I hope this thread doesnt turn into a Jow Forums shit-flinging fest and crying mess immediately and gets moved in Jow Forums but, who the fuck doesnt think that representation matters?

There are literally maybe 5(?) at best, countries with 90% homogenous population and most of them are easter-european shitholes that have accomplished nothing in thousands of years.

When you talk about fucking HOLYWOOD, the largest, most dominant, most influential entertaining industry on the planet, based in AMERICA, what do you expect?

America is a multicultural society, literally always have the movies coming out from one of their largest industries are becoming more multicultural, just like the country is..

So what the fuck are people complaining about? What is your problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>There are literally maybe 5(?) at best, countries with 90% homogenous population
OP confirmed to be an actual retard.

The problem most people on here have with this is that it's way too forced in most movies which ruins said immersion of movie.

It's distracting when there are women and blacks in time periods where they should not be.

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>representation matters because I can't empathize with fucking white males
>what do you mean you can't empathize with representation, you fucking bigot!!

name more than 5
hell, name even 5

>Representation matters
No it doesn't.

People aren't mad about for example blacks in movies, they're mad about /shoehorned/ blacks in movies who were typecast because of their race to appeal to an artificial standard for diversity.

>There are literally maybe 5(?) at best, countries with 90% homogenous population
Op is a fucking idiot

This. Proportional representation matters. Thus, any movie that features a disproportionate amount of blacks, Jews, etc. needs to be boycotted.

>changing your request by 1
>prefacing it with "hell" as if it's some monumental change

except it literally doesn't matter. most people on /v/ like hurling 'niggers' but San Andreas is their favorite GTA

this desu

Representation does matter.

I, for one, would love to see more women and minorities create their own studios and fund their own movies.

That's what you meant, right? You didn't mean those white males keep footing the bill for the diversity.

central african republic
condo dr
congo brazzaville
sierra leone

You are right though none of them accomplished shit

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Draw a map on the planet and draw s rong around all the brown people
Yep, ALL those peoplr have been incaapable of producing 1 (ONE) film. Oh whats that, all the grest movies are made by white people? Oh ok, lets rig the game so that white people cant get jobs and brown people star in their roles!!

'White' 'men' on here don't like seeing women/gays/blacks in movies

They will justify it a hundred different ways but that's all it is.

South Korea
North Korea

Protip: I don't even know geography that well

>representation doesn’t matter
>there are too many women an minorities in film
pick one Jow Forums

I love how Jews are white people when it's convenient for your narrative



>I hope this thread doesnt turn into a Jow Forums shit-flinging fest and crying mess immediately and gets moved in Jow Forums
I don't believe you.

If the media is going to pretend it's a charity then the producers should not receive any profits and the actors, animators, set designers, etc should all do it for free.

Demanding that Hollywood producers/executives/etc include some mandatory minimum % of people that are not white is racist af OP


>still no anwer
sorry for not clarifying I forgot Im dealing with actual retards in here...countries which produce actual cinema
>inb4 those "lol se EPIK" nigerian youtube movies

Quality matters more. The character in your image was from a garbage movie. When they're not terrible they're usually just changing the skin color of another character. It's lazy representation.

>white Europeans are more beautiful than any other races
>we somehow need ugly nonwhites to make nonwhites want to go see movie
>this model will somehow come out ahead than white beauty just attracting everyone universally like it did for decades
There's no rule saying they can't go on making their own spike lee joints or shit like Barbershop.

Every country in western europe until like 25 years ago


>niggers and mutts are ugly and disgusting to look at
>jews only cast ugly niggers for their movies
>movies are written by niggers and the storys are dumbing down more and more

>discussion about movies
>moved to Jow Forums because OP got wrecked


well, those niggers were believable. Media now would have you believe southside chicago is brimming with neurosurgeons and physicists

The op that made this is borderline illiterate.

>discussion about trash
>gets moved to trash board

literally btfo get out of here niggers

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Is this supposed to be an insult? why should Whites (or other races for that matter) shill to see more people of different races in their movies? why would White people go out of their way to represent "you" instead of themselves?

Yeah, I don't. And?

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niggers: overrepresented, underachieving.

Ok but humans can emphasize with a variety of races but are more at ease around people who look similar? My black buddy was a fan of Danny Phantom, but Static Shock was his boy. I liked Static, but Danny was my boy. Neither lf us was completely incapable of watching or enjoying a character of a different race, it was just nice to have a characters that were our respective races. I’m not advocating for the the removal of steaight whitebmales from media, I just don’t see the problem with a movie like black panther existing.

Representation is marked driven you tool. If I make a toy and not enough people buy it, is it a good business decision to make more? No it would not be.

*Market driven.
>Fucking autocorrect.

>I hope this thread doesnt turn into a Jow Forums shit-flinging fest
Well hello there faggot. USA is "multiracial" since the 1965 immigration act, prior to that only white men of good character were welcome. Prior to 1965 USA was around 90% white. The diversity is artificial and enforced. The Hollywood kikes are working on propoganda trying to brainwash people into accepting an brown shit country. Blacks are around 16% of population yet they're everywhere on TV. This is conditioning whites to accept their future minority status.

