

Nice infographic.

>Robert Alexander Nisbet (September 30, 1913 – September 9, 1996) was an American sociologist, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, Vice-Chancellor at the University of California, Riverside, and an Albert Schweitzer Professor at Columbia University.
lmfao he was a Berkley cuckservative. Just goes to show what I said out the hate being a lolturd meme.

Yeah but there’s a difference between regurgitating information and genuine academic enquiry, it can be hard to pick which student might have the next groundbreaking theory based on grades alone
Didn’t think of that, not used to the idea of private universities

Chinks already took over UC, people still want to go there.


yea i know. asians have done so well that the narrative has become "asians are only doing well in academia because white supremacy let them" and now are actively discriminated against in most ivy league and other top rated unis

great ad hominem buddy
not an argument

They're private but they receive a lot of federal funding.

t. UC Berkeley student

Not exactly how it works. Lefties use college to study a bunch of bullshit. Jews and anyone with a brain either study STEM or law. Landwhale feminists studying negro dance and theater won't be making any changes.

you really are fucking retarded if you think that nisbet is what you'd call a "cuckservative" today
it just goes to show that you may be one of those "muh white babis" neo nazi turds

not only are you ignorant, but you refuse to learn when given the opportunity.

go back to stormfront and don't come back

They only have more money and connections, not necessarily higher IQ by default, though most of the college faculty, the deans and the staff in general are Jews, and this leads to an overrepresentation in admissions because Jews accept other Jews over anyone else.

They're a tribe and the admission numbers reflect that very well. All of your other bullshit can't even be statistically proven. What we can and have proven is that Jews have flooded the university system because of nepotism and favoritism.

You obviously haven't spent much time in academia. Jews infest all fields as part of their de facto global conspiracy to use nepotism to spread Babylonian Talmudism through all aspects of life.

same difference user

yeah i know
at the end of the day colleges shouldn't give a shit about a person's ethnicity
that box in the application sheet needs to disappear. hope that trump manages to do that

reminder that azn only have more geniuses because they have more people overall and they afford our prestigious colleges because our politicians helped them fuck over america for two generations. whites have a higher percentage of our race in the top percentile of all race IQ's, so we are more likely to have geniuses.
also, azns dont factor in retards, while we do, and we factor in amerimutts too which skews the curve leftward.

nor should it be. fuck em.

and just to solidify my point, guess who were the cannon fodder that wilson loved to use during WWI and that Nisbet harshly criticized?

white rural kids from the us farmlands and the midwest

in nisbet critiques he spends a good deal of time showing how wilson's presidency spent a lot of time creating propaganda strictly directed towards young white farm-boys/rural kids to attract them to the military so they would go and die in the war
tell me how many berkeley sociologists would critique this nowadays?

and that's why instead of blabbering stormfront bs you should pick up a book and learn something from once in your life.

And that isn't several times better niggers and spics who DIDN'T even get the same qualifications how?

Current State of College:

>Rich CCCP FOB chinks don't even speak english and hire people to do homework and tests

>Nigs and Latinx get free admission despite being quasi-illiterate. See below video.

>Whites and americhinks get discriminated against and have to overperform to gain entry to programs/schools.

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God please Trump, my dick can only get so hard

Joe Rogaine was just taking about Harvard discriminating against Asians. I wish he cared 1/2 as much about whites as he did Asians and Jews.

isn't he a jew himself?