>There are literally maybe 5(?) at best, countries with 90% homogenous population

Actually, the majority of countries in the world fit that description. It's basically the way a country is formed.

I know this is a hard concept for you leftards, but try.

> homogenous countries

The majority of successful countries have been homogenous societies until very recently.

USA used to be 80% white until the 70s or so.

Why does a white country have to cater to recent non european whites ?

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They're 13% of the population, but they should be 80% of the Media characters? How are you this stupid Meme Fag?

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It's like redhead genocide in Hollywood, FML

Could be worse.

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Their agenda is so obvious, only the most indoctrinated of retards, doesn't notice.

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I'm actually fine with having diverse characters, but they have to be well done. Most of my problem with diverse characters is they are just shoehorned in without any thought put behind them. No character development. It's part of why female ghostbusters flopped. No character development. Just 'We are WAHMEN and we are stronk and sheit just because we are."

If they wanted to do the movie properly they could have had a new, massive ghost infestation and the girls start off terrified of it, then are like "Hey, wasn't there some group like, 30 years ago that handled things like this?" and then they look up the ghost busters and they are in an old age home. One of them isn't even alive anymore. And then the old ghoist busters pass the torch to the new ones and teach them shit, making it a heartfelt generational story and a true sequel.

>be Prague
>capital of the Czech Republic
>used to be part of Habsburg Empire
>used to be part of Holy Roman Empire
>95 percent white, rest of the country 98 percent white (the rest are gypsies)
>probably the most retained old town of the entire Europe
>some nigger on pol says this stupid shit

Whay do?




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The casting is dictated by the market and the market is dictated by the people. There’s no reason to force representation quotas when the people have already decided the casting by buying to movies that only feature people they feel represent them. The majority of people like white characters even in Mexico (the brownest Hispanic country) the majority of tv and movie actors are white. If they were gross overweight and brown like the people watching the show no one would watch the show. Basically this is a fake problem because capitalism is already taking care of it.

Keep it up tho you’ll continue to get box office bombs: Star Wars, ghostbusters (female), etc etc etc

Their agenda is trumping their greed at this point, which says a lot.

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I agree with your picture. But im not gonna lie, ever since i remember the biggest villains in the history of movies were always some old or middle aged white dudes

I've seen some arguments about this on here before. I think as humans evolve over the next few thousand years most people in the first world will start getting whiter because we spend so much time indoors and when we are outside we cover ourselves with clothing and sunscreen. There is no reason for human skin to be as dark as coal if they live in Toronto or whatever. In fact very dark skin is actually an evolutionary disadvantage in Northern climates.


Yes, but at that time the heroes were also White. Everyone was White, the Nation was White.

That's not the case now.

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We’ve never been multicultural. Multi-ethnic, yes. But niggers are not people and they don’t have culture. They hadn’t even invented boats until a thousand years ago.

> literally always have been
> muh statue of liberty
multiculti was pushed only recently in order to merge the country into a unified economy


Most of these are right, but China consists of Han, Manchu, Uighyrs (wiggers, however you want to spell it) and Tibetans. It's been a source of a lot of strife over the course of its entire history.

it's true. the economist ran the numbers after the first round of #oscarssowhite bs and found that blacks were slightly over-represented in nominations compared to their percentage of the population

I think it's a hell of a lot more than "slightly."

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>doesnt want shitflinging
>posts 2 turds

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The entire continent of Africa save 3 or 4 countries
The entire continent of Asia
the entire continent of South america

>multicultural society

You mean culture of McDonald, culture of perfect goym?

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If you don't like watching white actors in white countries, don't fucking go to them. Do you go on holiday and demand everyone speaks English and that movies and theatre out there is perfomed in English? Why not, by this bullshit argument? Every Chinese film should have three white actors in it. Who Killed Captain Alex is utterly racist as shit for only staring Africans.

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You kikes lost already, goym is not taking it anymore and this is just beginning. U.S of Murican is white man's land and that is going to be really clear soon.

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one of the deepest redpills in tldr;

The World is controlled from the ages of Rome, by The Papacy and the Zionist order. They are hiding the truth, knowledge of life & science from previous golden ages, that what was preserved in Land of Khem, Egypt. After Rome, hidden by royalities. They are the deceivers that created religions and veiled humanity into darkness. We are again rising in the ages with awareness. It is time to awake and realize what we really are.

>We are eternal spirits bound to our bodies
>(((they))) keep us in the dark by hiding truth, by this system, by sins, lies and science.
>Italian families like Aldobrandini,Breakspear & vatican & jesuits
>they claimed people of the earth to their imaginary kingdom through three trust (three crown); 1455, romanus pontifex, 1481, aeterni regis, 1531, convocation.
>Through these three trust, cestui que vie is name of our enslavement. Wich is also 6,6,6 (symbol of material bound) when translated in latin.
>Level of awareness in humanity goes trough cycles and we have much less time to go through this cycle and it's ages than normally, that is why development has been so fast, that is why people are awakening to truth right now, we entered new age that is kicking in

Realize what you are, key to it is within. Body is just material plane that you borrow from earth. Through sins you bound thyself more into it, broke your boundaries. You are piece of life, piece of god that wan't experience bigger part of it. Through material ways it find not that expression.

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Wake up. GOD is figurative word. GOD is energy, source, consciousness that includes everything and beyond. You are also part of it. All the religions are teaching about this truth, hidden within words to those who are ready to see. Are you ready?


With these you can enter the rabbit hole. This is most important redpill. Redpill of life.

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There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself trough materialistic ways, sexual ways, trough drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy trough own creation that people calls as life.

We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.

We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.

We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself trough sexual ways, materialistic ways, trough parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Trough that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Trough physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else it is manifest of it.

I think that what ((they)) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.

Hey, it's eSwatini now, not swaziland

Jow Forums is just really bad place for (((their))) ego when goyms like us knows "secrets" and some of us even uses it without fancy rituals and adrenocome from raped childs veins. (((you))) lost already, density is rising and (((you))) have to face your creation in front of god.

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The US was a 90% white country for most of its history. It is a less pleasant country now that the Jews got their way and swamped us with minorities. They use Hollywood to normalize ruining the safety and social cohesion we once felt.

the economist thought that the real irony was that hispanic actors absolutely get the shaft numbers-wise despite their vastly outnumbering black in the general population

i think it's funny that liberals get a hard-on for representation but don't think far enough ahead to realize that the endgame requires both legally defined racial categories and a strict segregational quota system

>I hope this thread doesnt turn into a Jow Forums shit-flinging fest and crying mess immediately and gets moved in Jow Forums but,

What the fuck, get out /tv/ fags

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It is strange that (((Hollywood))) doesn't seem to like Mexicans. Not sure what their angle is there.

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Stap it pol ;_;

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Ok, so I win by default since noone challenged me.

>I hope this thread doesnt turn into a Jow Forums shit-flinging fest and crying mess immediately and gets moved in Jow Forums

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i have a private theory that we're seeing the last gasp of blacks as the 'problem minority'. the only reason they're being so pushy is because they know on some level that they've already been outpaced by the hispanic population. their privileged relationship with their white masters has changed, it's no longer massa and his beloved old niggerman having a lovers' quarrel now that paco is here playing for keeps. gets even more complex when you throw asians and upwardly mobile actual africans into the mix

I don't really care about representation as long as the movie is good, but I do care when representation is forced for the sake of diversity in instances where the demographic is not accurate. An example that really irks me is that in ''Troy: Fall of a city'', Achilles is black, though he has obvious Greek heritage (and before someone says something about there being black Greeks, Achilles is described many times as being of ''fair skin'' in The Illiad.) The historical inaccuracy is ridiculous-- what would people say if a white guy was cast as a Zulu, for instance?

Race doesn't exist because whites are the only humans

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Jews seem to have some kind of symbiotic relationship with Blacks. The Rabbi and his magical (weaponized) Golem.
They use them as a kind of biological WMD, a battering ram.
Just like they use Muslims in Europe in the same way.

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they couldn't use blacks against whites in america without our long marriage with each other. had a chance to ship them all back to africa after the civil war, but we didn't. like it or not, we're made for each other. when the race war comes it'll be blacks and whites vs hispanics

A bunch of Marxist sociology bullshit meant to disenfranchise whites because of a bunch of lies some kikes told in order to undermine western civilization
>"what the fuck are you complaining about?"
You are part of the problem

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Jews owned the Slave ships, Jews owned the Slaves. Jews started the NAACP, Black Lives Matters and every other divisive Black group. Jews got Blacks into Sports, then TV and Movies to give them the status they would need to further infiltrate society.

Makes you wonder how long they've been planning this.

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Representation matter. Then fucking represent yourself you disgusting entitled faggot. No one has to represent you for you. You are black and you want to see more blacks represented in movies? Then get your black ass to work and make more black movies, don't fucking sit here like a disgusting fucking child begging white people to represent you, you fucking disgusting faggot.

Pro tip : replace black with any race who whines about "muh representation".

Most Pacific Island countries

No country is 100% homogenous and never will be, but these are close enough

how many radical republicans were jews?


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>who the fuck doesnt think that representation matters?
I don't think it matters. Asians weren't represented very much in media during the 50s,60s,or 70s. In fact many times Asian roles were played by white actors, like John Wayne as Genghis Khan. At yet Asians went on to become more successful than whites, both in terms of average income and educational level attained, and they're arrested and incarcerated less often than whites. A lack of representation didn't seem to hurt them at all.

t. shitskins

I thought Max von Sydow’s character was good or rather neutral at the least.

Nigger and ginger are anagrams.


>My black buddy was a fan of Danny Phantom, but Static Shock was his boy. I liked Static, but Danny was my boy.

>Neither lf us was completely incapable of watching or enjoying a character of a different race

You just admitted that multiculturalism is a scam since no one can truely appreciate the others culture this causing a rift between races because the minority can't assimilate with the majority.

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